Good day/morning/evening/night to you all. This idea popped into my head as I was… go figure… playing Kingdom Hearts, and running around Hollow Bastion. There are no implications whatsoever in it, so calm down please. And try not to read with an overly critical mind. Well... 'tis edited now, so perhaps improvement has been wrought?
"I think that Kairi would be a White Mushroom."
Riku and Kairi each blinked once and turned to look at Sora.
"I mean, if Kairi had to be a heartless, she'd have to be the kind that only helps you, right? Don't you think so, Riku?"
Riku laughed and flicked Sora's nose, while Kairi just looked bewildered. "Honestly, the things you think up sometimes, Sora…"
"I'm serious!" he whined. "And you'd have to be something really big and strong."
"Like the Round Bodies?"
Riku growled and smacked Kairi lightly across the back of the head. "You calling me fat?"
"So what if I am?" Kairi giggled, while Sora looked back up at the purple evening sky.
"I was actually thinking more along the lines of… like… I dunno, maybe an Invisible?"
As Kairi laughed at the mental image, Riku got a contemplative look on his face. "I think you'd be an Angel Star, Sora. Something that still looks pure even if it's really not."
Lost in his own thoughts, Riku didn't notice the way that Kairi immediately stopped laughing, or the way that Sora's cheerful expression turned distant.
Riku was the only one who didn't know that Sora had been a heartless. And there had been nothing special about him, nothing to make the horrible change a bit more bearable. He had been nothing but the lowest of the low, the Shadow.
Sorry to all the feminine haters out there, but I'm not a big fan of Bitch!Kairi, so she WILL seem civilized in most of my fics. Feedback is appreciated but not mandatory.
-The Bad Nut