A/N: Sorry it's been a while and sorry that this is so very short! I just wanted to get something up and I felt like this needed to be done anyway. (It had to happen sometime)

A/N 2: I don't know if I'm really happy with this chapter: the writing/the ending. If you have any advice to make it better, please drop a review!

Disclaimer: I don't own any characters you recognize.

Jenna watched Sep and Wolf Boy quietly through dinner. She didn't know what to think. Why on earth would Sep kiss Wolf Boy? Sure, they'd grown up together, but Jen had grown up with Nik and they didn't act like that. Her head shot up as Sara spoke,

"Jenna, are you alright?" she asked.

"Course," Jenna muttered, "Why wouldn't I be?"

"No reason. You're just quiet tonight."

"I'm just a little tired." Sarah smiled and reached over to pat her cheek,

"Why don't you go on up dear. Get some rest." Jenna nodded and stood.

"Good night!" she called. And she shot one last glance at Sep and Wolf Boy before she left the room. She walked up the stairs and started to get ready for bed. Her brother had kissed Wolf Boy. He had kissed another boy! Why? It wasn't normal and Jenna had never heard of it before. Did other people do that? She heard the scrape of chairs downstairs and climbed into bed, her mind filled with Septimus.

Septimus and Wolf Boy stepped outside while Sarah and Zelda cleaned the dishes. They wandered to the bridge where Sep had first seen his family reflected and gazed down into the water.

"I think Jen knows something," Sep said quietly. 409 cocked his head to the side,

"Why?" he asked. Sep sighed.

"I heard the bushes rustling earlier. Right before we went inside. I'd thought it was the wind or a bird. But then she was shooting us weird looks all through dinner." Wolf Boy wrapped an arm around his waist, pulling him close.

"She said that she was tired. Maybe she doesn't know anything." Sep sighed again,

"Maybe." He gave 409 a smile. "If she does know, we might be able to tell others...if she reacts well." 409 looked him in the eye,

"Are you sure?" He asked. "I know you're worried about telling them. I don't mind if we don't." Sep raised a hand up to Wolf Boy's face.

"And I know that you don't like our love being a secret. And you're right, it's not something we should have to hide."

"But what if your family doesn't accept us?"

"Then I'll have you." Sep told him eyes sparkling.

"412, they're your family." Sep leaned up and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips.

"I love you."

Jenna woke up the next morning while the sun was just rising. She dressed quickly and crept out of the quiet house. She hadn't come to any conclusion the night before and felt just as confused. She walked quietly around the water, kicking a rock in front of her.

"Jenna, dear!" Jenna turned and saw Zelda putting plants into a basket.

"Morning, Aunt Zelda," Jenna called. "What are you doing?"

"These plants have to be picked at sunrise or they'll ruin a potion! Why don't you come sit with me?" Zelda asked, "I could use some company." Jenna walked over and sat on a patch of grass, watching Zelda pluck the purple plants quickly out of the ground. Zelda glanced over at Jenna,

"Is something on your mind? You look…preoccupied." Jenna looked at the ground,

"No…well, maybe." She looked over at Zelda who had raised an eyebrow. "W-what if you knew someone…a boy, and you saw them kiss another guy?"

"Well, I'd hazard a guess to say they liked each other."

"B-but it's not normal! Is it?"

"Jenna, dear, what in life is normal?"

"But is it normal?"

"I think that it's perfectly natural. Besides, does that affect who they are?"

"I-I guess not…because they're still the same person." Zelda smiled,

"Right. Feel better?" Jenna nodded.

"Yes." And she climbed to her feet. Maybe she would go find Sep.

A/N: Once again I apologize for the shortness…hopefully I'll get the next chapter up soon.