Okay, new story. Now that dad's gone for abroad (again), I'm free to use the comp and I (hopefully) could update faster...though, it depends if I'm in the mood to make it. Lots of school work and such. And it's boring...when I get home, I'll try to update okay?That is, if any ideas come ,this just popped out since I really would like to make new stories ,forget my other stories coz i made too many mistakes..Maybe I'll update it after I finish this story...


Chapter 1

One bright, sunny day, A 25 year old woman with brunette hair and brown eyes and with her son, who has silver-greyish hair and emerald green eyes and is 5 years old, are going to have fun in the beach during the weekend. They rode in their pick-up Isuzu car with their things at the back. The little boy played his psp during the ride towards the beach. They woke up early to get to their destination earlier before many people would come, since it is a weekend, many people would be at the beach than in the weekdays.

The brunette, Mikan Sakura, turned on the radio and shifted stations for good music. When she heard a familiar song, she stopped pressing the forward button and continued driving. After 30 minutes of driving, she opened the door of her seat and looked at the beach. They were the first to come and they were lucky enough to get enough space for their things. Then after, she went to her son's door, Youichi, and took off his seatbelt and helped him get down the car. Then after, the two of them carried their things and went towards the public beach resort and settled down their luggage.

The little boy tugged his mother's shirt. "Mom, can I go swim?"He asked.

Mikan smiled "After you change clothes and put on sun block. Oh and after you stretch, alright?" She said. Youichi nodded and went to the hut they rented for overnight and changed to his swimming trunks. After that, he did what his mother told him to do and ran towards the sea. He splashed the water happily and playfully.

Meanwhile, Mikan changed to her two piece swim suit and put on sun block. Then she looked at her sun and told him, "Don't get too far now, okay?"

Youichi stopped splashing then nodded. "Yes!"

Then, Mikan sat under the beach umbrella and relaxed as she read a pocket book. She crossed her legs and sat back.

Then, not that very long, few more people started to come. A raven haired man who seems a bit older than her for a year or two and a little girl who's a bit younger than Youichi. Like Mikan's family, they settled down their things and went inside their rented hut. Then, not long after, they came out with the man in his swimming trunks and the little girl in her bathing suit with her pink beach ball.

The little girl put on sun block on her body and stretched for a bit then rushed towards the sea and played with the small waves. While on the other hand, the raven haired man just sat on a beach bench beside Mikan and relaxed himself as he drank a fruit juice.

Then, he called to his daughter. "Aoi, don't get too far or you'll drown." He said.

The little girl continued playing and answered, "Yes, daddy!"

Mikan stared at the little girl then looked at the man beside her. "I see the resemblance" she smiled. The man looked at her with nonchalant eyes. "Hn..."

"You're not that very sociable are you?" Mikan just said.

"Whatever..." The raven haired man put on his shades and placed his hands behind his head.

"Say, what's your name?" Mikan asked him.

"Why do you wanna know?" The man asked her back.

"Well, it wouldn't hurt to make a new friend during the weekends" She smiled at him.

"...It's Natsume. Natsume Hyuuga" he told her.

Mikan smiled sweetly at him more. "Nice to meet you. I'm Mikan, Mikan Sakura"

Then, Youichi suddenly called Mikan. "Mom, come on! Let's surf!"he said aloud.

Mikan nodded. "Be right there!" she said then she faced Natsume and stood up. "May you excuse me please" she bowed to him then went towards their hut and got her surfing board. She ran towards Youichi then, they both got on the surf board. Not long, a big wave came near towards the surface then Mikan started to stand up slowly and controlled her balance of the surf board as she helped her son stand up behind her.

"Hold on to my waist and don't let go, okay?" she told him.

Youichi nodded in response. Then, the waves crashed down and they both fell on the water as the waves crashed to them. They didn't know that a little girl was watching them from the surface. She envied them, having fun like what every family should do. Natsume noticed that his daughter was looking at Mikan and her son. He knew she wanted to do that as well. So, he stood up from his place and called her.

"Aoi, leave that ball on the table..." he told her. Aoi had a questioning look on her face. "We're going surfing" Natsume said. Aoi's facial expression brightened up. She nodded and followed what her father told her.

Like Mikan and Youichi, they also went surfing. On the surface, Mikan stood her surf board beside her and held her son's hand and watched Natsume and his daughter go surfing. She smiled at them.

"He's very good at surfing" she said to herself.

Youichi suddenly tapped Mikan's arm. "Mom, can we eat ice cones at the bar?" he asked. "I'm hungry" he added.

Mikan nodded. "Sure, let's go" she got her surf board and walked towards the bar.

When they got inside the bar, she sat at the counter with Youichi and ordered two ice cones in a cup. The bartender gave them two strawberry flavoured snow cones and went to clean the tables.

"Please put it on my tab" she said. The bartender nodded and went back to cleaning the tables.

She and Youichi ate their snow cones happily. They even shared snow cones. Then not long, Natsume and Aoi came in.

Mikan looked at them. "Hey, want some snow cones?" she asked.

Aoi looked at her father and tapped his arm. "Dad, I want a snow cone" she said. Natsume looked at her and nodded. Then, he looked back at Mikan. "Yeah..." he told her.

Mikan grinned. "It's my treat." She said. Then, she called the bartender. "Bartender, two more snow cones please"

Then, the bartender gave them two more snow cones. Natsume sat beside Mikan while Aoi sat beside Youichi. The both of them introduced theirselves and talked happily.

While on the side of Natsume and Mikan, the two of them were quiet until one of them spoke.

"So, you know how to surf huh..." Natsume told her.

Mikan nodded. "Yeah. I knew how to surf since I was in 3rd grade." She said.

"Not bad." Natsume smirked.

"Haha, thank you" Mikan smiled.

Then,they continued to talk until it was noon. Many people were at the beach already. And it was pretty noisy. Natsume got annoyed. Mikan looked outside the bar.

"It's getting pretty crowded..." she said.

Natsume groaned in annoyance. "This is why I hate public places...it's noisy"

"Oh..." Mikan just said.

Then, not too long, a group of women entered the bar with their seductive swim suits as they chattered happily. They sat at the unoccupied counter beside Natsume and talked. Until one of them noticed Natsume. They whispered...

"Hey look, isn't that guy HOT?" one of the group of women asked.

One nodded in agreement. "I SOO agree."

"Just look at that 'delicious' body of his, oh..." another said as she sighed looking at Natsume from top to bottom.

Very unfortunate of them, Natsume noticed. "Could you stop staring at me like that? It's inappropriate..." he told them.

"We're very sorry, sweetie but we just can't stop staring at you gorgeous looks" A girl slipped her hand on Natsume's cheek softly. Then, Natsume moved his cheek away from the woman's touch.

"Don't you dare touch me... if you know what's good for you" Natsume stood up from his seat and glared at the group of women.

Mikan looked at him. "Um, Natsume-"

"Come on Sakura, let's go..." Natsume told her. He was surely annoyed with flirty women. And that was another reason why he hates public places.

"Uh, all right."Mikan nodded. She called Youichi, "Com on Youichi, let's go" she said.

Youichi got down from the chair, "Mom, where are we going?" he asked.

Mikan smiled. "We're going surfing again" she said.

Aoi heard this and called her father. "Dad, can we go surfing with them?" she asked.

"Hn..." was just Natsume reply. But Aoi knew it was a 'yes' as his response. Aoi hopped down the chair and held his dad's hand and told him everything what she and Youichi talked about in their friendly conversation.

Meanwhile, the group of women were shocked. Shocked that the man they called 'hot' has a daughter. And they thought he has a 'date' with Mikan. They were left alone with their mouths open.

Back to Mikan and Natsume's position, they got their surf boards and went to the sea. They were waiting for large waves to come. Youichi tapped his mother.

"Mom, can I ride with Aoi's dad?" he asked.

Mikan looked down at him. "You go ask him first. I'll allow you if he allows you" she told Youichi. So, Youichi went towards Natsume and tugged his short. Natsume looked down at him and arched a brow.

"Uncle, can I surf with you?" Youichi asked politely. Aoi looked at her father. She tugged his short. Natsume looked at her.

"Dad, can I surf with Yo-chan's mom?" she asked him.

Natsume looked at Mikan who was smiling at him. "Yes you could if she allows you" he said. Aoi smiled and went to Mikan.

"Auntie, can I surf with you?" Aoi asked her. Mikan blinked once then smiled. She nodded.

"Of course,Aoi" Mikan said happily. Aoi grinned "Thank you!" she said.

Natsume saw his daughter happy. He felt a bit happy just seeing Aoi smile so cheerfully again. Ever since his wife died, Aoi never smiled and felt alone. Natsume wasn't always with her too. He was very busy with his work. But he took a time off for a week to enjoy Aoi's company.

Then, Natsume looked at Youichi. "Alright, you can surf with me..." he told Youichi.

"Alright! Thanks, uncle!" Youichi said cheerfully.

"Natsume, the large waves are coming. Let's go!" Mikan called. She was holding Aoi's hand. Natsume nodded, "Fine, let's go then." He said.

Then, they ran towards the sea and settled their surf boards on the water and both of Natsume and Mikan leaned on the board and made their way towards the open space. When the waves came, they stood up.

In Mikan's position, she bent her knees to maintain the balance of the board. Aoi held on Mikan's leg and tried to stand up. Mikan assisted her.

"Are you having fun, Aoi?" Mikan asked her. Aoi nodded happily.

"Yes, I never had so much fun when daddy's in his office. I'm always alone inside the house" she told Mikan with a hint of sadness.

"Oh? Where's your mom?" Mikan asked her.

"Oh, her. My mommy's dead. She died because of a plane crash..." Aoi's tone of voice got sadder.

Mikan got affected. "Aw, don't worry. I'm sure you're dad's trying his best to spend more time with you" she smiled at Aoi to make her feel better.

Aoi nodded at her. "Dad said he took a week time off because he wants me to be with him" she smiled.

"See, he's a great father" Mikan smiled.

Meanwhile, in Natsume's position, he noticed that Youichi held on his leg and tried to balance his weight on the surf board. So, he tried to help Youichi.

"Oh, thanks uncle" Youichi smiled gently.

"Its fine" he just told the boy.

"I noticed that Aoi's having so much fun. Is she always like that?" Youichi asked Natsume.

Natsume nodded. "Yeah, she USED to be like this."

Youichi looked at him. "Used to be?" he asked.

"Mhm, Aoi's mom and my wife died when Aoi was just 2 years old." Natsume explained. "Ever since, Aoi was always alone inside the house because I'm always at work and I have no time to spend for Aoi. So, I decided to take a time off for a week to spend a whole week with her..." he added.

Youichi felt sad for Aoi and looked at the water. "Oh, poor Aoi..." he just said.

"What about you?" Natsume asked, "Where's your father?"

"Oh, him. My dad died when I was 3. Since then, mommy tried her best to take care of me and spend time with me. She worked for our family and took responsibility as a mom and a dad." Youichi answered. "So, I tried my best not to make mommy have a hard time" he added.

"She's a great mother. She cares for you a lot so don't make any person make her cry. She's a strong woman." Natsume smirked a bit.

"Yes, and I love my mom!" Youichi grinned.

The waves suddenly crashed towards them. They lost their balance and fell into the sea. Natsume's head lifted from the water. He saw his surf board and grabbed it. He saw Youichi beside him so, he carried him and placed him on the surf board.

Natsume glanced everywhere until he saw Mikan and Aoi splashing water with their feet while sitting on the surf board. They giggled while splashed with water on their faces. Aoi noticed Natsume.

"Oh, dad, come over here!" she waved her hand. "Youichi, let's splash water with dad and you mom!" she said.

"Okay!" Youichi said then, he stood up on the surf board and dove into the water. Aoi clapped happily. She was very surprised.

"Wow!! Youichi could do that!?" she asked Mikan while pointing her finger at Youichi.

Mikan smiled and nodded. "Yeap, swimming is one of his talents. To make it shorter, Youichi's talent is sports" she told Aoi.

"Oh~! That's very nice!" Aoi exclaimed excitedly. "I'm only good at arts" she said.

"Well," Mikan started; "I envy you because I don't know how to draw" she smiled.

"I could teach you" Aoi smiled back.

"Really? That's very nice of you"

Natsume swam towards them. "Oi, let's rest for a while." He said. "We don't want to get sunburned now do we?" he told them.

"Oh, right." Mikan nodded.

Youichi suddenly popped between them. "I'm tired. Let's go back to the hut, mom. I wanna take a rest"

Mikan nodded at him. She carried him to her surf board then pushed it towards the beach. Natsume and Aoi followed them.

When they got to the shore, Youichi was getting tipsi. "Mom, I'm so sleepy..." he rubbed his eyes.

Mikan carried Youichi. "Okay, let's go inside the hut" she faced Natsume and Aoi. "Hey, you guys can come over inside our hut. I prepared so many dishes. I and Youichi can't all of it so, you can join us" she smiled.

Natsume nodded at her. Aoi nodded as well then, she faced her father. "Dad can we eat with them now?" she asked.

"No, Aoi. Youichi's going to sleep" Natsume told her.

"No, it's fine. You two can join me" Mikan said.

"If you say so..." Natsume said. Aoi grinned and held Mikan's free hand.

Natsume tapped Mikan. "Let me carry Youichi, I know he's heavy" he smirked.

Mikan blinked twice. She smiled "Thank you, Natsume. You're very kind" she said.

Natsume blushed a bit.' What's this? Why am I blushing?'

'Wait... my heart. It's pumping so fast like, it's excited of something...' he thought.

Then, he got Youichi from her and carried him. Mikan and Aoi held hands as they went towards Mikan's and Youichi's hut. When they entered, Natsume placed Youichi on the bed and placed the blanket on top of him. Mikan prepared the food on the wooden table.

"Here, let's eat"

Mikan, Natsume and Aoi sat down. "Itadakamasu" they all said in unison. Then, Mikan took of the cover of the food. Aoi's eyes sparkled.

"Wow!! They look delicious!" Aoi exclaimed.

Natsume tried one "Not bad," he said. "It is delicious" he said.

"Thanks, you can have as much as you can. So eat up" Mikan grinned.

"Thank you, auntie!" Aoi said cheerfully.

Natsume smirked as he ate another food that Mikan cooked. "Yeah, thanks for the food, Mikan"

To be continued

So, did you like it or not? Well, send me a review. Though, don't flame me! XD I'm not ready for flames yet.
