Sorry about the late update! I thank the reviews and alerts! 3

I don't own anything except my OCs Annie and Alex and the family.

Remember! Reviews are loved!

Chapter 3: The inbetwext of rides chapter

Deidara fixed his hair faster than Mary Poppins can say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. "There un. No need to look freaky."

"But you are already a freak Deidara sempai."

Deidara glared at the other ninja before he leaped for the throat. Tobi screamed and ran around Annie, Deidara at the tail of his cloak. "I'll show you freak un!"

To avoid being in the middle of boom-happy's wrath, Annie stepped away from the two....only to be tackled down. "Where do you think you're going?!" Deidara yelled. "You're not leaving me behind with an immature idiot!"

Annie shook her head and tried to get up. "No! I just didn't want to end up in a this."

Tobi patted Deidara on the head. "It's okay sempai. You make mistakes all the time."

"Tobi.....I'm going to kill you!" Deidara got up and was after the immature ninjas head again, leaving Annie alone....with explosive clay. 'Hmmmm....what to do...'

"Annie! Over here!"

Annie moved her head around like a gazelle hearing a predator's footsteps. She finally spotted her friend Alex. "Alex!"




The two girls ran in slow motion to each other. Finally after three minutes they were within reach and hugged. "Finally got to go somewhere?"

Annie nodded vigorously and gave a mega grin. "Yup!"

" what's that thing in your hand?"

Annie held up the bag full of explosive ready clay. 'Oh this? Just some clay."

Alex grinned. "You wouldn't mind if I.....made something out of this?"

"Eh," Annie said shrugging, "Deidara might. But he's not here right now."

Alex took a couple steps back. "Wait. The crazy artist from Akatsuki?"


"Sweet. So can I make something?"

"....ah why not."

The two girls opened the bag and pulled out a handful of clay. With their magical powers of teenage minds the clay was transformed into.....a penis. "Brouhaha! Careful it might explode!"

The two girls carried the clay penis around, carefully avoiding security of coarse, telling random people that the penis might explode if they came near it. After an hour of this the girls sat down on a bench. "....I have to go to the bathroom."

Alex facepalmed. "Well, then go."

"But...but someone might stalk me."

"Fine, I'll come with you."

The two went on a quest to find a bathroom. After a while of searching, Annie sat on the ground and scowled. "Why is it so hard to find a restroom?"

Alex tapped Annie's shoulder and pointed. There was a huge flashing sign pointing to the bathrooms. ".....oh."

Annie and Alex walked inside and stared at the scene in front of them. Konan and Sir-Leader were around a baby changing station. At first it looked like the two actually had a kid and were taking care of it. " So they actually hooked up?" Alex asked.

The two ninjas immediately looked at the two girls red-faced. "W-what?!" Sir-Leader yelled. "Of coarse not!"

He immediately wished he shut up before the statement. "Oh...I see how it is..."

Konan turned away from Sir-Leader and went to a stall.....quickly followed by Annie who ran to her own. Alex pushed Sir-Leader out of the restroom to allow privacy for the immature teen. Alex looked at the place where the ninjas were and noticed that they were in the middle of a game of Candyland. After business was done, Sir-Leader was allowed back in. "Konan, I didn't mean what I said."

"So you two are a couple."

"No, I mean yes but...just be quiet Annie." Sir-Leader was still figuring out how Annie's mind worked. 'Crazy and smart or crazy and dumb...? Either way, Annie is crazy.'

Konan's sniffling could be heard in her stall. "Sir-Leader-dude-Sir didn't mean it Konan! He really wants to take you out for dinner tonight!"

Sir-Leader glared at the crazy blond and harshly whispered, "There is no such idiotic romance thing planned you numbskull!"

Annie smiled and shrugged. "Well, it's working."

Indeed it was. Konan unlocked the stall and stepped out. Even though her eyes were puffy and red and nose sniffling (Like an allergies attack! lol ), she smiled and hugged Sir-Leader. "Awww..." The two teenage girls sighed, "It's like a love story that was interrupted and finally back on track."

"....yeah, what Alex said."

The girls watched Sir-Leader force an apology out of his man-pride and Konan accepting it. The two ninjas decided it was best to continue where the game stopped. "Was it your turn or mine?"

"I think it was- clay penis?" Konan looked at the penis that was dropped onto the game board. Sir-Leader looked behind and noticed that Annie and her friend was still there. "Don't you have Deidara to bother or a plan to piss Kisame off? ...and what is this?"

He pointed to the penis. "It's a penis Sir-Leader-dude-Sir."

"I've noticed. But what is it made out of?"

"......explosive clay." Annie gave a huge grin. "Careful, the penis might explode from excitement."

Sir-Leader facepalmed and shook his head. Konan noticed her partner's anger rising and tried to calm the situation. "Girls, I don't think Deidara will be happy if he finds out you were in his stuff. Why don't you go put it back?"


Annie picked up the clay penis and the two girls walked out of the bathroom. The ninjas watched them dissapear and then continued with the game of Candyland. "I think we should start over."

"It doesn't matter. We're going to fight over who goes first."

"And you know I'm going to go first after said argument."

"Fiiiiine. You go first Konan."


After the girls left the bathroom, they decided it was best for them to put the penis back in the clay bag. They traveled far and long, past the large groups of tourists, water rides, and animals of dooooooom till the ride Medusa was in sight. Deidara's bag was still on the bench where it was irresponsibly left. Instead of destroying their 'art', the girls decided to lightly and carefully place the clay penis inside the bag. "Should we give it a name?"

Alex looked at Annie and grinned. "Sure! How about Richard?"

"A most magical fitting name that is Alex. Most magical."

When the girls closed the bag, Tobi's voice could be heard around the corner. "Tobi is sorry Sempai! Tobi didn't know Deidara couldn't swim!"

"Shut up un!"

The comical pair rounded the corner and noticed that Annie had an addition to her presence. "Who is that yeah?"

"It's my friend Alex. Alex, this is Deidara. And it's rude to point Deidara."

"Hmph. You didn't get into my stuff did you?"

"No...why would we?"

"Because you're you." He then noticed the girls' hands. "You did too un! There's clay on your hands!"

"Ooooohh...that stuff. We might have played with a little bit."

"That clay is not a toy un! It can kill you!"

"...we know that."

Deidara gave up arguing. "Did you put the clay back hmm?"

"Yes, Richard is all nice, snug and safe."

Deidara and Tobi looked at each other and then back to the girls. "....Richard un?"

"Yup! Richard."

Deidara gave Tobi the bag of clay. "I'm too scared to look un. You look."

Tobi unzipped the bag and peeked inside. "Oh! Richard is very lovely!"

"He is, isn't he?" Alex said with a grin.

"Let me see that!" Deidara grabbed the bag and reached inside. His face went from angry to shocked and then pale in two whole seconds.


Sir-Leader reached for the cards and picked one up. He frowned and moved his red gingerbread kid back to the gumdrop tree. "YOU MADE A PENIS OUT OF MY CLAY?!"

"Looks like by the end of the day Hidan is going to have to find Kakuzu some new hearts."

Konan raised and eyebrow and picked a card up. Smiling, she moved her blue gingerbread kid to Candyland castle. " I win. Again."

Sir-Leader glared, picked up the cards and ,with his ninja skillz, shuffled them. "We're not going anywhere until I beat you."

All Konan did was smile.