Hi! I'm alive, can you believe it? This story/chapter you are about to read....

Disclaimer: has characters that I do not own except for My OC family. All go to their respective owners and if I owned them.....great and hyper choas would have ensued the earth, but I don't so oh wells.

Chapter 1: The return of You Know Who (not Voldemort sillies!)

It started with boredom. Sir-Leader sat at his desk for hours, waiting for reports from the men. His long time friend, coworker, and family, Konan stood next to him. He had just finished the bills for rebuilding disneyland and it didn't help that Deidara and Kakuzu were arrested for terrorist acts. It was hard to break them out of a high-security prison, even when using stealth and genjutsu. He let Itachi take a small vacation, since he started showing signs of blindness.

Then a knock on the door. Sir-Leader looked up and Tobi was walking in holding today's newspaper. Sure, he knew Tobi had the sharingan but he must be hanging around Zetsu too much. "Tobi brought the newspaper! Is Tobi a good boy?"

Sir-Leader smiled. "Yes, Tobi is a very good boy. Does Tobi know if the others are back?"

Tobi nodded vigorously. "Yes.! They were back an hour ago."

Anger flooded Sir-Leader's eyes. Back an hour ago and nothing on the mission was reported. "Oh! They're watching a movie right now. Annie sent it a while ago, but they never got around to seeing it."

A movie? From that girl who caused Kakuzu to have two heart attacks just looking at the bill? God.....she knew where we lived. Sir-Leader's eye twitched. "What else did she send?"

A cheerful aura ( I mean like Gai cheerful)surrounded Tobi. "She gave Itachi cotton candy."

Sir-Leader's jaw dropped. It's hard enough to handle an emotionless goldfish uchiha, but a suger-high Tobi clone? His eye twitched again and felt a headache coming. "Sir-leader-Sir. You might want to get that eye checked out. Deidara-sempai told me it was a cancer called annoyance and that's what killed those partners Kakuzu had and....."


He picked up a heavy and non-sharp object and threw it at the space Tobi had occupied half a second ago. The newspaper Tobi had brought scattered all over the office. Sir-Leader sighed and thumped his head against the desk. "Fifty percent off discount for a family of four or more?"

He didn't even budge as Konan kept reading. "What is this place? Six Flags..."

"Sounds like a good vacation place."

The two looked up to see Kisame. He had a toothy grin and the coupon that was recently in Konan's hand.


"Please! Please, please, pretty please with all the healthy food you want to cram down my throat Please!"

Bill and Sarah watched their teenage daughter beg and plead on her knees. It was too immature for her age, but comical too. Missy stood on the side lines, listening to her mp3, not caring what happened. The older sister was getting weak at convincing the parents to go somewhere. Missy rolled her eyes and went through the ads to see if any make-up was on discount. Instead, she found the cure to the Annie Annoyance Cancer.

"So. Who wants to go to Six Flags?"
