What if James never died in twilight? What if he was able to escape Edward… gravely injured but still alive? What if he swore revenge? What if he wanted Bella for himself? Well here's the answer to all these questions. This part of the story is about James, still alive after that tragic scene in the ballet studio. He hears Bella is mortal still, and is not happy about it. This story starts off after James escaped Edward, and after biting Bella, thinking he left her to change or die.


Alone, weak, almost willing to welcome a flame to finish you off, but you can't. I'm stronger then that and I know it. My body puts itself back together. It takes a while but the process is finally complete and I look around. I find yourself in a forest in Phoenix, not the best place to hide but will work for now, until I recover. It doesn't take long. I figure it won't be long until that worthless human is immortal, or dead from the pain. I swear to find my mate, Victoria, before they try to finish her as well. Clinging to that thought I run towards Forks, the last place I knew she was.

I make it in a few hours. Looking around, I see no sign of her. I search for her, but can't find her. Is she hiding from me? Does she believe me to be dead? Or has she been killed? I know she's not, I can feel it. In the breeze, I smell a stray human. My throat burns and I run after my prey. Two hikers, alone in the woods. I pounce on them, draining them of every last drop of blood. Suddenly, I smell a familiar scent, Victoria. Running towards the smell, I end up in a cave. There I find her. Beautiful as ever, red hair blowing in the wind, eyes as crimson red as ever. She sees me, smiles, glad I'm alive.

"I though I lost you," she said.

"I won't lie to you, you almost did."

"Where is that human girl?" She sneers.

"I'm not sure. I was able to corner her in a ballet studio, trick her into coming. She's as gullible as any human. But, after I have a little fun with her, Edward shows up. I was able to bite her, but I can't tell you the result. Edward and I fought, he tore me apart, but the girl needed his help before he was able to finish me off."

"Is she immortal?"

"I can't be sure. I bit her, that's all I can say."

We're silent for a moment. "When will they return?"

"Do you suggest we hunt them? Try to destroy them?"

"I do," she nodded, "first we must build our numbers though. It is unusual, I am aware, to travel in groups, but they are not right. We have to finish them."

"I agree, but let me lead the chase. I can track better then you." Victoria glared at me, "Do you deny it?"

"No," she admits, "but I don't like to feel belittled,"

"Oh please," I roll my eyes, "this is all I ever hear from you, you don't like me being better then you at something!"

"That's not true! I know your better then me!"

"Oh please Victoria," I growl, "Every time I, or someone else for that matter, brings up the fact I'm a brilliant tracker you get all defensive." She growls at me now, I know I crossed the line. She was ready to tear me apart… again.

"Shut your damn mouth James!" she hissed, "I'm tired of this, I'm tired of the way you treat me!" And with that she leapt off, running as fast as she could away from me. But it wouldn't work. I'd find her, finish her off, and then see if that human girl was immortal.


That night I spent my time working up a plan. Victoria was right about something, if I could build my numbers to fight off those Cullen's and get the girl for myself, I may be at an advantage. I had the girls scent and that wasn't going to change. She smelt so delicious and I can see why Edward was so defensive of her. But he wanted her for himself, selfish if you ask me, especially to leave her mortal, she would make a wonderful addition to our world.

I hadn't tracked any of the Cullen's to the area yet; I can only assume they're still in Phoenix, that the girl is still mortal. Pity. It would soon change though. As soon as I had her scent back in that small town, I would claim her as my own. I just had to make sure Edward kept his distance.

Yes he was fast, there was no doubt of that, but he wasn't stronger, it was proven. He was too weak to finish me off, because of the love for that girl. Love for the girl was his weakness, and I would take that away. That would be his end. I would use the girl to kill him.

I decided to wander until the Cullen's arrived back in town. I would seek out some other vampires that would be willing to join me. It would work I was sure. I travelled north but didn't seem to find any vampires. I traveled to the border line of Canada before turning back. It wouldn't take long to find at least one immortal willing to help me. When they hear of the strange relationship between the girl and one of our own, they'll be more then willing to help me with my hunt.

I came across a young man travelling on his own not far from Washington DC. He was no doubt a vampire. I saw the pale skin, red eyes and unnatural beauty of him. I was by his side in less then a second.

"Hi," he said upon noticing me, "this your area? I'm looking for some good prey."

"Not my area, but I know of a place with the most delicious prey. But first I need to know if you'd be willing to help me."


"Have you heard of a relationship between a mortal and one of our own?"

"Why would one of us relate to our prey?"

"I witnessed one of us…well not really one of us, he was one of those vampires that refuse to feed on human blood."

"What? That's crazy!"

"Indeed, this man became a mate of a human girl."

"Instead of feeding on her?"

"Yes, I need your help in finding this man and putting him right. The girl is mine however. I want to change her into one of us."

"I've never heard of such a thing! If you can prove this to be true, I will certainly help you. In return for some good prey of course."

"Trust me; there is plenty of good prey there. As long as the girl is mine."

"Yes, yes, the girl will be yours."

"Excellent," I grinned, my sharp teeth showed with pleasure and wanting. We travelled back towards Forks. Still no sign of the Cullen's or the girl.

"Tell me more about this relationship?" The man, Steve I found his name to be, asked. I explained everything I knew. I left the part about the confrontation between Edward and I out. "There's just no way I'm willing to believe that one of our own has mated with a human girl."

"Trust me, it disgusted me when I saw it. I never would have believed it if I hadn't seen it so I don't blame you."

"Quiet interesting though, your coven coming across this family during a game of baseball."

"Yes and they wouldn't even let us play. They didn't want us around because of the girl. Quiet unfortunate for the wind to blow at that moment. Unfortunate for them I should say." We both laughed at this statement.

"Do you know when to expect them back?"

"Any day now I'd guess, the girl does have school… and the chase took up a few days already," I chuckled again.

"We'll have to find a place to wait it out and hunt."

"We can't hunt in this direct area, if they catch sign I'm here,"

"I understand." We hunted in Seattle, each of them taking a few victims for themselves. We returned to Forks after nightfall. It wasn't long before I caught the scent of Bella. They were close.

"They'll be here in a few hours time. Prepare yourself."

"I thought you were planning on building your numbers? How can you be sure the two of us can take them on? By the way you describe them, they are a powerful bunch."

"It is true they are strong, but I have a feeling they aren't expecting me."

"How do you know?"

"They'd be waiting for me, or turning back right about now."

"You know them better then you first had me believe."

"No, it's just that one has a mind reading gift and knows I'm after them but it seems as if he doesn't know I'm here. Something is blocking the signal. The better for us."

"What's out next move?"

"We'll wait it out a few days before we attack," I decided, "See how they react to us. If they get a whiff of my scent before we have a chance to plan anything, we attack, just like that. Understood?"

"Yes, but are you sure you don't want to build any more people up to join us?"

"No time, this needs to be done with in a week or two. Any longer and they may move position. We can not have that."

As the days drew on I planned out an attack on Bella. Steve was happy to scout close to the school but far enough away that Edward couldn't hear his thoughts. Surprisingly, Steve was able to hold himself in the presence of the humans. I was impressed by how well he could do this. I knew I chose the perfect partner, but he'd be gone by the time it was over. He wasn't in it to stay.

Finally, plans were set and I was ready to move in.

"Remember, stay behind. This is my battle."

"Don't worry I won't move in on your territory." We ran towards the school and I stood by a forest close to the doors.

"Hide back there until I call," I demanded. Steve nodded and I walked out of the forest. I instantly saw three Cullen's, the blonde, Rosalie, the strong one, Emmett and the mood shifter Jasper. I knew the other two would be with the girl. I quickly dashed towards the parking lot and crouched between a few cars. I smelt her before I saw her. The girl. Bella. She was standing by Edward's silver Volvo, leaning on crutches but she seemed perfectly fine. I resisted the urge to jump a few of the class mates that lingered in the parking lot. I cold not blow my cover.

I next saw Edward and the small one, Alice. They were whispering to each other a little away from Bella, as if they had something they had to speak about right that moment but she couldn't hear. I had an idea what it could be, me, but decided if they knew I was here, they'd have gone after me. I couldn't be sure what they said though. I was a little far away to hear clearly.

I could grab her and take a run for it. Leave Steve to take care of them, distract them. I could attack them. Would they risk attacking back in public? What would the Voultri say? Would they know it was me? I'd be finished if they did. I wanted revenge, but would I risk my own existence to get it? I knew the answer. Yes. I could blame it all on Steve and he'd go with it or he'd die next.

All this went through my head in less then a second and I made my decision. I jumped out from behind the car and ran, straight out, towards Bella. Edward noticed a split second to late. I grabbed Bella by the waist and ran, as fast as I could, towards the forest where Steve was. None of the students saw me but they heard Edward snarl and growl. Only a vampire would have understood that he was cursing 'James' over and over under his breath. He tried to follow but didn't want to risk discovery. Alice was trying to calm herself, as well as him, but it was obvious she was furious.

"Jasper, Rose, Emmett!" Edward and Alice finally called for back up. Students stared at them funny as the five kids gathered but I didn't care. I was far enough away now that no matter how quickly Edward moved, it'd be a while before he found me.

"James?" Bella asked horrified. I grinned as Steve ran behind me. It had worked. Bella was mine.


A/N: Alright, so this how James came to get Bella and who the mysterious man was. I hope you enjoyed Changed with a Deal and I want to thank each and everyone of you that read it!! Along with this. Anyways, this is just to help explain everything a little more for how James escaped and where he was. A one shot type thing that leads to the story in Bella's perspective (Changed with a Deal) I put it at the end because I didn't want to create a whole new story just to add this and if it was in the begingging everyone would prob be confused.. Hope you liked it and please let me know what you thought of it!