"Are you sure?" I asked him again. Edward stared at me and nodded.
"Bella, he won't try it again, He knows what we're capable of. He knows we'd kill him. If only I could've…" He trailed off. Edward knew I didn't like to hear about his viscous ways if I could avoid it, even if it was to kill James, who had tried to kill me. I looked at my arm, the scar that was forming from the bite he'd given me. It was a cold crescent shaped mark, the mark from his teeth.
"As long as you know for sure James won't try anything…" I paused, "Will you stay with me?" I asked him.
"As long as you need me to," he replied. I sighed in content and sat back on my bed. My dad had been furious with me of course, but he was angrier with Edward. Sure he helped me but Charlie believed it was Edward who put me in danger in the first place.
"Is Charlie asleep yet?" I asked him. He was quiet for a moment.
"Yes," he sighed and I smiled.
"Keep him safe for me?"
"Of course,"
"I still don't understand how James was able to get away."
"All I can say is I was about to finish him off but you needed my help right when I was about to do it. I decided to help you. You are my life, I've told you, and if anything happened to you… I wouldn't be able to live without you. I had to help you. It was my mistake…my fault he got away."
"No, it's my fault I fell for his petty trick."
"You weren't the only one who believed it though. Carlisle, Alice, we all thought he had your mother."
"I know," I sighed, "I just wish I was smarter, would've called her to be sure."
"Bella, this isn't your fault. Don't believe it."
"How can I not. If I hadn't gone after him…"
"No Bella, if I could've stayed away from you the first day I met you…"
"I shouldn't have got close to you. I almost killed you that first day. I should've followed my instincts and left you alone. You never would've fallen for me or got yourself into all of this."
"No Bella, I'm the only one who can take the blame for all of this."
"Fine, whatever, believe what you like." I rolled over on the side, facing away from him. I felt his arm wrap around me but I didn't react, I was too angry. How could be take the blame? It's all my fault this happened! James wants me, not Edward. And he's still out there.
"Edward…I'm scared." I finally admit.
"You should be… but you have nothing to worry about." He whispered kissing the top of my head as I fell asleep.
That night I dreamt of James coming for me. My experience in Phoenix kept running through my head and ending in various scenarios; Edward killing James, James killing Edward, Alice getting killed, James changing me and finally me dying. Of course the final one never actually succeeded before I awoke to another cloudy day, my favorite since Edward will be with me.
"How was your night?" I asked Edward. He didn't answer. I turned in my bed and looked around my room. I couldn't see him anywhere. I got up out of bed and limped to my door. A note was stuck to the back of it.
Sorry to leave like this. Alice came by just after you fell asleep with an update about Laurent and I had to return home immediately. I will be back to pick you up for school. Believe me when I say I didn't want to leave you.
Love Edward.
I re-read the note a few times until I heard Charlie get up. At least he left a note, I sighed to my self.
"Morning Bella," my dad called from the kitchen as I walked down the stairs, very carefully with my crutches, still in my pyjamas.
"Morning dad," I said.
"You look like you slept well, how's your leg?" I didn't see how he thought I slept well but ignored the comment and looked down at my leg. It was in a cast from the attack, of course my dad didn't know that. He thought I fell down a set of stairs, in which he blames Edward for since the cover story was I was on my way to see him.
"Fine I guess,"
"You're not planning on driving I hope?"
"Dad, how long have I been seeing Edward?"
"I'm not exactly sure but I can assume it's been longer then you've let on."
I blushed, it was true. I hadn't told my dad I was seeing Edward, in fact if Edward hadn't made me I doubt I ever would've introduced them for a while. "Well, he's been driving me to school for a while. Only those rare sunny days when Carlisle takes them hiking do I drive myself."
"I don't want you driving even on those sunny days until that casts off,"
I rolled my eyes, "do you expect me to even try to drive with this thing?"
"I still don't understand how you could go back to that boy after all this."
"Dad, don't blame Edward, please."
"No dad, Edwards a great guy. If you took the time to get to know him, and stop blaming him for this, maybe you'd see that to."
"I'm not making any promises," my dad said.
"Listen, I need to get ready for school," I said getting out of my chair and grabbing my crutches. I walked very carefully up the steps. My dad followed me. I had a tendency to be a little clumsy. Alright, more then a little. My dad didn't want a repeat of this.
I was able to make it up the steps and into my room without falling. I got dressed in my favorite blue shirt, the one Edward loved on me, and a black skirt Alice had bought me to wear since I couldn't really wear jeans with the cast. I brushed my hair and pulled it into a pony tail. It would have to do for now, the best I could do with the state I was in.
I looked at my clock. Edward would be here soon. I grabbed my books and put them in my bag and then hopped over to my bed where I had my crutches and carefully walked down the steps again. Just as I reached the stairs, Edward knocked on the door.
"Coming," I said.
"How about I just come in and save yourself the journey," I sighed and he opened the door. "I really wish you'd let me help you. Wait for me to get here. I don't want you to end up in the hospital again."
I rolled my eyes yet again. "I'm not going to fall down the stairs. Give me a little credit."
"Come on," he picked up my bag, swung it over his shoulders and then picked me up as well. My crutches swung from the hands.
"Are you forgetting about my neighbors?"
"Trust me, no one's watching." Of course he knew, how could he not. He put me in his Volvo and I set the crutches in the back seat. To my surprise, Alice was there.
"I thought you would be riding with Rosalie and the rest of them."
"Well, Emmett and Rosalie and taking a day off today, along with Jasper. I thought I'd help you out at school today. Edward could use an extra pair of hands with you."
"Today is going to go well right?" I asked. Alice was still for a moment.
"Yup," she finally said, "I see no near accidents at school. Although Mike Newton is going to try to help you out. Edward, you better be there to walk her to class."
"Not a problem, I can get there before her classes let out." We arrived at the school in no time and Edward walked around and helped me out of the car. Alice handed him the crutches and they both helped walk me to class.
"Oh my God," my friend Angela said rushing towards me, "Does it hurt badly?"
"No," I said shaking my head, "I barely feel the pain now,"
"Do you need some help with your books or anything?"
"That's alright, Edward and Alice will help me." Angela glanced nervously from one to the other.
"Alright, if you need any help, I'm here." I smiled.
"Thanks," Edward carried my bag for me and Alice walked right by my side, ready to catch me if I tripped, which was the likely situation. I was able to make it to my first class with no trouble.
"Here," Edward handed me something.
"What's this?" I looked down, it was a cell phone.
"If there's ever an emergency, I want to be able to contact you as soon as possible. Especially with James out there still," he said seriously. I felt myself pale slightly. I hated thinking about him.
"Alright," I nodded. He gave me a small kiss goodbye and Alice gave me a hug. I walked into my class and took a seat. The hours seemed to take forever to pass. Edward would meet me after each class to walk me to my next one but the time in between seeing him dragged on forever. Finally, it was lunch.
"Hey Bella," I looked over to see Mike Newton standing by my side. "Need some help?" I looked at him.
"It's alright, I got it." I smiled and turned around. Edward was there, along with Alice.
"Hey," I said. I heard Mike huff and stalk away. Edward grinned along with Alice.
"You knew he was going to try that now didn't you?" I asked her as he walked carefully to the cafeteria. Alice smiled guiltily. We walked through the line and got some food then sat at the Cullen's usual table. Alice and Edward ignored their food and I picked at my salad.
"Eat," Edward ordered. I looked at him and sighed, taking a mouth full of leafy green and vegetables. I saw Edward exchange a few looks with Alice and figured they were having some sort of conversation but couldn't figure out what it could be about or why they wouldn't say anything aloud. It wasn't until I heard Edward sigh heavily that I looked pointedly at him.
"What is it?"
"Newton is getting on my nerves… again."
"Just ignore him," I said rolling my eyes and looking towards the table my friends sat at. I saw Jessica and Mike talking but Mike kept shooting glances over towards me. Angela seemed to be studying for some kind of test. Everyone else was minding their own business.
"What's got Angela so busy?" I mutter to Edward.
"English test,"
"Oh right, I forgot she was taking extra work so she has a better chance for University,"
"She seems really stressed," Alice noted.
"She's worried she's going to fail,"
"Well, she has nothing to worry about. Angela is a great student; she's like top of the class." I said. Eventually we moved on to different topics. But the one topic we never discussed was the prom and for that I was thankful. How pathetic would I look in my cast? Besides, I can't even dance. The bell rang just as these thoughts were passing through my head.
"I'll see you guys later," Alice said as she skipped off to class.
"Shall we?" Edward asked. He held out his hand for my books and helped me hop to class, never leaving my side until we were safely in our seats. Mike glared at Edward and Edward ignored it. The class went by pretty fast, learning about the different organisms in a frog; as we are dissect one as our final exam. When the class ended, Edward helped me to the Volvo, seeing as I couldn't play gym on crutches. Alice was waiting by the car when we arrived.
"Don't you have class?" I asked her.
"Please, if Edward's taking the hour off, so am I." she smiled.
I laughed and Alice got in the Volvo and then Edward helped me in.
"So, we going to your house or Charlie's?" I asked.
"We're going to our house, Esme needs to see that you're alright." I rolled my eyes but smiled. Esme was so sweet and caring. When we arrived at the Cullens house, Esma raced out to help me in. I insisted I could do it myself but she picked me up and carried me in, even under my protests.
"Carlisle at the hospital?" I asked casually.
"Yes," Esme replied, "He was called in for an emergency," I nodded as she set me down on the couch.
"So, how's the leg feeling?" she asked.
"Fine," I answered automatically. Everyone's been asking me the same question all day and I was starting to get annoyed by it. I spent a few hours there until I realized Charlie would be home soon.
"Well, it was nice visiting, but Charlie will be home soon. Edward, we gotta go," Edward nodded and Esme and Alice both hugged me good bye. I knew the others were hunting and they wouldn't be back until later. We drove back to my house in silence but it was comfortable. Suddenly, Edward sped up.
"What's wrong?" I asked a little surprised. He usually never went this fast with me in the car.
"Charlie will be home in five minutes,"
"Oh," I said. We reached the house in thirty second and Edward hurriedly helped me into the house onto the couch with a book as he went into the kitchen to make some food. I heard the front door open.
"In here," I yell from the living room.
"Then who's in the kitchen?"
"Edward," I replied simply.
"Smells good, maybe he should cook more often,"
"Dad," I said rolling my eyes.
"Hey Charlie," Edward said coming out of the kitchen.
"Edward," he said less stiffly then he normally would. Maybe he was finally warming up to him. "What's cooking?"
"Sounds great,"
"Since when can you make Tacos?" I asked him.
"Since Emmett watched that cooking show on it," he replied, "I learned how to make Tacos and fries." I giggles.
"C'mon Edward, anyone can make fries." Charlie laughed as well.
"True, I better go check on the burger." Edward returned back to the kitchen.
As soon as he left the room Charlie looked at me, "Bella, I thought about it all day and decided you were right, I haven't given Edward a chance." I looked at him, "So, I've decided the three of us should go out to dinner together sometime to get to know each other." He spoke quietly so Edward couldn't hear, but not only did Edward hear everything he said perfectly with his super sonic ears, but he could read Charlie's mind.
"I don't know dad," I said, not hesitating to keep my voice down. Even if Edward couldn't read my mind, he would still hear me the same, whether I spoke quietly or loudly.
"Why not?" I bit my lip, I couldn't possibly tell him Edward didn't eat normal food, in fact if I told him what he did eat I'd be sent to a mental institution, and everything would be ruined between the trust I have with the Cullens.
"Edwards not really a public guy," I said, "he prefers to stay in then eat out."
"Well then we'll order a pizza and talk here,"
"Bella," Edward called from the kitchen.
"Where's the cheese? I can't find any in the fridge," I sighed, "I'll help you look."
"That's alright Bells," Charlie said, "I'll go."
"No really dad," I insisted, "its fine," and it was. I got up carefully and used my crutches to get to the kitchen. As soon as I walked in I knew Edward just wanted to speak with me alone. He already had the cheese grated.
"Tell your father I'll go," he muttered.
"Tell Charlie I'll go out to dinner with you."
"But… are you sure you want to eat human food?" I asked.
"I'd do anything for you Bella," he replied seriously. I smiled and took a seat at the table.
"Need any help?"
"It's alright, I'm done anyways." He set two spots at the table and I yelled to Charlie that it was ready.
"Aren't you going to eat with us?" Charlie asked.
"Actually Carlisle wants me home,"
"Oh dad, I just spoke with Edward about dinner,"
"Oh yea?"
"Yea," I said, "he said it'd be fine, right Edward?"
"That's great to hear. How does Friday evening sound?"
"Sounds plausible," Edward agreed.
"Would you like me to pick you up at your place or would you meet us here?"
"I'll come here first," Edward agreed.
"Great," Charlie smiled.
"Well Edward, thanks for cooking dinner for me," I said.
"It was an honor Bella," Edward said, "I'll be by tomorrow morning to pick you up for school."
"I'll see you then," he winked as he left and I sighed as I took a bite of my taco. It was delicious. We ate silently as my dad read the paper and I read my favorite book Withering Heights. By the time I finished my dinner, Charlie was already up and doing the dishes.
"It's fine dad, I can do them."
"Why don't you get a start on your homework Bells and I'll finish these up." I sighed. It was bad enough Edward wouldn't let me help with dinner but it was another matter entirely not letting me do the dishes. I accepted it though and walked the stairs, one at a time, to my room.
My homework didn't take me long but it did let the time fly by. Before I knew it Charlie had gone to bed and Edward was back in my room. At least something finally felt right again.
"Any news on James?" I ask hesitantly.
"None, Alice can't see him and she's getting frustrated. The last time she saw him was after we rescued you. James was heading to a forest but after that, she hasn't seen anything."
"So, he could be near and we wouldn't even know it?" I panicked.
"Bella, shh, remember I would hear him before Alice sees him."
"No! If he's blocking Alice out… maybe he's blocking you out as well. He could be right outside the house and-."
"Bella, you need to calm down and go to sleep. He won't get to you. I promise," I sighed. I knew Edward wouldn't let James get me again but I couldn't help thinking.
"Go to sleep love," he whispers. Silently and carefully, I drift into an uneasy sleep.