Disclaimer: I don't own NCIS, or any recoginable characters.

Thank you so much for your wonderful reviews, I truly appreciate each and every one, please keep them coming.

Hope you enjoy the last chapter and epilogue!

Within an hour, the jury finishes deliberating, and everyone wanders back into the court room.

Ziva sits in the front row, with Tony and Gibbs at her side and the rest of the team just behind them, along with the family of each of his other victims.

They're all holding their breath as the judge asks. "Has the jury reached a verdict?"

The jury foreman stands up, and addresses the judge. "Yes, your honour, we have."

Ziva could swear that her heart skips a beat at this moment, and everyone else is just as nervous.

"We the jury find the defendant ...guilty on all charges."

Ziva sighs with relief, before turning to Tony, and kissing him joyfully.

The court proceedings continue for a while longer before everyone stands up, and leaves.

Several weeks later, Tony and Ziva decide to move in together, and promptly begin house hunting.

They leave Jezebel and Calev with Abby, who is all too happy to spend time with her newfound niece and nephew, and go to look at a number of properties.

They see six houses before they find the perfect one for them. It's a large house on a modest acreage just out of town, , they know it's perfect as soon as they lay eyes on it.

The real estate agent shows them around the house and grounds, pointing out various features, and benefits, but neither of them are truly listening.

Within the hour, they put down a deposit on the house, and sign the necessary forms.


Eighteen months later

The morning of their wedding starts out much like any other day for Tony and Ziva.

As usual they are awoken by the sound of a screaming infant, as soon as the sun rises; it is more effective than any other alarm clock.

And after exchanging mumbled good mornings, they stumble out of bed, and walk towards their daughter's bedroom.

Every morning as she is walking towards her child's room, Ziva counts her blessings. Due to her HIV status, the risk of Tony contracting HIV whilst they were trying for a baby was too high, so they had to go through IVF, and after three unsuccessful rounds they finally got pregnant with baby Sophia.

The scar across Ziva's stomach from having a cesarean is a small price to pay in her mind for the knowledge that her daughter didn't contract HIV; they had her tested when she was born.

Upon entering the nursery, Tony leans over the side of the crib, and picks up his daughter. He wraps her snugly in a blanket as he says. "Morning, Phia."

They then walk downstairs, and start preparing breakfast together.

Several minutes later, Tony stops what he is doing, and with Sophia balanced on his hip, goes over to Ziva, and tenderly kisses her. Then upon pulling away, he says to her. "We're getting married today." He can't keep the grin off his face at the thought.

"We are getting married today." Ziva confirms before leaning closer to Tony, and kissing him passionately.

They reluctantly pull apart when Calev enters the room, and makes a gagging motion. "Mama! Tony!" He exclaims loudly. "That's gross!"

Tony lets Ziva go, and she walks over to her son, and kneels down in order to give him a hug. "Good morning, my angel. Are you looking forward to today?"

Calev starts to cry, and Tony and Ziva exchange surprised looks. "What is wrong, honey? I thought you were happy about me and Tony getting married." Ziva asks her eldest child.

Still whimpering, Calev tells her. "Paul said that if your parents marry other people they start being your mama or papa. I don't want to replace Papa."

Ziva pulls her son closer to her, she never even considered this. "Honey, Tony will never replace your Papa. He's going to be your step-father. Saul will always be your papa, no matter what."

"Really?" Calev questions, just to be sure.

"Really." Ziva confirms, she then changes the subject quickly by asking. "Now are you ready for breakfast Lev? Tony and I are making waffles."

"Yay. Can I have syrup?"

"Of course baby." Ziva says, ruffling his hair as she stands up, she thinks to herself. Crisis averted. "Can you go wake up Belle, please?"

Calev nods before dashing upstairs, leaving Ziva and Tony laughing in his wake.

The ceremony goes without a hitch, and several hours later Tony and Ziva are pronounced husband and wife. Then after the reception, along with their children leave on their honeymoon. And begin their lives as a family.

The End.

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