Full Summary:
Kijala Monroe has hidden her life from her fellow classmates. But now, her life secrets come out into the open and she is forced to make the hardest decision she will ever have to make. Can she get her people back after nearly three century of being apart while still enslaved? And how will her classmates feel when they find out what she is really made of?
Kijala Monroe:
Hello, my name is Kijala Monroe and I am fourteen-years-old. I have had to fend for myself for nearly twelve years. My parents were taken from my side when I was two-years-old. I know my people's history better than my own people. It's hard being the reincarnation of some prophecy that lived nearly four hundred years ago. My parents first told me who I was when I was two, just three weeks before they were taken away from me. We were never to talk about the people that were taken from us because it was believed to bring bad luck and that wasn't good for a people with very little luck. We knew not to bring any more bad luck down on us, so we never spoke of the people that were taken away from us.
But that didn't mean I didn't know where they were taken. I had dreams nightly about where they had been taken and where they would spend their lives being slaves until someone finally stood up to the Masters and so-called Gods and said NO! That was where I was to come in, when I got older of course. I knew better than most of the remaining people that I could and would be looked upon when the time came and it would be my duty to bring not only our people back home, but the people of more than six thousand tribes.
You see, we lived in a galaxy where dimension traveling wasn't frowned upon, but wasn't accepted either. The only time dimension traveling was acceptable is if a kid was being sent to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizarding. That was and always will be the downfall of our people. That is how slavery was introduced to all of our people and that is how we lost our name and trust. Had we not been traveling to and from Hogwarts on Earth, then the slavery would never have multiplied so quickly.
But we had and now slavery was upon us. I write this not as a warning to others who prepare to dimension travel but as a threat. If you journey too far into other dimensions, you will become a slave just like the rest of us. I must go for now, but heed this threat. Had you not known what was going on in these dimensions, you would not be reading this. The Masters are coming to claim another slave's life and make an example of them and if I am caught writing in this journal; they will certainly kill me next. God speed to anybody who reads this journal and to those of you, who know me, I love you with all of my heart and I know you will know what to do with this journal. Please, help us all!