"These came for you" CJ looked up and smiled as Carol laboured under a giant vase of white lilies. She stood up and went to help her assistant.

"Is there a card?" she questioned, though she already knew who they were from.

"Yep" Carol handed it to her after they placed the vase on CJ's bookshelf. "Who are they from?"

"My valentine" CJ raised an eyebrow as she read the card. She was more amused because she had sent the exact same thing to Abbey – a vase of stargazer lilies signed 'Your not-so-secret admirer'.

"You think they're from Danny?" Carol asked, looking at her boss with a smile on her face.

"Maybe" CJ laughed at the thought of Danny sending her flowers. Carol raised an eyebrow and left the office. CJ closed the door behind her and picked up the phone. "Tea later?" she asked as Abbey picked up on the other end.

"My office or yours?" Abbey replied, sounding amused. "Why don't you come over around five." She suggested.

"Sounds good." CJ hung up and turned back to her briefings, a smile on her face. Abbey Bartlet did not take "no" for an answer.

"I have a press briefing." CJ made to stand up, setting her teacup down quietly, and downing a few more of the cinnamon hearts on Abbey's desk.

"Alright." Abbey stood too, walking her towards the door. As CJ made to open it, Abbey stopped her gently. CJ sighed.

"Abbey…" she started.

"Shhh." Abbey put a finger to her lips, wrapping her other around CJ's neck, pulling her down. "It's Valentine's Day" she murmured. CJ smiled and gave in.

Abbey tasted of cinnamon.