A/N: All right, this story came to me after watching "Laws of Attraction." It was a good movie, and it inspired this story. I think this is definitely going to be my favorite story. This is a NaruSasu story, of course, because this account is strictly a yaoi account, with only yaoi. Mostly yummy NaruSasu stories, oneshots, drabbles etcetera.

Time line: Sasuke, Naruto and the gang are about 17 years old. Naruto has already begun to merge with the Kyuubi, and Sasuke's lust for revenge is gone. At the valley of the end, Naruto won the battle, and dragged Sasuke back to Konoha. Sasuke was put under serious surveillance, but later he was given to Kakashi, so said sensei could watch over his student.

Sakura is still totally in love with Sasuke, and since he did not leave, she had no reason to train with Tsunade. She still has her part one personality, which I find annoying, but I'll work with her, and try to make her less annoying. But she will have her moments where she is very annoying.

Warnings: NaruSasu fluff, angst. Bitchy Sasuke. Mpreg. Yuri, and strong language.

Sunlight danced across Sasuke's face, making him feel warm. Though his eyes were closed, the Uchiha heir could tell that it was late morning. The first thing he noticed was that he was warm, and not by a blanket. Two arms had wrapped their way around his waist, resting there lightly. He tried not to panic, maybe he was over thinking this, and slowly he turned his head to look at his bedmate. What he saw was sun kissed skin, six whisker like scars, and messy blond hair. Naruto…. He was in bed with Naruto. He jumped up and almost fell over; his lower back was in serious pain.

He took a few moments to take in his surroundings. He was in a small bedroom suite made for honeymooners. The room had a balcony, a large king sized bed, which connected to a master bathroom. He found his clothing lying on the floor, lying in random places around the elegant room. He hobbled towards his clothes, wondering what happened.

He couldn't remember anything. He held not one memory of what happened the night before. Sasuke's head throbbed. Maybe thinking too hard was a bad thing. Wincing as he bent over to pick his pants up. That was when he noticed that he was wearing a ring. A ring on his ring finger of his left hand. What the fuck was going on? He was…married to the dobe? He would have fainted right then and there, but he was Sasuke Uchiha – heir of the Uchiha clan. He did not faint.

His eye twitched.

His ass felt sore. It wasn't hard to guess what had happened after they'd gotten married. It wasn't hard to guess why he was so sore.

Sasuke limped towards the attached bathroom. He wanted to examine the damage the dobe had inflicted on him. He fought back the urge to look at his handsome bedmate. Despite his best efforts, Sasuke snuck a glance at Naruto.

The blanket had fallen off Naruto's body onto the floor, reveling the blond haired boy's body. Naruto was lying on his stomach, his golden almost hairless body gleaming in the sunlight. Sasuke didn't want to admit it, but Naruto was quite attractive.

Naruto had grown, Sasuke noted. His once scrawny body had developed muscles.

Great, he thought, I was looking at Naruto's naked body. His lips curled in disgust. Sasuke shuffled into the bathroom, trying to ignore the aching sensation of his rear.

In the dark, Sasuke searched for the light.

As the light illuminated the bathroom, Sasuke began to investigate the damage. He noted, as he stared at the pale reflection in the mirror, that his face had minimal bruising. His lips were swollen, slightly purple around the corners.

Sasuke brought his left hand to his face. His pointer finger poked at his bruised lip. Wincing as a dull pain tore through his abused lips. Upon seeing the golden ring upon his ring finger, Sasuke scowled. He did not like the fact that he was married to the blond haired idiot. Growling softly, the last of the Uchiha slipped the ring off his finger -- throwing it into the sink -- hoping that it would fall down the drain.

"Stupid Naruto." He grumbled.

Taking a deep breath of air, Sasuke continued his inspection of his body.

He winced. His neck was in worse condition than his face had been. Dark purple bruises -- hickeys -- covered the ivory column that was his neck. Damn. He'd have trouble covering those up. The clothes he'd brought with him wouldn't do him the justice of covering up the nasty purple hickeys.

Sasuke's torso was covered in bruises. Nasty dark purple bruises scattered across the ivory skin of his stomach. Damn it, had Naruto been that rough with him? Did he enjoy it? Sasuke blushed as he asked himself those questions. Obviously, he was far too intoxicated to really care whether or not he'd enjoyed it.

He twisted the handle of the faucet -- turning the cold water on. Sighing softly, the last Uchiha splashed some water from the tap upon his flushed face -- he needed to cool down. After a couple of minutes, Sasuke twisted the faucet handle closed. He wiped his face dry -- placing the towel back on the towel rack.

Taking one more deep breath, Sasuke turned towards the direction of the bedroom. He noticed, upon entering the room that Naruto had changed positions. The blond was no longer lying on his stomach, but was now on his back -- his legs dangled off the side of the damaged bed. In Naruto's new position, Sasuke could see his …package. Sasuke noted that the blond was well endowed. Scowling, Sasuke's eyes moved up the blonde's muscular body -- his eyes coming to rest upon Naruto's navel

Though Sasuke was far away, he could see the outline of Naruto's seal. He'd only recently learnt about the Kyuubi, and the seal. That would explain Naruto's eyes flashing red when he was either angry, or in the heat of battle, and of course, the red chakra surrounding his rival, teammate, and best friend.

Sasuke's eyes wandered up Naruto's lean muscular body until he reached Naruto's face. Naruto's now purple eyes were closed -- his whiskered face relaxed as he slept.

He wasn't as annoying as when he was like this, Sasuke mused. But then again, anything he said was less aggravating than when he'd been eleven, because his voice had dropped a lot in the last couple of years, and it was hard to sound crybaby-ish with a rumble like a big cat. Sasuke liked the new Naruto -- very much. Gah. He was thinking about the dobe too much.

Stupid dobe. Stupid fucking dobe. Why of all people did he, the last Uchiha have to go drinking with the idiots -- on the last day of their very important mission. Sure they were celebrating the fact that their mission was a complete success, but for kami's sake, why did he have to go drinking with them.


Sasuke snapped out of his thoughts. He found himself staring at into the amused eyes of his…no, the dobe. What the hell was that?

Naruto had been awake for a while, but was pretending to be asleep, just to see what Sasuke's reaction to the entire situation. He hadn't taken it as bad as he'd thought the Uchiha would have, and for that, the blond thanked the gods. He'd woken when Sasuke had jumped out of bed, and through Sasuke's entire inspection of his body, he'd been watching him through hooded eyes. Of course Kyuubi had to say something pertaining to their current situation, but the Kyuubi vessel ignored his perverted demon.

"Dobe," Sasuke growled. He walked towards the bed, noticing for the first time the extent of the damage done to the bedroom. The headboard of the bed was broken -- a rather large chunk taken from it. The wall directly behind the busted headboard was in bad condition -- headboard banging against the wall had left dents, and Sasuke noted that if the wall had been hit one more time, a hole was sure to appear. Fuck -- people below them probably heard them the night before.

"Yes teme?"

Sasuke's eyes were cold. "What happened?" His voice dripping ice crystals.

"What do you think? We had sex." Naruto answered.

Sasuke Scowled. Great. He'd gotten drunk, married the dobe, then gone back to the fucking hotel, and consummated their fucking marriage. This didn't sit so well with the Uchiha heir. Could things get worse?

"Oy, love birds," a voice, easily recognized as Kiba yelled. How had he forgotten? He was on a damn mission with the mutt, and there was no doubt that the dog boy could smell Naruto on him. That didn't bode well for the Uchiha heir.

"Get your lazy Asses up!"

Sasuke snarled. Yes, things could get worse.

"C'mon, Lady Tsunade is waiting for us." Akamaru barked in agreement.

Naruto jumped off the bed, almost gracefully landing on the balls of his feet. Sasuke noticed that Naruto had animalistic grace – which was probably from the merging of he had the Kyuubi inside his body.

Naruto threw Sasuke's shirt to the Uchiha, which he caught. Sasuke pulled his shirt over his head -- slowly as if in a daze. Sasuke pulled his jounin vest on over his black shirt, carefully. He didn't want to cause himself more pain.

Sparing one last glace to the destroyed suite, Sasuke limped towards the door. He winced as every step brought him more pain.

Kiba had begun to pound on the door by this time; probably hoping that would make them hurry. Sasuke scowled at the door. He was not in the mood. Sasuke swung the door open.

Kiba's smirk widened upon seeing Sasuke. His eyes landed on Sasuke's neck -- causing Kiba to double over and laugh.

"Say anything mutt, you die." He growled.


Naruto turned the light in the bathroom on. He stared at himself in the mirror. He wasn't as bruised as Sasuke, but he had his share of bruises. His face was bruise free, but his neck was covered in dark purple hickeys.

Kyuubi thought it was quite amusing that the ice price was such a wildcat in bed. And of course, the perverted demon refused to heal any of the scratches and bite marks he'd gotten from his teammate. The Uchiha had scratched the blond haired ninja quite a bit. His chest and stomach were covered in scratches.

Naruto turned looking at his very scratched back through the corner of his eye. He glanced down. A bite mark adorned his round, muscular but.

"Oy, Uzumaki, hurry up." Kiba yelled; his voice sounded louder than it had been before.

"Whoa, clothes Uzumaki."

Naruto rolled his eyes.

"Isn't that Sasuke's?" Kiba asked. He picked the golden ring Sasuke had dropped into the since, minutes before Naruto had walked into the bathroom, and started inspecting himself.

Naruto nodded. "Yeah, I'll give it to him," He took the ring from Kiba, frowning slightly.

"But dude, put some clothes on."

Naruto rolled his eyes. He stalked past the amused dog boy, towards his discarded clothes. Picking them up, he began to redress. Kiba followed behind him.

"You two were pretty damn loud last night," Kiba laughed upon seeing Sasuke's aggravated glare.

"The ladies next to us were wondering whether an earthquake was happening."

Naruto laughed. "Poor ladies." He ducked as a shoe came flying from Sasuke's direction -- the action bringing a wince to Sasuke's face.

"This is your fucking fault Uzumaki."

"Alright you two lovebirds, no fighting."

"Indeed," Neji agreed. He turned. "Get going."


They set out on their next mission -- to return home. Things between the married couple were terrible. Sasuke ignored his husband, and of course this started to bug Naruto. They got home four hours after leaving, and were immediately chewed out by Tsunade. The entire time they were being yelled at, Sasuke was sulking in the corner and Naruto was not paying any attention to Tsunade but instead his attention focused on Sasuke. Kiba was cowering and Neji was inwardly cursing that he had been sent on a mission with such imbeciles.

"WHY IS KIBA THE ONLY ONE LISTNING!"? Tsunade yelled, catching everyone's attention.


Tsunade's eye twitched. "What the hell happened on that mission?!"

"Um, Well, ya see, the thing is…. um, lady Tsunade," Kiba started. He glanced around at the other occupants of the room, hoping that the others would help him out. But of course, they wouldn't help him. Sasuke's eyes were glued to the floor; Naruto's were on Sasuke. Neji just looked at him impassively. Kiba swallowed, before turning to look at the irate Lady Hokage.

"Well, ya see… we got the information about Orochimaru's whereabouts,"

Tsunade turned to look at Neji. "Is that right?" Neji nodded.

"So, um… We -- er, I suggested that we celebrate."

Shizune raised a brow. "Celebrate?"

"Yes, celebrate. So, um, we drank."

Neji sighed, annoyed. "Uzumaki and Uchiha got married, then later consummated their marriage." He stared at the wall in front of him. "That's what happened."

Shizune's eyes widened. She stared at the married couple, before looking at the annoyed Hyuuga heir. She giggled softly upon seeing the look upon Sasuke's face -- he scowled like he was attempting to curdle milk, and had there been any milk present, he probably would have accomplished it beautifully.

"So, let me get this straight," Tsunade was trying hard not to laugh. She was happy for the couple, but she was not sure how the council would react to the marriage of the last of the Uchiha to the Kyuubi holder. "Sasuke is now Mrs. Uzumaki?"

Sasuke's eyes narrowed, and his scowl deepened. He shot a glare at Inuzuka -- giving him the laugh and I kill you glare. Oh, did Sasuke love that glare. It shut Kiba up pretty fast. Thank god. The only thing that was not perfect was the deep rumble of laughter coming from Uzumaki's lips.

"Shut the fuck up Uzumaki."

Tsunade laughed. "Come on now Uchiha, is that any way to talk to your husband?"

Sasuke snarled, and Naruto's laughter only increased.

Sasuke tried to ignore the other idiots in the room. His eyes were glued to the door -- glaring. He wasn't happy, and he'd thought that maybe the hokage would actually say something to help him, but she was being a b**ch, and laughing at him.

He didn't notice the door open, which revealed a pink haired girl. Her eyes widened upon seeing Sasuke. "Sasuke-kun, you're back!" Sakura stated, drawing the attention of the Uchiha, and the other occupants of the room.

Naruto purred. "Sakura-chaan, hello." His deep purr went straight to Sasuke's groin. Since when had his voice been this sexy? He felt all the blood from his face go straight to his groin. Naruto's voice -- Naruto of all people -- turned him on. If anyone knew this, they'd make fun of him -- especially Kiba.

Sasuke shifted, annoyed.

Sakura's cheeks turned a dull red that probably clashed with her hair. She hadn't noticed, until then, that Naruto's voice was down right sexy. Hell, the boy himself was sexy. Why the fuck hadn't she noticed this before?!

"Oh, um…. hi…" She stuttered.

Tsunade raised a brow as she watched the team. Interesting, she thought. Sasuke and Naruto were now married, and Sakura had probably just noticed that Naruto had grown up. She wondered what their other teammate, Azura would think about her teammates.

Naruto's eyebrow had risen. He was watching Sakura's reaction to his voice, and thought it was amusing that the pink haired kunoichi was -- he sniffed -- as aroused as Sasuke was by his voice. Huh, so Sasuke was hot and bothered by his voice. Hm.

Sakura took a deep breath. "How w-was your m-mission?" still stuttering. She cursed inwardly after asking Naruto her question. She wasn't usually this bothered by Sasuke! What the fuck had happened?!

Naruto grinned, blinding the others with the brilliance of his amazing smile. "Perrfect." He purred, mischief dancing in his eyes.

Sakura's blush only deepened. "Um, Sasuke-kun?" He voice squeaked, unintentionally at the end.

Sasuke looked at Sakura. "Fine, Sakura."

"That's good, um…"

Sasuke sighed. He knew what she was going to ask him -- on a date. Like all those times before, he'd have to say he wasn't very interested in going on a date with her. "No, Sakura, I don't want to go on a date with you." He sighed. "I've never liked you like that."

Sakura frowned. "Oh…"

"But I do love you," at that, Sakura's eyes brightened. "Like an older sibling. You and Azura, I can't love more than sisters."

Naruto grinned mischievously. "There is a good reason he doesn't like you that way" Sasuke glared at the grinning fox, "it is because he is gay, and married to me" Naruto announced triumphantly.

Sakura's eyes widened. "Whoa, really?' she asked, looking at Kiba and Neji. She didn't want to admit it, but the thought of seeing Sasuke and Naruto together was, well…hot.

Naruto laughed. "Its true."

"How did that happen?"

Neji growled. "Must we talk about this again?" He sighed, irritated. "Uzumaki and Uchiha got drunk, got married, and consummated their marriage."

Kiba smirked. "Rough. Man, I wish you were there Sakura. The floor was shaking, and the ladies were crying."

Sakura and the other ladies began to giggle.

Sasuke growled. Now he was getting annoyed. They were all getting on his last nerve. "Fuck you all." Sasuke stalked towards the door, ignoring the giggling, and laughing coming from the other people in the room. "I'm leaving."

"Awe, Sasuke come back."

Sasuke just glared at his husband, before walking out of the Hokage's office. There was a short silence before Naruto got up and walked out after the enraged Uchiha. Sasuke sat on a bench not to far from the building with an emotionless look on his face. Inwardly however he was enraged, furious at all of them. It was not like he recalled what happened, and he defiantly hadn't liked it. Nope, he defiantly didn't like the sexy blonde haired fox.

"Sasuke, I'm sorry" Naruto sat next to him and gave him a soft smile.

Sasuke looked away from the fox demon container and continued to ignore him.

Naruto sighed. He didn't want his mate to be angry with him -- yes, Sasuke was his mate, and husband. Sure Sasuke angry with him, but the Uchiha was stuck with him for a long ass time. And, he was pretty sure that Tsunade wouldn't do anything about their current situation, since she found it amusing. Naruto had to do something so Sasuke wouldn't resent marrying him, or even knowing his demon husband.

"Sasuke, I'm sorry. I really am."

Sasuke sighed. He didn't have much of a choice in the matter, but he was stuck with Naruto -- though it wasn't like he was complaining, or anything like that -- he just didn't like being Naruto Uzumaki's bitch. Sasuke wasn't happy with the current situation, but he'd have to deal with it.


Naruto grinned. "Am I forgiven?"

Sasuke gave Naruto an impassive stare. "Hn."

Naruto raised a brow. "I'll take that as a yes." He purred softly. Scooting next to Sasuke, he wrapped his arm around said boy. Sasuke's eyes narrowed dangerously, and if looks could kill, Naruto would have been dead at that moment.

"Get. Off. Me. dobe."

Naruto purred softly as he nuzzled into Sasuke's neck. His grip on Sasuke never loosened, and when Sasuke tried to get out of his grip, Naruto only held his mate tighter -- still nuzzling into his neck.


Sasuke sighed, giving up. There was no way he could ever win against Naruto -- Naruto was much stronger than he was. Stupid Naruto. Why did he always have to win, every time? There'd been a time in the past where they'd stood as equals, but that was long since gone. Naruto had passed him on the way up to the top -- he'd become a jounin before he had. Naruto had grown taller than he had -- passing him, of course, at six foot, six inches, and muscular through the shoulders. Azura and Hinata had joked with the blond, advising him never to wear a shirt again, because covering up a torso like his was a crime. Sasuke had stopped at six feet, and was smaller and slimmer -- not as muscled as his foxy rival. Even his voice was sexier than Sasuke's! Damn Naruto.

Naruto pressed a kiss to his teme's temple. He breathed in the musky, spicy scent that was Sasuke Uchiha -- he was never going to get sick of that scent. He knew, from the moment he'd laid eyes on Sasuke the night before, and breathed in that wonderful scent that he would be addicted to Sasuke -- never wanting to let go of him.

"We're married, teme," Naruto reached into his pocket, and pulled out Sasuke's golden ring. "I know you're not happy, but can't we at least try to make this work?" he slipped Sasuke's ring onto said boy's finger, slightly surprised that Sasuke let him.

"I…" Sasuke trailed off. His cheeks were dusted in the lightest shade of pink. "What about kids, dobe?"

Naruto raised a brow. The two of them knew that the Uchiha clan had to be restored, and Sasuke was the only one who could actually do it, since there were no more Uchiha left. Well, there was Itachi, but Naruto seriously doubted Itachi would want to, or even attempt to restore the clan he slaughtered. "I'll try my hardest to impregnate you."

Sasuke glowered at Naruto. "dobe…"

"No, I'm being serious teme."

Sasuke sighed, annoyed. "hn."

Naruto grinned. "We need to work on your vocabulary," Sasuke glared at Naruto. "Hn isn't a word, my dahling husband."

Sasuke shook his head, slightly amused. "Did you just call me darling?"

"I did," Naruto paused, thoughtfully. "Unless you want me to call you baby, or bitch."

Sasuke glowered. "No. I think I like darling more."

Naruto laughed. "Fine, fine. Darling it is."

Sasuke was about to say something, but his stomach rumbled -- he was hungry. All this excitement had caused him to forget about eating. Now, as he thought about it, this excitement had caused him to forget about the basics -- like having a shower, and getting food. Damn Naruto. Sasuke probably stank -- stank like his foxy mate, and sex.


"No fucking duh dobe."

"I'll treat you to ramen."

Sasuke rolled his eyes. To Naruto, ramen probably was a form of consolation.

Naruto looked hopeful. "yes?"


Naruto grinned triumphantly, pulling his mate up as he stood. Naruto wrapped his arm around Sasuke. Leaning down, he kissed the shorter man's forehead.

Sasuke looked around -- looking around if anyone was around. It wasn't that he wasn't happy that he and Naruto were married, but it was the fact that he just wasn't ready for all of Konoha to know just yet.

"Ichiraku ramen then?"

Naruto laughed. "Na lets go home." He paused, looking at Sasuke. "You do have ramen, right?"

Sasuke rolled his eyes. "Of course I do dobe,"

Naruto chuckled lightly. "Yes, of course…" He once again kissed his mate's head.


Naruto had taken the liberty of cooking the ramen. At first, Sasuke had been against the idea of the blond cooking in his kitchen -- slightly worried that he would burn the entire house down, although he wouldn't mind. He would do him the favor of not having to burn down the Uchiha manor by himself. Living there still brought painful memories back to him.

Sasuke had situated himself on the couch, and was reading a book. The book was a book his mother used to read him when he was a little boy. As he stared at words on the page, Sasuke was suddenly very, very aware of his stomach clenching, his breath coming in dizzy, nausea heavy gasps.

His vision blurred, and he fought the urge to vomit.

What. The. Fuck?!