Story Time With Stella

By: narutoprincess

Chapter 1

NP: Okay everyone! This is a new story. I'm just gonna let you know now, I was inspired by this in Spanish class and just started to write it out. Now I'm typing it up. Thanks to all of you who read He Gets That From Me and my other stories. I'd also like to say I'm going to start taking anonymous reviews so if you want to review but aren't a member or something, you can! Anyway, I hope you enjoy this story.

"Mommy! Will you tell me a story?"

Stella should've known it would happen. Her daughter, Mindy always wanted a story before bedtime and tonight was no different. All she had to do was see the innocence in her daughters face and she would be heading towards the bookshelf.

"Okay. Which story do you want to read?"

"I don't want you to read me story. I want you to tell me one."

Stella was taken aback for a moment. This was a first. But she sat on her daughters bed in the spot Mindy had already cleared for her.

"Let's see..."


Once upon a time, in the land of New York City -


"That's where we live Mommy!"

Mindy was amazed. This story started like a fairytale and most fairytales never started anywhere nearby. They usually started "in a land far, far away". Stella smiled and her daughters amazement.

"Yes. This story took place right here in New York City, Now can I continue?"

Mindy nodded. This was sounding like it was going to be a good story.

"As I was saying..."


Once upon a time, in a land of New York City, there lived a king and a queen. They were fair and just leaders and were loved by all their subjects. Their names were King Mac and Queen Claire...


NP: That's all your getting for this chapter, but don't worry. I'll be putting up at least one more tonight. Please review this story. I love reading reviews and I will reply to them if you are logged-in.