-Ignominious Evanescent Scribe

The police should be driving by in a few minutes with Dent in an armored car. Until then, I should just stay put. Knowing the Joker, he's going to do something spontaneous, like, gee, I don't know…blowing up the car!

Bruce thought bitter thoughts like this, along with many others whilst, once again, his foot was itching to hit the gas. When you're sitting on top of a friggin' cheetah of all cars, one can't resist to take advantage of it's 20 cylinder, 1000 horse power engine.


In the distance, a gunshot fired against metal. That was his cue. Bruce couldn't help smiling as he sped down the deserted highway toward the banging, which had now been taken over by rapid gunshots, and what sounded like a bazooka. Bruce used every fiber of concentration that currently existed in his being to figure out where it was.

"HI UNCLE BRUCE!!!" Yelled the all to familiar voice. Bruce yelped, and floored the brake. Two little girls, one with jet black hair, and the other with brown flew forward, and hit the dashboard. Oddly, neither of them were hurt.

"WHAT THE #%* ARE YOU DOING?! WHERE'S ADARA?! WHY AREN'T YOU HOME?!" Bruce felt a vein in his forehead pulse rapidly. Janie smiled that stupid, innocent smile, and replied angelically;

"Well, Alfred came home, so we're here, and he's watching a Soap." Gah, she sounded intelligent. "And I feel extremely uncomfortable when you use such language." She added sweetly, patting his hand, which was clenched around the steering wheel. Bruce opened his mouth, but nothing came out. He just sat there stuttering like a moron, until finally, Charlotte spoke.

"You'd better stop while you're behind, Uncle Bruce, and go get the Joker. Now drive." She said in her I'm-More-Superior-Than-You-So-Shut-Up voice. Bruce groaned, knowing that there was no way in heaven or hell he'd get the girls out of the car. Taking advantage of the mini-tank's power, Bruce glided down the highway silently. After ten minutes of awkward silence, Bruce piped up.

"Err….so how was school today?" He asked without peeling his eyes off of the road.

"Wonderful! Today I learned about…or…..more like reviewed addition. My teacher promised that I would get special education for my abilities, because everyone in this vehicle knows that things like that are way below my level." Janie looked at her cuticles casually. Charlotte, on the other hand, just mumbled, "Good."

"You're just saying that because you don't want Uncle Bruce to know about James…" Janie taunted, whilst Charlotte turned a brilliant shade of crimson.

"Ah. Taken a fancy to a boy, have we? What's his last name. Maybe his father works at Wayne Indus-"

"His father doesn't work there silly! His father is Lieutenant Gordon!" Janie waved a hand in front of her, as if to say 'it's no big deal'. Bruce felt every muscle inside of him seize up.

"James Gordon Jr.?" He asked airily. Janie nodded, and Bruce inhaled. "Ladies, do you know what happened to James' father?" The Girls' shook their heads. "Well…..the other day, you know, at the funeral? Um….you were there, so you heard the gunshot? Well……that was directed at the mayor. But a man jumped in front of the bullet, and in the process lost his life. That was James' father." There was an eerie silence, which was broken by a sob from Charlotte.

Bruce pulled over, and looked at the girls.

"I'm dropping you off here. You NEED to leave NOW! I can't let you be here! It's too dangerous! I know that you don't want to leave, or that you can protect yourself, but I just can't lose you to such a maniac!" He was breathing rapidly now.

There was another awkward silence.

"That was random….." Janie muttered, before climbing out of the car. Bruce sped off, leaving the two girls looking shocked. He knew in his heart that they would get home safely, because they were freaking brilliant.


"The Federal Bureau of Investigation is now transporting the dangerous masked vigilante to a more secure jail, where he will be held until his trial next week." Said the female news reporter in a monotone.

"Sheesh! By the time she said 'Federal Bureau of Investigation', the joker will have already blown up the car!" cried Janie, scooping chocolate chunky mint ice-cream into her mouth.

Charlotte and Janie had, in fact, made it back to the penthouse to find an angry, and impressed Alfred waiting for them. They were now enjoying the evening news, and a bowl of ice cream.

"We've just received word that the Joker is attacking the vehicle containing the masked vigilante." She said again, still monotonous.

"Would it kill her to say batman?!" Charlotte yelled. The girls both swallowed an angry gulp of ice cream.

"I'm sorry Alfred. I just had to come here again to see the girls." A voice whispered in the kitchen. The girl's heads whipped around.

"AUNTIE RACHEL!!" Janie screamed. She gently placed her ice cream on the coffee table, and tackled Rachel. Charlotte soon followed, until several hugs and kisses had been exchanged.

"Why didn't Bruce tell them he is batman?! I don't understand!!" Janie cried. Rachel laughed, then wrapped her arm around Janie.

"Darling, Bruce loves batman too much to give him up. It's an ego thing. All men have it." She muttered, right as Alfred entered the room.

"Gee. Thanks madam." He mumbled, turning his back, obviously pretending to be offended. Charlotte giggled. Rachel checked her watch, and rose to her feet.

"Okay girls. I'm sorry, but I have to get home." After another exchange of hugs and kisses, Rachel departed.

"Let's follow her to make sure she gets to her car safely!" Janie whispered.



"Ew! It stinks here!" Janie held her nose.

The girls were now hiding behind trash cans behind Bruce's building, where Rachel had just left the building, and was now making her way to the back where her car was parked.

Suddenly, a musty white van pulled up, and out jumped three clowns. Rachel yelped, and turned to run. But three fit clowns are definitely going to beat a lawyer in stilettos. They wrapped their arms around her, and began to drag her toward the van. Janie let out a scream, but Charlotte slapped her.

But it was too late.

One of the clowns had noticed, and stormed toward the trash can.

"Well well well…what do we have here? Two little eavesdroppers! The boss won't like that!" He grabbed the both of them by the scruff of their necks, and threw them in the van.

"HEEELLLLPPPP!!!!!!!!!" Janie screeched.