Hey readers!

Thanks for clicking on my story. I really like Alice and Jasper (they are my favorite characters!)and I think that they have a really good relationship, and they aren't mentioned enough in the books. Hope you enjoy!

luv, Animanga128

Something was wrong. I saw it flash across my mind in a vision of color and blur. It wasn't clear, but I could tell. Something wasn't right.

Jasper, who was sitting to my left, saw my face. He knew my every reaction to visions. He could see the look of confusion and pain that graced my face now.

"Alice," he began, looking at me, a serious expression on his face. "What did you see?"

Carlisle, who was previously engaged in a conversation with Esme and Rosalie, looked up at me, startled.

Four more faces looked up. Edward, who was sitting in a large, comfortable chair looked up first. Then, Esme looked up in spontaneity with Rosalie. Last was Emmett, who was sitting with his arm around Rosalie.

"It wasn't quite clear," I explained. "All I saw was a blur of color and then...then..." My voice caught. I began to loose focus as another vision danced across my mind. A woman, in her twenties, with fiery red hair, and extremely beautiful features disappear into the woods.

Jasper gave me a quick jolt, and I immediately returned to my family.

Carlisle urged me to share my vision.

"All I saw was a woman. She was definitely a vampire. I don't know where she was, or who she was or where she came from. All I know is that she had fiery red hair, and pallid skin, just like us. Oh, and her eyes were jet black, and she was glaring" I stated. Jasper pulled me into a hug. I didn't know why, but I just had the worst feeling about this woman.

Everybody pondered this. Carlisle spoke first. "Well, since we don't know anything about her, it is probably better left alone. Why don't we all go upstairs, seeing as it is late, and we all need to relax for a few hours, before we all leave again in the morning."

Jasper stood, then helped me up, seeing as I was having a mental breakdown. I stood and walked with an uneasy gracefulness. It was unusual, but seeing that vision, especially her eyes, was enough to make anyone collapse.

I walked into my room and took my shoes off. Snow drifted lazily to the ground. Jasper lit a fire in the fireplace and I turned on the TV. Jasper sat down next to me on our large, comfortable, plush sectional. I laid my head on his shoulder, and his embraced me with his strong arms.

"So tell me, Alice, why are you so afraid?" he asked me with his calm voice.

I could sense that he was using his powers to calm me down. He knew I was upset.

"Her eyes seemed to be looking right at me. They were black, Jasper. She was thirsty. And she was glaring and-"

Jasper cut me off by placing his index finger over my mouth. He replaced his finger with his lips. The kiss lasted about thirty seconds.

"Don't fret, Alice," he soothed. "I doubt that this has anything to do with you. She may have just been a hunting vampire for all we know."

"Not only that, it may have just been me, but the forest sure as hell looked a lot like the forest surrounding Forks," I said.

Jasper stroked his chin, then smiled at me. "Well, if it was in Forks, we'll just have to be friendly and ask, "Excuse me, Madam, but are you perchance hunting one Alice Cullen?"

I giggled. He laughed. I replied with an imitation of the woman in the forest. "No, because you, Jasper Hale, are now protecting her, so I am assuming that she is not available for hunting."

Jasper smiled. I smiled. We shared so many good times.

Then, he pulled out his guitar.

Oh, how I loved when he played the guitar! Sometimes he would sing to me. Nobody else knew about his secret talent.

He began to sing to me. I smiled. He hadn't sang in a while. I presume that he was working on a new song, because this one was far more unique than anything that I had ever heard. It was soft, with a gentle melody, carried by his lovely, harmonious voice.

Suddenly, the window opened. A rush of wind stormed through the room. And then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a flash of red disappear in the the deep woods.

Jasper gentle put his guitar down, then went to go close the window. I sat there, stunned for a moment, before letting the scream that had been building up, out.

My legs started to swagger. Before I knew it, I was laying on the couch, my head in Jasper's lap.

"It was her," I growled.

At that moment, I knew.

Her name was Victoria, and she was hunting. Not for blood from an animal. She had one particular human in mind, and that human's name, was Bella Swan.

Hope you liked it!

Please, your honest feedback would be greatly appreciated!

I'll try to get the next chapter on its feet soon!

If you have any ideas, post them in a review, and i will consider putting them in my story. (You will be credited.)