Curse him! Thought Vader as he stalked out of the Emperor's throne room, rage coursing through his body. How is it that Palpatine manages to take everything from me –and merely gives me meaningless trifles in return? Everything in Vader had been screaming at him to not let the Emperor take Luke, and yet Luke was with Palpatine, and Vader was alone… again. My entire family has been stolen from me, and I have been powerless to stop it. No matter how much power I gain, somehow I always loose them. Vader continued along the corridors of the Imperial Palace, his anger no more abated, but his mind somewhat clearer. Even if Palpatine has taken my son, that does not mean that he will hold onto Luke forever –I can reclaim him… and perhaps overthrow that disease in the process.

The Emperor was laughing. Laughing to himself at Vader's cowardliness –so much for the "Hero with No Fear". Vader had come so far from when Palpatine first knew young Anakin. The Emperor could sense the anger and outrage coursing through Vader –and still sensed it now. This was true power: the power to rip apart a life, while the broken one did nothing but bend his knee. But in his deepest soul, Palpatine knew that he was, in fact, disappointed. While he had just obtained a new, and very powerful apprentice, the Emperor knew that training Luke would be difficult. And while Vader was furious, Palpatine sensed in him something new… something dangerous. For Vader was not just angry –he was also devoted to his son. Vader was becoming weak. The old Darth Vader would have fought his master over Luke –he would have at least put up a fight before letting his master take the boy. But this Vader –this Vader cared too much. The light was starting to sneak through the cracks of his black heart.

The second that Vader left the room, Luke was accosted by two red guards, along with Mara Jade, who all lead him through the winding hallways of the Emperor's palace. He was shaking with emotion, his mind unable to process thought, or logic. He felt numb, and angry all at the same time. How could father do this? He left me to the Emperor! He left me. I thought that he cared…. But did I know that he cared? For all I know, he just wanted me as his apprentice. For my power –just like the Emperor does. What does the Emperor want with me anyways? He knows that I'll never join him –he must know that I won't be his new apprentice. And he certainly must know that I'll never kill my father for him. Never.

"Hey, are you listening?" Came Mara Jade's voice, interrupting Luke's thoughts.

"What?" Luke asked, while she sighed heavily.

"This is where you stay. Standard rules: no leaving, no trying to escape, no getting into trouble in general, etcetera. Got it?"


"Good." Mara said, then pushed Luke in the door, and shut it behind him. She hadn't walked more than three steps, when she was accosted.

"Do you have any idea what you've done?" Came an outraged voice.

"Why should I answer to you?" Countered Mara, "You're nobody."

"You gave Sidious another apprentice –as if he didn't have enough already. You know, I think it's a game to him," The woman from the throne room said with vehemence, "Some people play sabacc –he goes through apprentices. I'll bet he likes to guess how they'll die."

"I do my job, Nicole" Replied Mara, with more than a little ice in her voice, "Which is more than I can say for you."

"Newsflash, I don't have a job –and frankly you don't either," Nicole said, mockingly, "You're nothing but a wannabe apprentice." Mara gritted her teeth –determined not to give Nicole any gratification,

"But it's better than being nothing." And with this, Mara left, hoping to leave with the last remark –but no such luck.

"Being nothing is better than being a slave."

I'm back!

So, here's the newest chapter: sorry if it isn't the best, I was just trying to get something out, and I'll probably go back and edit a bit later.

Now that I'm slightly less busy, I'll be updating, but keep in mind that updates might still be slightly sporadic.