Disclaimer- I do not own any of the characters from Flight 29 Down Characters or H20: Just Add Water

Chapter 2

Cleo hugged Lewis and kissed him on the cheek. "Now you are sure you have everything covered?"

"Cleo, Cleo! Everything is set. You just have a good time." Lewis said as the four teens stood on the dock that overlooked the ocean.

"It better." Emma said.

"Oh no!" Rikki cried.

They all looked at her, "What?" Cleo asked.


"Rikki you'll have all the time in the world to make out with him when you get back." Emma said.

"Shut up, no! I haven't told Zane about this!" Rikki said, jumping into ocean. As her body came up from underwater, her shirt was no longer on but now had some kind of scaly swimming suit. And you could now see a long golden tail from waist down.

They all crouched down and looked down at her in the water. "So what?"

"If Zane wants to find me he'll look for me. He'll ask where I am. Maybe he'll go to my dad or something. If he thinks we'll be at Mako Island, he'll go there. And when he doesn't' find us, he'll go back and tell them we're not there." Rikki said.

"It's kinda strange that you think that far into the future." Cleo said.

"I'll be right back." Rikki said as she sunk into the water and you could see something fast speed away in the underwater.


Daley walked through the jungle of the island. It was quite beautiful. Tropical birds squawked as they flew over her head. Long, grass and plants rubbed against her calves. Her red thick hair flew back a little as the breeze hit her. Daley squinted as she looked beyond.

"Lex!" she cried.

He couldn't have gone far, he wouldn't have. Lex was smart. She had checked everywhere except for afar away from where they had ever been. Daley was confused why Lex had gotten so angry. Maybe he just wants us to act civilized. He doesn't want us to forget who we are, Daley thought.

Daley groaned as she stopped. She didn't could find him anywhere. Daley began to walk back to camp. When she was near the plane she stopped for a moment. Daley turned and walked to her left until she came to see vegetables growing from the ground and a little boy.

Of course! Lex's garden. She walked over into the garden and crouched down to the boy who sat near the dirt. "What's wrong?"

Lex looked up at her, "Nothing, it just we need to be a team.: a family. And I don't want us breaking up. All the work we've accomplish will go down the drain."

Daley sighed, "I'm sorry, that I supported Nathan when he punched Eric. I guess he didn't deserve it."

Lex looked at his stepsister, "Oh he deserved it alright! It just well…. I don't know."

Daley grinned as she stood up and offered her hand out to Lex. He grabbed it and rose to his feet. "Come on." She said as they walked towards the plane with her arm around his shoulder.


Zane Bennett laid on a flotation recliner in his large pool. The glasses he wore protected his eyes from rays of the sun. He thought to himself; though most of them were blank. His kept his eyes close as he laid his hands in the water. He black hair absorbed the sun's heat.

Suddenly Zane felt something come above him. He felt a shade from the sun, Zane looked up and saw Rikki standing next to the pool. "Hey." He said.

Rikki smiled at him, "How did you get here?"

Rikki pointed the ocean as the waves went back and forth, "Right."

"Zane, I need to tell you something?" Rikki said.

"What? Your not a mermaid are you?" he said sarcastically.

"Yeah really funny." Rikki said.

Zane smiled. "Me, Emma and Cleo are leaving for a week." She said.

"Where?" he asked.

"I'm not exactly sure but we were thinking of the coast." She said.


"North America." She said.

"Isn't that a little far?" he asked.

"Zane, we're fishes." Rikki laughed. "Now our parents obviously don't know, so keep it on the down low."

"Okay sure."

"Bye." She said walking away.

Rikki instantly turn around and bent down Zane, move his lounge closer to her. Rikki softly kissed him on the lips. "Bye." He said.

She began to run down the lawn were it stopped overlooking the ocean. She dived and disappeared.


"Where is she?" Cleo said restlessly.

"Calm down." Emma said.

"It's been like half an hour." Cleo said.

"Cleo, its only been eight minutes." Emma said.

"That's doesn't matter!" Cleo said.

Lewis stood near the girls, looking at the water. "Here she is."

The Cleo and Emma turned and looked at the water as something or someone swam over to them. Rikki pushed her head of out the water and grinned. "What's taking you guys so long. Lets get on the road."

Both of the girls rolled their eyes. "Bye Lewis." Cleo said.

Lewis winked at her, Cleo and Emma held hands as they jumped into the water. They suddenly began to transform, their bodies began to become glittery, until it looked to human forms made up of water. Of a moment they looked normal, but had long golden tails. "Have a great time guys." Lewis said.

"Yeah, we'll try to remember that." Rikki said.

"Underwater adventure, here we come!" Cleo said.

"Seeya Lewis." They all said as they sunk into the water and they sped away.

"I love being friends with mermaids." Lewis said to himself walking away


Eric came from the plane looking around. He had been trying to avoid seeing Nathan all day. It was really embarrassing getting knocked out by Nathan. Honestly, he didn't expect, Nathan stand up for Daley like that. Yeah, they had some kind of relationship, but he didn't feel like he deserved to be punched right in front of everyone.

Taylor and Melissa had helped him with his injury. It was very embarrassing, when Taylor helped him clean out his mouth. He always liked Taylor, even though he knew she didn't feel the same way about him. Having been punched n the mouth in front lowered his masculinity tremendously. He felt like a fool.

As he walked towards the fire pit, he looked up and saw Nathan. "Augh!" he said naturally.

"What?" Nathan asked.

"Nothing." Eric said. He had to think of something. Something that wouldn't make Nathan want to hurt him again. "I'm really sorry for what I said to Daley."

Nathan looked at Eric, "Yeah right."

Eric said, "No, really I was thinking. I didn't mean it."

"Are you sure? Because it seems to me that you just don't want to fight me." Nathan said.

"Why would we fight? We're right?" Eric said.

Nathan looked at him suspiciously, "I guess."

"So… let bygones be bygones?" Eric asked nervously offering his hand.

" I guess." Nathan said shaking it. "But if hear you say anything like that about Daley or anyone here, we're not cool."

"Sure dude." Eric said slowly walking away.

Nathan shook his hand and sat on the ground.


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