Disclaimer: I do not own, nor do I make any money from Naruto. Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto.

Summery: Porn, for Kakashi, was an intrinsically complicated affair.

*cough* Originally this drabble was the beginnings of a sequel to my one-shot 'As In Like'. But both myself and my beta prefered it just as it is. ^^ Beta'd by the minxy kita_the_spaz.

Of Porn
Humor. Romance. PG.

kakashi x iruka

Porn, for Kakashi, was an intrinsically complicated affair. He had standards. His porn was not just some dime-store smut written for the sole purpose of becoming jerk-off material. In fact, the books he chose to read often came with not only a plot, but also a subplot. And their characters were notably witty, dialog never falling into the realms of clichéd, attractiveness never summed up by pure aesthetics.

Kakashi liked reading more then just sex. He liked the romance, drama and suspense of a story. The delicately weaved details of distant lands; the foray into an era, a world, he himself would never experience. He liked the complexity and understanding of a situation, the messy brilliance each scene could convey with a few simple words.

He liked Icha Icha Paradise because it was, quite ingeniously, a literary goldmine hidden beneath garish orange. Because when inspired, the great hermit Sannin could be a poet with his words. And he was, often, inspired.

That being said, Kakashi also liked his porn simply because it allowed him daily uninterrupted passage thought the village; through the missions room, through the academy, through the Hokage's tower, through the hospital… through life. Porn allowed him privacy, and all because people assumed.

When the latest volume of his favourite series became available, Kakashi often forwent all human interaction, instead preferring to settle down somewhere quiet and read. It was a ritual - the lingering warmth of sunlight, the inhalation of fresh crisp paper and bitter ink. A ritual he had succumb to many years ago, and one not many dared to disrupt.

Perhaps, for this reason alone, Kakashi's genius intellect was coming up short on just why he had now read the same line five times over. Or why both his eyes continually rose to seek out the apartment's only other occupant, his current caretaker and friend.

Because as much as Kakashi loved his porn, Iruka's ass seemed to reduce all that love to cinders.