Disclaimer: I don't own Yuri or Estelle or anything to do with Xbox360's Tales of Vesperia; the nice folks at Bandai Namco do. Thanks to Veraliana for the correct info!

A/N: Written for the delicious Empatheia, who has exquisite taste in both video games and bishounen.

Warnings: Rampant fluff, lewd thoughts and a concern that 'size matters'.


A Serious Question


Ahhh… blue sky, sunshine, a pretty girl… it doesn't get much better than this. Yuri inhaled deeply and slowly exhaled as he crossed his booted ankles and leaned back on his hands. Closing his eyes, he turned his face up to the sun until ecstatic little barks and whines from Repede's direction made him crack an eye. The dog had cast aside his pipe, his dagger and his dignity as he rolled in the wildflower-strewn meadow, all four paws waving in the air. Yuri watched Repede abandon himself to doggish enjoyments for several more minutes, then took a cue from the canine and flopped onto his back into the thick green grass. Contentedly basking, he thought about nothing very taxing until a heavy sigh brought his attention to the young woman seated beside him. She's been like this for days

Estelle heaved another deep sigh and neatly rearranged her legs underneath her voluminous skirts, absently smoothing the heavily-embroidered garment with a gloved hand. Her vivid green eyes were veiled by long dark lashes, and Yuri couldn't help but notice the provocative way she bit her lip as she pouted. His fingers twitched, wanting to soothe away her discontent… and then maybe wander into her hair before pulling her down so that he could indulge in a little lip-nibbling of his own. Dammit! I'm as bad as that pervert Raven! He gave himself a mental shake. What is it about Estelle that makes me want to find out if grass stains wash out of that white dress?

Yuri was about to roll over onto his stomach in order to hide the hard evidence of his attraction to his companion when the rustle of fabric caught his attention. Estelle was slowly removing her gloves; he watched with interest because the young woman rarely doffed the white accessories even when she was healing someone. Her hands were slender and moon-pale, her fingers long and slim… a princess' hands. Yuri held up his own broad, tanned and calloused hand to consider the differences between them. She handles a sword with as much skill as I do, but you'd never know it by the size of her. He rather liked Estelle's delicate hands, and indulged himself in imagining how they would feel sliding over his skin… which inevitably led to an arousing image of him returning the favour. Yuri's glance strayed to Estelle's well-filled bodice, so blatantly adorned with suggestive curlicues of embroidery. They'd fit perfectly in my palms… unlike Judith, who's a bit much for any one man to handle…in so many ways.

When Estelle sighed again, Yuri thanked whichever gods might be listening that she remained as clueless as ever about his carnal musings and hauled his protesting libido out of the gutter to instead focus on whatever was causing her concern. She was twisting those admired fingers together and chewing her lip to the point of blood, so he decided to intervene before he threw caution to the wind and kissed her until she couldn't remember what was bothering her. Must be the fresh air and sunshine; what the hell's gotten into me today?

"Estelle?" he called softly, and was utterly ignored. Smirking a little, Yuri dropped his voice into the lower register that never failed to fluster the young woman. "Stelllllla," he crooned; she twitched, but continued to stare at her anxiously-wringing hands. Somewhat perturbed at her lack of response, Yuri reached up and caught a silky lock of pink hair between his fingers… which sent his gleeful libido swan-diving straight back into the gutter. I wonder where else she might have short pink… argh! Mentally slapping himself, he gave the captured strands a gentle tug as he tried again. "A gald for your thoughts, princess?"

Estelle finally darted a quick glance in his direction before shyly ducking her head, a soft blush tinting her lovely face. Despite his earlier daydreaming, Yuri was more than a little taken aback when the young woman suddenly moved until she was leaning over him, her rosy hair haloed by sunshine and her limpid green eyes only inches above his own. Any questions he might have asked scattered like wind-blown leaves when a dainty hand slid inside the open neckline of his tunic and came to rest on his bare chest over his madly-thumping heart. Feeling oddly breathless, Yuri's eyelashes fluttered as he concentrated on the feel of those slim fingers lightly flexing against his skin.

"Estelle?" he breathed, pressing his hand over hers; she dropped her eyes and again worried her lip between her small white teeth. This time, Yuri gave into his impulses and brought up his other hand to cup her cheek, weaving his fingertips into her hair as he brushed the pad of his thumb across her moist pink mouth. "What is it?" he asked, gently squeezing her captive fingers and wondering if Repede was still in the vicinity or had taken himself off to a discreet distance to give them some privacy. Not to mention head off Karol and the others… Estelle gave him an intent look as he continued to caress her cheek; she squared her narrow shoulders, her face so sweetly earnest that he had to smile. Releasing her hand, he slid his arm around her slender waist and began tugging her closer in preparation for a much-anticipated embrace.

His intentions spectacularly derailed when the object of his affections blurted out, "Yuri… do you think I'm 'bouncy'?"