Disclaimer: It all goes to Square. Lucky Square.

Panting, she cracked Save the Queen again and again upon the Ruby Dragon. She moved fast, without mercy, not even giving the creature time to plot an attack of its own.

But no matter how many times she hit it, with deadly precision, it just did not seem to die. Mumbling a curse under her breath, Quistis cast Aura on herself. But this gave the Ruby Dragon the time it needed-rearing back to launch its deadly Breath attack. Her eyes widened as the dragon opened it's mouth and...


Quistis sighed in relief as the dragon simply ceased to be. She tucked a tendril of golden hair behind her ear and stretched, eyes closed.

She never noticed the T-Rexaur sneaking up behind her.

But she definitely felt it when its tail made contact with the back of her head, breaking her clip, and knocking her out.

Before darkness totally invaded her senses, however, she heard two familiar male voices shout out.


"Demon Slice!"

* ~ * ~ *

"Squall, how many times have I told you to not split up your party while at Heaven or Hell? They are the most dangerous islands in the world! It is ridiculous, I would think an intelligent, level A SeeD like you would have known better!"

"...Sorry Matron...but Quistis said herself, she wanted to train on her own, that she would call on us were she in trouble. She wouldn't take no for an answer."

"That doesn't seem like Quistis," Dr. Kadowaki frowned.

"Eh, come on people, we all know she left the party because she didn't want to be around me," Seifer spoke up for the first time from the corner.

"... ... ..." was Squall's input.

"Seifer, I am sure that is not true," Edea said, soothingly. Seifer grunted in reply.

"Dr. Kadowaki, what is her condition?" Squall asked, quietly.

"Well, I doubt there is any long term damage, but she will have quite a bump on the head. And after my medication...I would say she'll be waking up in a day or so."

At this moment, Rinoa walked into the room. She kept her face downcast, and nervously ground her foot into the floor.

"Um...Irvine, Selphie, and Zell are all here...can we visit Quistis for a little bit?"

Edea and Dr. Kadowaki exchanged looks, silently nodding to each other. Casting sympathetic glances at the teenagers, and leaving the room. Selphie, Zell and Irvine walked in a few moments later.

"Yo...there's no way we're all gonna fit in that little room at once," Zell announced.

"So like, we should go in two at a time," Irvine spoke up.

"Me and Squall will go first!" Rinoa squeaked, taking Squall's hand and leading him into Quistis' room before anyone could object.

Selphie tugged lightly on Irvine's sleeve.

"Irvy and me will go in next, okay?"

That left Seifer and Zell to visit Quistis afterwards. The two looked at each other, snorted, and looked away again.

Squall and Rinoa exited, without a word, but Rinoa sniffling slightly. Selphie and Irvine then entered. Squall frowned at Seifer and Zell, and gave them a look that plainly said "Cause any trouble and die."

When Irvine and Selphie came out, his arm was tightly slung over her shoulders.

"You know, it's okay to cry on my shoulder, Sefie."

"Irvy really, I'm fine. I swear!"

"No really babe, this is like, the time to let out all your emotions and whatever. Don't keep everything in that cute little shell forever!"

"But, Quistis is gonna be fine, there's no reason for me to be sad..."

"Oh Sefie, trying to be so brave and strong..." Irvine purred, tugging Selphie into a tight bear hug before pulling her out of the infirmary.

Zell glared at Seifer, and they walked in to visit Quistis.

She lay on the skinny infirmary bed, sheets pulled up to her stomach, hands carefully folded atop them. She was very pale, slightly dark circles beneath her eyes. Her hair was messy and tumbled all around the pillow. Her head had a simple white bandage circling around it. Her breathing was shallow.

"Man...she looks like hell," Seifer stated.

"Tch, she looks a hell of a lot better half dead than you ever did, alive and kicking, Almasy."

"...That was such a Chicken-wuss thing to say."

Zell ignored the comment, and knelt besides Quistis' bed. He rubbed her forearm in a friendly, yet uncomfortable manner.

"Hey Quistis...um...I'm not sure what to say. Ya can hear me right? Oh well, whatever. Guess you took a big hit there, huh? Good thing you're tough. Irvine's using using you as an excuse to hit on Selphie some more, give him a good scolding when you wake up, hear? Bounce back to earth pretty fast okay? We're kinda worried. Well, see ya."

He rose to his feet, dusting off his knees.

"Well? Aren't ya gonna say anything?"

"Like what?" Seifer sighed.

"Who cares! Say something nice. It'll mean a lot to her."


"Tch! Just do it!" Zell pushed Seifer to Quistis' side.

"Uh...well, Quistis, this is what happens when you leave your comrades to go play with the strongest monsters in the world, eh?"

Zell growled.

"...Anyway, wake up soon before Chicken-wuss blows sky high..."

Zell threw his arms into the airs.

"How a big, dumb, jerkish lapdog like that ever made it back to Garden...and SeeD to boot...I'll never know...Cid is such an idiot..." Zell muttered, stalking out of the room.

Seifer scowled, and brushed a strand of hair out of Quistis' face that was pissing him off.

"Guess I deserved that...hey Instructor, between you and me...you weren't that bad of a teacher. Shouldn't have put you through the shit that I have. But, give me a chance to redeem myself here...you might be surprised at the person I really am. I'm only telling you this 'cause I know ya can't hear me...can't respond anyway. Well, spilled my guts enough already. Later."

Seifer hesitantly ran a gloved finger down the side of Quistis' cheek, returned the tough, uncaring look to his face, and walked out of the room.

But he didn't notice that asleep or not, gloved hand or not, a shiver crept through her body at Seifer's touch.

A/N: Well, I haven't written anything in awhile, so I'm a bit rusty...but since I've got this nice little break from school, I figured what the hell. I'm still a Quistis x Seifer lover,and I probably always will be. I guess I'll add more chapters, but I'm so lazy I never finish them...unless I am persuaded by nice reviews... ::wink::