1. Games

Piper's POV-

You opened your eyes, looking around at where you were.

Nowhere at all...You were falling down a deep, never-ending ditch. You screamed, your voice echoing in the dark. You could see a faint light at the bottom, soon growing closer to you. Were you dead? You didn't think so...It was all...really disturbing...you tried to remember how you wound up here...and everything came back...bit by bit...

You had been wandering around the park with Marcus; it was just after your graduation. The dark sky seemed so mysterious as it was decorated with twinkling stars and a bright full moon. You, Piper Thompson, felt amazing. Marcus was holding onto your hand, a glint in his eye and a smile n his face. The two of you were laughing, talking, celebrating...just being two good friends. But what you didn't know at the time was that Marcus other things on his mind...a plan. He led you to the darker side of the park, a place where the trees grew tall and proud...you didn't say anything, thinking that he was going to give you a secret graduation gift or something. But as the trees got darker and the moonlight slowly disappeared from sight, you couldn't help but feel scared. And for you, that was a first.

"Marcus? Where are we going?" you asked him, a hint of fear in your voice that you tried to suppress with a giggle. And then it happened...you didn't know how and you certainly didn't know why...but somehow Marcus had managed to press you up against a tree and play tongue-twister as the girls at school called it. At first it was fine...stupid, but fine. Sort of fun, too. But things got serious, things got bad. He was unbuttoning your vest, a sly smile on his face, when you pushed him off. You knew this common trick...pull a girl out into the park and screw her before ditching her in the dirt. You should have seen it coming, but you had trusted Marcus with all your heart. You would've never imagined him doing this to you.

"Don't worry, Piper. We're just having a bit of fun, right?" he said quietly and elegantly before kissing you again. You couldn't help but kiss him back; there was something about him that just made you fall to the ground as if he were your master. He was just so sweet and so nice...you felt as if you were a puppet on his strings. And this puppet could dance for him all night long...

"No!" you said, snapping back into reality. "Kissing and snogging is fun, but this isn't." You were about to walk away from him when you found his hand clamped over your wrist.

"Oh come on, you flirted with me all through the year. You were asking for this," he said slyly. You pulled away from him, turning sharply on your heel and walking briskly away from him. But Marcus wasn't going to give up without a fight.

"Piss off, will you?" you said. You took after your British mum when it came to your vocabulary.

"No, come back here!" he said, pulling you closer to him. He rammed his tongue down your throat, moving onto you as quickly as possible. You pushed him off of you, causing him to stumble.

"I'm not interested!" You ran off, not a wise thing to do. He ran after you, he was always better when it came to sport. But you could easily kick his arse when it came to street-fighting. You proved your talents, kicking him in the groin before running off again. You heard him groan in pain, a sound that you would have wanted to here a million times over.

"Stupid bitch!" he yelled at you. You could hear his footsteps on the grass; he was coming closer to you. You couldn't run anywhere...you couldn't hide anywhere...where would you go? Then, out of the corner of your eye...you noticed something...

"A...bin?" you whispered. It was a lime green, tube-like thing that was different from any other bin you had seen. It almost seemed to glow in the moonlight. When you looked inside it, you found that you couldn't see the bottom. Not exactly a safe place to hide...you were about to walk away from it when you saw Marcus coming from the other side of the park. You dived into the hole, hitting your head on the edge and blacking out completely.

..And so here you were...falling through the darkness. The white light that was once a faint mark was now growing larger and larger, swallowing you whole with a blinding glow. You fell with a crash onto a pile of leaves. After a fall like that, you were surprised that you hadn't broken any bones. But somehow, you felt like you could take a beating...looking up, you found yourself staring at your entry point, a great green tube just floating in the sky. It was rather bizarre...the hole that you had fallen through had magically been boarded up in the blink of an eye. You had no way of getting back home...You sighed, tears springing to your eyes. You'd never see your family again...you sobbed, your head in your hands.

"It's hopeless...utterly utterly hopeless..." you had to admit that you were a drama queen about everything else in life, but in a situation like this you deserved to make a scene. You wiped your eyes and sat up, looking around the scene. You found yourself in a forest of some sort, fallen leaves circling you. It was sort of like your local park in spring time...it was rather beautiful. The warm sunlight glowed upon your pale skin, cheering you up slightly. Kids called you a hippy whenever you said this, but you always found yourself cheered up by nature's wonders. You were an animal-lover at heart and were always willing to donate money to save the whales. You found yourself in a circle of flowers, but these stems were yellow, red, purple and all colours other than green...how peculiar...you picked a yellow one from the ground, gasping at what you saw. It was a tiny yellow creature with big bat-like ears, just a bit taller than your middle-finger. It was rather cute, with large staring eyes and a dazed expression. You didn't believe in fairies...so this thing was starting to get to you...but still...such a tiny little creature in the palm of your hand...you chuckled and poked it's stomach lightly, watching what it would do.... It bit your finger, causing you to yelp and drop it on the grass.

"What the hell?!" you screamed at it, standing up and looking around your feet. The circle of flowers that once surrounded you started vibrating...before a hundred little creatures emerged from the ground. You screamed as they leapt up and attacked you, biting into your skin.

"Get off of me!" you screamed, swiping them away and shaking them off your ankles. You ran as fast as you could, trying to get away from them. They tried to follow, but they couldn't keep up with your strides. You kept running just in case there were more of them lying about, waiting to attack your ankles. You came across a flattened area, the grass was dying and there weren't any true signs of life. Or at least...you thought that way...but then you saw it. Well...saw them…

They were two yellow creatures, one larger than the other. They were both yellow with black edges on their ears and zigzag tails. They looked exhausted and scared...especially the small one of the two creatures...it practically looked half-dead. The poor things were sitting in cages, hooked up to some strange-looking device by chokers around their necks. Animal testing...you thought to yourself...how barbaric. You approached them as quietly as possible, but your footsteps on the dry grass made the blades snap. The larger creature turned to you, hope in his eyes.

"Hey!" he called out to you. "Do you work for Crazy Hand? Take me if you really must; just leave Pichu out of this! He's just a kid! He can't handle this kind of abuse." You raised both eyebrows in amazement, surprise and confusion all at once.

"You can talk? But you're just an animal!" you said, not believing it for a second. "Wait, am I dreaming? Please say that I'm dreaming!" You slapped yourself in the forehead, trying to wake yourself up.

"Uh...you're not dreaming. Can you please help my little brother and me? This loony is trying to use our electricity to make him ultra-powerful!" he pleaded, a sad look in his bright eyes. "We'd get out of here ourselves, but the machine hurts us whenever we try to take off our chokers and it doesn't let us use our powers! Please, help!" His voice was getting dry; he looked like he hadn't had anything to drink in days. You couldn't just stand by and watch him suffer...even if you didn't know who or what the two things were.

"I'll try my best," you said as you crouched beside him. You reached out to his neck, just touching the collar. It sent a painful buzz through your body, causing you to yelp out in pain and surprise. You tried again, trying to prise your hand in between the creature's neck and the metal band. But you ended up with red burns over your hand.

"I can't, I'm so sorry..." you started, ready to walk away. But you looked down at the tiny yellow animal...your eyes starting to fill with tears. You had to do something...there was no one else around to help them. You grabbed the collar, pain rippling through your entire body, and pulled as hard as you could. Finally, after what felt like hours of pain and misery, the collar snapped in two. You groaned, falling over backwards with relief. The animal jumped onto your chest, looking into your tired eyes.

"Thankyou, human!" he said happily. "Thankyou so much!" He kissed your cheek and jumped off again, returning to his brother. You sat up and saw him sending bolts of lightning to the little one's choker, a concentrated look on his face. Eventually, the collar broke and the little creature 'Pichu' fell onto the grass, waking up from his sleep. He looked up to the larger one's eyes, a shy and exhausted smile on his face.

"Thanks, Pikachu...but how did you manage to get out?" he suddenly noticed you watching him, rage burning in his eyes.

"What did you do to us?!" Pichu shouted, his little cheeks glowing with thunder. He was just so cute! You couldn't help but laugh at him; he was too adorable for words! Pichu's cheeks stopped glowing and he watched you with confusion as you rolled around on the grass, laughing at the adorable thing that he was.

"Pichu, she saved us! If it weren't for her, we might have been in those things forever!" Pikachu explained, smiling brightly. Pichu smiled at you and jumped into your arms, practically beaming out rays of happiness.

"Thankyou!" he said before kissing your cheek and jumping onto your head. He sat there, holding onto your head tightly. You smiled, giggling at the feel of his paws on your forehead. They were soft, but not fluffy. What animals were they? Were they strays? Or did they have homes and families that missed them...just like you...you felt tears rolling down your cheek. But you wiped them away quickly before Pikachu could see them.

"So...what are you two anyway?" you asked. "Where am I?" Pikachu looked confused for a moment, but he suddenly seemed bright and jumped away into the bushes. You got onto your feet and chased after him, finding it hard to keep up. He was unusually fast...but then again, this entire place was rather unusual...You played a mad game of chasey, laughing slightly. Pichu was struggling to keep a hold of you and was keeping a tight grip on a lock of hair. But he was still laughing, enjoying the ride. Pikachu eventually came to a stop at the edge of a cliff, revealing to you an amazing view of this new world.

"Welcome to the Smash Universe!" he announced. "We're currently in the Wilds area, while Luccario and Mewtwo are somewhere else entirely..." Your mind snapped from its daydream when you heard the last two names.

"Lucas and Mewmew? Who are they?" you asked. Pichu laughed a sweet giggle that made you smile.

"If Mewtwo heard you call him that, he'll kick your butt from here to Subspace!" Pikachu laughed with him, but snapped back quickly.

"Luccario and Mewtwo are Pokémon, like Pichu and I. They're far more powerful than us, though...and nowhere near as fun!" he added, a cheeky smile on his face. "They were kidnapped by Crazy Hand and were taken to two different areas. Squirtle, Charizard and Ivysaur weren't kidnapped 'cause Red put them in Pokeballs just in time. And Jigglypuff...well, she isn't that strong, so Crazy decided not to take her."

"What matters is that we need to get them back to the Smash Mansion, pronto! Will you help us...what's your name again?" Pichu asked, his upside-down head suddenly appearing in your view. You smiled warmly at him, instantly liking the two brothers.

"It's Piper Thompson...and I'd love to help!" Pikachu and Pichu squealed before jumping off the cliff, rolling down the smooth but steep hill happily. They were loving this crazy game, tumbling down into a patch of soft grass and laughing their heads off like there was no tomorrow. You watched them squeal happily, but a question echoed in your mind...

"Hey guys! What the hell is a Smash Mansion?!?!"