After this, Holding On will officially be marked as complete. (: Nessie POV again!

Cause we are together.

Made for each other.

We can stand alone…

And now no one can touch us.

~No One Can Touch Us, Sing it Loud



I sat on my mother's porch swing, as I watched my uncles, my father and Jake load boxes two at a time into the two large U-Haul trailers we rented for the move.

"You be careful with that!" Grandma Esme shouted at Emmett. He smiled, and slowed his already fast pace.

"Don't worry about it," He smiled. I shook my head.

Alice, Rosalie and my mom were basking in the little quiver of sunlight. Their sparkling skin reflecting in all directions.

Aunt Rose, Uncle Jasper and Emmett had graduated last week. And the Cullen clan was on the move again…

"Hey, Renesmee," Jake said plopping down beside me.

In the last couple months of school, Jake and I were closer--couple wise--than we had ever been. No one could shake us. I was his, and he was mine, and that was that.

"Shouldn't you be helping, Jake?" I asked.

"You know perfectly well that they can work just as fast without me." He retorted. I nodded. It was true. We could al help, actually. My mom, Rose and Alice could help. Carlisle and Esme could as well.

"Well boys," Grandpa Carlisle said, coming out of the house as if by magical chance with a box in his arm. "This is the last of the medical stuff. I don't think there's anymore."

"Wait!" Grandma Esme said, coming out of the house, a camera in her hands. "One for the road."

He nodded. "Everyone on the porch steps."

Jake and I stood up, and everyone else was with us in a flash. Carlisle quickly set up the camera as we stood in place. Emmett was on the far right, Rosalie on the step below him. Jasper stood next to Rosalie, with Alice peeking over him two steps above. Dad was a step below Alice, and Mom was in his arms. I stood next to my mom, and Jake next to me. Grandma Esme stood behind me, and Grandpa Carlisle hurried. The small red light indicating the timer was flashing, and he was with us in a second. We all smiled as the flashes grew faster. The last bright white flash shone, and the picture was taken.

Alice stared out blankly. Finally she smiled, "That was perfect. I don't think we need to take another." No one doubted her.

"We should get going." Dad said, "If we want to beat the rain."

Everyone nodded, and we all piled into assigned cars. Carlisle and Esme were in the Mercedes, Rosalie and Emmett in the Jeep, pulling one of the U-Hauls, Mom and Dad in the Volvo, carrying the other U-Haul, and Alice and Jasper in the BMW. The Porsche was in the U-Haul behind Mom and Dad.

My parents were actually letting me ride with Jake. Just as long as I stayed in the backseat.

Dad nodded at Carlisle from inside his own car and he lead the small caravan, with Emmett following behind. Carlisle drove out of the long drive next, and Alice followed.

"Say goodbye to Portland, Loch Ness," Jake said to me from the back seat.

"Bye," I said, "Bye Janet, bye Bonnie. Bye Jeff, bye Aden." I remembered my four friends coming over the day before, hugging me good bye. Janet hated to see me go. I told her I would keep in touch, but I had learned by then that those were only words, and people were forgotten in months.

Silently in my head, I said goodbye to Keith and Paige. They were sad to see me go as well. They would try to keep contact too.

We drove off then, at least two minutes after Alice and Jasper were out of sight. As we began to got farther and farther from our Victorian estate, I turned around. The two houses grew smaller and smaller, until they were two small white dots in a mass of green.

It was the end of one journey, and the beginning of another…

The End

Yay! Nessie Chronicles I & II/Holding On is officially complete. I feel so proud. To all my fans from day one of NC, I thank you so much. But most of my fans came later, Book Two and Holding On. You made the story what it is. Even if you just opened this story recently. (:

I heart you.

If you haven't checked out The Middle yet, do it now! It's my new story, Prologue is up! Alert it, favorite it, review it! And if you know any new stories (that have just started! I don't really have the time to read a 30,000 word story in a few days,) let me know. Or if you want me to read your story, let me know. (:

Reading *and writing!* till my heart stops,
