Me:-sigh- This story is from Sheik's point of view, I just thought about this in Math class when my friend was talking about how "Sexy" men's chests were (lol) I wasn't really listening cause sometimes she talks alot of crap, so while she was talking I was like 'oh wow!I have a great idea!' and walla! this was born.....Enjoy!


Yaoi...if you don't like then don't read!Also this is a male Sheik story, so those of you that will be complaining in the comments DON'T READ FOR GOD'S SAKE!Thank you for reading this message.


I watched while his fingers tugged and pulled at the fabric of my outfit, I growled at him, I didn't ask for him to do this, because he didn't HAVE to do this. He just looked up at me and grinned, his fingers still tugging on the fabric again. I let out a irritated sigh, remembering the arguement we had not too long ago.


"No Link."

"Sheik..."He whined, while I stubbornly crossed my arms over my chest. Hylian men are so damn persistent.

I muttered curses under my breath while he continued to list the reasons why I should let him do it. Damn it, does he even know what the hell no means? I sighed while he continued on, and on...

"Sheik!It's only fair!You healed me how many times already?Just let me check if you have any cuts. please?"He pleaded, his lightly rough voice got to me, I looked down, a scowl on my face.

I growled lowly, beginning to lightly rub my was aggravating me, didn't he always?He's fucking aggravating me....damn it, why won't he shut up?

"Fine!If shut you damn mouth then you can fucking do it!Just SHUT UP!"I snapped out at him, he looked up at me, his pale blue eyes widening in surprise at me then,

He fucking grinned.

(end of the argument.)

And here I was, his slender fingers pulling at the fabric of my clothes. I gasped lightly when I felt the fabric slide down to my waste, my bruised chest in perfect glanced up at me, a smirk set on his face."That hurt?"

A low growl came out of my throat, it's echo bouncing around the hollow walls of the Temple of Time. "Stop acting stupid Link, I was just surprised you actually managed to get it off of me." I saw him shrug from the corner of my eye, turning his head back down to tend to my freshly gotten cuts, opting to put alchole over them. I closed my eyes, keeping in a light moan when his finger ran down my chest, lightly running over my cuts.

I guess I should have been grateful for this damned mask covering my face, I would never hear the end of it from Link if he found out how red my face if he told Zelda...Teasing forever, ugh. I groaned under my mask when he pressed his finger down a little harder on one of my larger cuts. must have felt it, cause as soon as I made that sound, his hand instantly jerked away, and he looked down at the floor. I swear I think I see a light blush on his face.

My breathing was rough. Great, Lust was just what I needed right now damn it.

I felt his cold hand on my chest again, and when I glanced down sure enough, there he was grinning breathing was still slightly heavy, and because of that he looked up at me, his eyes suddenly full of confusion.

Innocent little bastard.

I felt the soft clothes of the bandages being wrapped around my chest, the cold fingertips of his finger brushing against my chest after ever wrap. I closed my eyes again, desperate to drive the feeling out.

I felt the beads of sweat running down my face, damn I was hot.I felt the faint blush spreading through my already searing hot skin. I grunted when I felt his cool finger touch my burning face.

"Sheik you you-"

I growled at his, standing up and snatching my harp from the floor, walking out on him, while he stared at surprise at my back.

Damn, I am so messed up.


Jer-chan:Yea!I really liked this can't wait for chapter 2?!-raises my hand-


Link:-takes out his sword- Or else...