As I made my way up to the school entrance, I couldn't help but notice that everyone seemed like they were at a local park; instead of a boarding school. there were some people talking at a lunch table, some people just chilling, and others going for jogs, or walking around with their friends. Definitely not school behavior; although, who am I to judge? I'm here from a dandy Phoenix high school for Pete's sake!
I found my way to the reception office and was given a timetable, a map (that I was sure would be well used during my time here and a wish for a good stay at Forks Boarding High (fat chance).
I then went back to Charlie to collect whatever small amount of luggage I had brought with me from Phoenix. Charlie is my biological father, but I never really saw him, as I grew up with my mum, Renee, in Phoenix, and even though I had only gotten to Forks two days ago, in which, for some reason, was going through some weird drought, and hadn't rained for ages, I already missed the warm, sunny Phoenix where I had spent almost my whole life as my mum wasn't really one for travelling. Before she met Phil, that is. Now all she wants to do is travel around the world with him; part of the reason I moved here. The other reason was that I knew my mum and Phil needed some privacy, and that it would cost too much for all three of us to travel the world.
So here I am. saying goodbye to Charlie, even though I'm not really going to miss him, and walking up the path, trying to find the building where I was to stay until the end of the year. I didn't know much about my roommates, but I did know that their names were Rosalie Hale and Alice Cullen.
After pulling out my map four times, getting lost twice and tripping over my own feet three times, I found my room. I was about to put the key the reception lady had given me into the door when I, me being a klutz and all, dropped the key. I must have made a lot of noise, because just as I was about to try and pout the key into the door again, it was opened by, who I assumed was one of my roommates. She had a petite, but gorgeous body, pixie like hair, and a brilliant smile on her lips. "Rose! Rose, she's here!" the girl, who I assumed must have been Alice screamed to someone behind her. "Sorry about that. I'm Alice. You must be Bella! I am so excited to meet you! Please, come in!" she said without drawing a breath. "It's good to meet you too." I said quietly.
"Hi, I'm Rose. Your beds next to the window." said a purely beautiful woman with long, full blonde hair. "Thanks, I'm Bella" I replied feebly. Once inside, Alice closed the door and I walked over to the bed by the window that Rose told me was mine then dumped my bags next to it. "Where's the rest of your luggage?" asked Alice curiously. "This is it" I replied casually, but she didn't seem to take it too well. "What do you mean 'this is it'?!" she asked incredulously. "..Um...this is all I brought...?" I said, immediately feeling out of place and surprised by her response to the little amount of luggage I had. "How do you survive with so little clothes?!" Alice asked, scanning her eyes over my bags. "This isn't all of my clothes, it's just that the rest of my clothes are still in Phoenix," it seemed that she still needed a little more reassurance "they are too cold for Forks." I answered quickly, trying to sound as convincing as I could. It seemed to have worked as she then said "oh. Well that's really good,
'cause it means we can go shopping soon. I fought back a groan as she said the word 'shopping', as it wasn't one of my favourite co-curricular activities.
"Well anyway, we were just going to go for a walk, wanna come? We can show you around the school." Rose suggested. "Yeah sure. That'd be cool." I replied, happy for a subject change.
During our walk/tour, the girls told me a little about themselves. Alice loved to shop, perform makeovers to (as Rose said) whoever will let her, and sometimes, she does even if they don't want her to. She also loves to party and listen and dance to music. Rose loved makeovers- making her Alice's life-sized Barbie doll- fixing cars, and hanging out and partying with friends/family. For some strange reason, Alice wanted me to meet her two brothers, Emmett and Edward, and Rose's brother, Jasper, although, what isn't strange about Alice? (A/N: Don't answer that). For the tour part of our walk, they showed me all the main toilet blocks, the swimming pool, the Gym, the tennis courts/basketball courts and the main centre where all the indoor games are held. To my amazement, my school even had their own shopping centre and food court! Although, Alice and Rose told me that, since the school was just inside the boarder of Forks, and had acres of land to contain the students in, it wasn't all that surprising. I guess I didn't really notice how long it took to get to the school, as I was worrying more about how moving to Forks Boarding School (or FBS as the students call it) would effect my reputation, or how much I would miss Renee and Phil and Phoenix.
After our tour, Rose, Alice and I were to meet Alice and Rose' brothers/boyfriends, as they told me earlier that Alice and Jasper were together, as were Rose and Emmett, at the food court. Since there was still half an hour 'til we were expected, I went back to the room with the girls and took a shower as they picked out as outfit for me. But little did I know that they weren't choosing the outfit from my selection of clothes! "I can't wear that! Why can't I wear some of my clothes?!" I exclaimed as Alice and Rose showed me the clothes they had picked out for me, a pair of designer jeans and a t-shirt with a stylishly expensive looking overtop- perfect for this cold weather, but irrationally unsuitable for me. "Yes, you can wear this and you will wear this! You can't wear any of your clothes because we don't like any of them. That's one of the reasons Rose and I are taking you on a major shopping spree to renew your wardrobe before school starts again." Alice replied sternly. "But school starts in two days!
You won't be able to get me a new wardrobe by then!" I exclaimed, trying desperately to save my wardrobe from things like the outfit I was currently wearing. "Don't underestimate Alice, Bella," Rose advised me "It's not the wisest thing to do. Now we have to go or we'll be late." Rose added as she was making her way to the door. I decided to take Roses advice and just wore the clothes I was in, not really in the mood for more arguing.