Get ready for angst, more angst, and a side of more past revelations! Enjoy!

Carliin awoke with a yawn snuggled in warm blankets slowly setting up rubbing her eyes. It had been a wonderful month of prancing around the continent but they where due in Booty Bay within a week to join up with the others. The blood elf warlock glanced down at her sleeping husband and couldn't help but smile. He was so cute when he slept!

The big troll was curled up nearly sucking on his thumb the other hand draped loosely around her waist. He slept like he stalked; barely without a sound and you wouldn't even know he was alive if it wasn't for his steady breathing that sounded like a soft breeze across the desert.

"For a rouge you are really a deep sleeper!" she commented with a grin stroking his hair slightly.

A hand snaked around to her back pulling her down suddenly and she squeaked in surprise. A grin blossomed across his face and without opening his eyes he said, "And you snore like a tauren,"

She lightly hit him pouting, "I do not you big meanie!"

Zen'Jithil chuckled as he rolled onto his back putting his hands behind his head cracking open an eye, "Well I still love you anyways even if you do snore like a tauren,"

She pouted more and moved away from him, "You can sleep on the floor in Booty Bay then you silly mean thing you!"

He laughed sitting up ruffling her hair, "You know I tease you just to get a rise out of you,"

"Sometimes I wonder," she drawled although a small smile flitted across her face as she moved to pull her travel clothes on again wrinkling her nose, "Ugh....I can't wait to get to Booty Bay! I can finally get these washed!"

The troll grinned, "You could always wash them in the river...."

"So you can stare at me in wet clothes or naked on the shore while I wait for them to dry? Heh...nice try Zen but you better be more cunning then that!" Carliin said with a wide grin.

He shrugged as he buttoned his pants, "Worth a try no?"

"Trolls..."she muttered rolling her eyes causing Zen'Jithil to arch an eyebrow, "Trolls Carliin? Not all trolls are like that,"

"I'm starting to wonder...." the blood elf said tying her black hair up in a bun, "Karalla was peeping from the pushes back in Tristfall before we met him. I can assure that! Just admit it Zen'Jithil...the entire male species of troll are nymphos!"

"Oh? So now male trolls are their own species? What does that make the females?" he asked strapping on his daggers.

"More well behaved and cultured then the males for sure," she said with a grin as she bent over to lace up her boots. Zen'Jithil shrugged and gave her a smack on the rear causing her to bolt up clutching her buttock, "You!"

The rouge grinned, "Well I have a reputation to keep it seems,"

Carliin growled rubbing her rear end before stalking out after him, "I hate you so damn much..." she muttered angrily to which the troll only grinned, "Whatever you say girl,"

Duskwood wasn't the most beautiful of places but she had to admit it was a bit tranquil in how quite the place could be. She looked up at the dusky sky and sighed. In one week it would be the bright hazy blue of the jungle with the nearly suffocating heat. That and she would get the most hideous of uneven tans if she couldn't find a nice place to sunbathe.

The heavy hand of Zen'Jithil on her shoulder startled her from her thoughts, "Ready to go girly?"

"I'm ready to go but don't call me girly right now mister! You are on probation!"

He chuckled, "Are you my mother or my lover?" he asked as he got up on the lizard mount offering her hand up.

She grinned accepting his hand and lifted up easily onto the mount, "Well sometimes I have to be your mother with your bad behavior at times!"

The two shared a grin before he slapped the reigns of the lizard and they where off from the small horde base into the wilds of Duskwood heading towards Stranglethorn Vale and the meeting with the rest of the group. Truth be told she missed Calhoun and the others. In a way they where her new family, perhaps Zen'Jithil saw them as their small tribe.

She leaned back in his arms feeling content and at piece smiling without care as they made their way down the path towards stranglethorn and by all means home as well to their bizarre little troupe...but fate was fickle mistress that could be a loving she could be cruel....


Calhoun sighed as he watched Cyra march up into the city of Stormwind armed only with a name in her hunt. The gnome was dead set on hunting down Cromwell's past even if it meant camping out in Alliance territory for her horde friends. Calhoun sighed uneasy and twitchy. They had camped in Alliance territory before but having a rouge around was always a helpful thing.

They sat in the deeper part of the woods, hidden well among the rocks, trees, and bushes keeping their heads down in case a patrol came by. Cromwell was very jittery whining and dancing from one foot to the other pointing at Stormwind, "Want to go! Have to go!"

"What is so damn important in there you have to say?" Calhoun hissed pulling the warrior down beside him nearly smashing a gurgling Chompy who barely managed to doge the warrior toppling over.

Cromwell tilted his head, "have to gooooooo," he whined more insistently tugging on Calhoun's robe, "Have to have to have tooooo!"

"You sit there and shut your mouth or I'll remove your lower jaw and beat you with it," hissed Calhoun back pushing the warrior away from him, "Do you want to bring the whole alliance down on us?"

The undead warrior, his face fixed in an unnatural grin frowned with his eyes making a whine deep in his throat sounding like a dry rattle in his chest. Cromwell slouched off to Kodash tugging on the shaman's clothes next, "I have to Goonoo!"

The orc gave a slightly forced smile, "If you behave and keep quite I'll make some sweetened salmon,"

That shut up Cromwell quickly, his eyes lighting up as the insane mess of his mind jumbled up again with the thought of salmon coursing through it. He put a finger to his fleshless lips and made a shushing sound, "I'm quite,"

Calhoun sighed and slouched down in the shade of a tree, "I'm going to take a quick nap while we wait for Cyra. Kodash if you could, would you keep an eye on our dear Cromwell?"

The orc nodded keeping the smoke from the fire to a minimum, "I'll keep an eye on the warrior. He probably doesn't even remember what he has to do now,"

They both glanced over at Cromwell who was now giggling and playing with Chompy who was finding it fun to gnaw on his 'owner's ' leg armor making fierce little grunts.

Calhoun sighed settling down and pulling his priest hood down more over where his eyes would've been located over the leather bands, "Truly a simpleton...."

In a few moments the priest was out like a light, looking like the corpse of a dead noble nestled in the bushes. Kodash sat back and began to prepare dinner idly in the pleasant noonday sun feeling sleep tug at his own eyelids. Cromwell though was wide awake and every now and again would glance toward Stormwind as if his very being ached to run to it. Why? He didn't know but something big was there...something really really important that he remembered somehow in vague blurry details.

A battle yes yes that was it. There was a battle he was in...a big battle with lots of flashing lights! Cromwell giggled, "flashy lights...."

Lots of flashy lights and the world was spinning round and round his head as if the whole battle had teetered on the handle of a top. There where sounds yes, it sounded like a folk dance pounding in his head with the clatter of steal the rhythmic sounds of screams in the air and the smells! It smelt metallic, sweaty with a touch of blood in the scene as well. Something happened, a hand on his shoulder pulled him out of that whirling place of madness, a sweating face shoved into his, "!"

A broken sentence for he couldn't remember what the fill in the blanks for it where actually. But Stormwind and uncle and his name placed the meaning of it here and when his thoughts sometimes fell into place...he could recall that sentence. Right now though nothing really came to mind as other thoughts invaded this one important one like thoughts of clouds, Calhoun, Carliin, and the others as well as Chompy. These new thoughts where very important to him because unlike the other ones he could hold onto these ones longer but that one thought, the order he was suppose to haunted him like an itch he couldn't scratch. So he had to go to Stormwind and see if maybe his mind could be thrown into place once more.

He became quite putting Chompy on the ground and moving backwards slowly into the bushes. Zen'Jithil was sneaky so why couldn't he be sneaky? He had to be quite. Really hush hush about this. Cromwell moved back more and more before the camp was out of sight. He grinned and sprang to his feet rushing towards Stormwind. It was time to do the final order he couldn't remember.


How did this happen....? How could this happen? Why did this happen!? These thoughts and more whirled in Carliin's head as she dragged herself onward limping with her dirty wet and torn robes clinging to her body the jungle closing around her with almost devious intentions now. They had just only ridden into Stranglethorn and had decided to take a glance at the jungle shoreline. They didn't see the pirates until it was too late and they might've escaped across the bridge if the damned corsair hadn't cut the bridge.

She remembered the terror as she held onto Zen'Jithil's shirt bottom before the cloth ripped in her hand sending her plummeting into the river, the current sending her head over heels over a small fall and then a larger fall. She had blacked out at some point and woke up lying on the sand of the shore coughing into the grainy sand. Bruised banged up but alive at least. Alive and able to find Zen'Jithil!

That what has pushed her to her feet and had her staggering off into the jungle leaving a trail a blind gnoll could follow but she was worried, wounded, and a bit delirious at the moment. Eventually she collapsed at the roots of a tall vine covered tree panting her stomach twisting itself into knots as it attempted to devour itself.

Tiredly she dug into her sopping wet pack digging out a few fish, preserved carefully by Zen'Jithil and a half of loaf of bread that had been wrapped up and kept dry thankfully from her dunk in the river. She pushed some soul gems out of the way looking for perhaps a dash of spice but her search was in vain and she sighed closing her back and turning to gather a few twigs together to start a small fire.

With a little coaxing of warlock magic, the fire was soon a small humble one, just enough to warm the two fish she had pulled out, a slightly spicy scent reaching her nose and making her stomach complain even more. Eventually her stomach could take no more waiting and she gingerly took one of the fish out of the fire biting into it with a moan. Finally some food!

As she ate she was unaware of two crafty eyes watching her from the foliage, another in search of food attracted by the smell of food. It wriggled closer making a twig snap. Carliin looked up sharply and pulled forth her dagger, "Who's there!? Show yourself!"

She backed up to the tree glaring into the surrounding foliage eyeing each bush as if it was an enemy. Eventually a sigh was heard and timidly a troll rose out of the bushes hands up non threatening, "No needa yell elfy...Jujai no hurty only wants food food!"

Carliin lowered her dagger gawking at the newcomer troll in obvious shock. She was a female jungle troll no doubt about it from her grayish-blue skin but was she by far the oddest most outlandish troll she had ever laid eyes upon! She was tall with a wide grin on her face showing her two pointed tusk and her teeth filed to points. She wore a mask over her eyes with purple hair cascading down her tattooed back. Her arms where decorated in snakes curling around each arm with tons of dangling wooden bangles and a few of brass. Her clothing was the colors of the jungle with odd bits of foliage attached to it by choice or by just happening.

"Who are you!?" Carliin blurted out bringing her dagger up.

The troll tilted her head lowering her hands slightly, "I'm Jujai elfy and Jujai not going to hurt elfy swear by the sprits she do!"

"What do you want?" The blood elf demanded next praying the answer wasn't to eat her. Trolls still practiced cannibalism in these part.

"Jujia only hungry elfy and smelt your fish cooking. Can Jujai have one? Jujai can help swears she can! Elfy hurt yes? Jujai can heal!"

Carliin lowered her dagger a bit more as she eyed up Jujai. She could tell the troll was underfed and a bit boney, her clothes ratty, and all and all she looked a wretched starving creature. The blood elf sighed and took a seat and gestured to the fish, "Have your fill then,"

The female troll grinned wide and quickly moved forward sitting down and seized the fish as if afraid it would swim away from her. Carliin felt bad for the troll woman as she devoured the fish down as if it where the greatest feast she had ever touched.

Jujia didn't even leave out the bones chewing on them as well breaking a few to suck out what little marrow there was. The troll grinned patting her stomach, "Much better! Jujia thanks the little elfy for being kind to poor poor Jujia,"

Then before Carliin could say a word the odd troll have moved next to Carliin looking her over critically with deep red eyes from the eyeholes of her mask, "Elfy real banged up but Jujia fix that right up!"

"What are you-" Carliin didn't even get to finish her sentence when Jujia pulled Carliin's leg up into her lap pushing up her dress and expecting her bruised ankle critically tutting under her breath, "Bad bruise..."

The troll traced the bruise with two fingers chanting under her breath and the bruise began to heal under a small flash of light. The warlock blinked incredously looking up at the troll woman, "You're a priest?"

"No silly elfy! Jujia be not a priest! She be a witch doctor!" Jujia proclaimed with a sense of pride and Carliin bit back a groan. A witch doctor...she had heard of such trolls, fought against a few as well but never did she think in a million years she would have one patching her up.

True Jujia didn't look like any witch doctor she had ever seen and spoke common very well other then her way of always referring to herself in third person. Even the fact that she looked starved and not looking like the well fed ones from the less than friendly tribes she had tangled with.

"...what tribe are you from?" she asked hesitantly.

Jujia sighed shaking her head, "No tribe for Jujia. She be all alone in the wilds now. Outcasted for being a troll can elfy believe it?"

The witch doctored sighed taking a seat bringing her legs to her chest. Carliin narrowed her eyes slightly taking a better look at the woman now trying to make some guess as to where she had originally came from. A lot of tattoos of snakes for certain, the long reptiles coiling around both of her arms and a few on her back coiling together. Darkspear perhaps? Weren't they big on snakes? The blood elf was no troll expert. The trolls themselves where the masters at identifying what tribes they hailed from and what family they where apart of.

Zen'Jithil may be of Zandalar descendant but by tribal tattoos and symbols there was little doubt another troll would immediately place him with the Darkspear rather then his birth tribe. Perhaps when she found Zen'Jithil he would be able to place Jujia in a neat category.

"What elfy be staring at?" Jujia asked tilting her head causing her bangles to clink and rattle.

"nothing…" Carliin muttered as she used her dagger to slice a piece of bread for the troll and one for herself.

Jujia smiled wide again showing off her pointed teeth accepting the piece of bread with a nod, "Thank you elfy! You are so good to Jujia! Such a kind elfy!"

Carliin shrugged as if was nothing when truth be told she felt back for the troll woman. She wasn't old, her youthful features shown through the strain of her malnutrition. A fallen beauty in her prime for Carliin figured by troll standards she was pretty.

Jujia sighed patting her belly, "Haven't eaten in a long time like that. Thank you elfy you perhaps saved Jujia from starving," she gave a kind smile to the blood elf who couldn't help but give a small smile back in return.

"…Jujia? Have you seen a troll named Zen'Jithil?" she asked as a spark of hope welling up in her. This wild jungle witch doctor was a wanderer so perhaps she had seen her wayward mate. The witch doctor however shrugged, "No. No Zen'Jithil. Sounds like Darkspear name though," she answered with a scowl of dislike.

"er..raised by Darkspears but not really all too connected with them to my knowledge," Carliin said noting her sudden souring of mood.

"Darkspear no trolls. They just big fat ugly orcies in disguise! They don't act like trolls anymore!" Jujia said with a scowl, "Throw Jujia out for being a troll!"

"Throw you out for being a troll? In what way?" Carliin asked a bit curious.

"No voodoo, no cannibalism, no traditions we had, and no customs w e had! Orcs say troll ways bad ways so trolls toss the old ways out the window! Not right!" She explained crossing her arms.

In her mind Carliin couldn't disagree more with Jujia's statement but she wasn't about to voice her opinion to the witch doctor especially out in the jungle where she was probably her only hope. The blood elf didn't know whether she should be comforted or alarmed by that fact.


Zen'Jithil winced as his arm was bound up, the cut along it deep even by troll standards. Three days it had been since the incident, three days …and he wasn't even allowed up to search for his mate! The wounds had been bad and for a second or two the troll believed he had been dead.

Probably he would've if Kor'Alli hadn't been passing by and found his bloodied body half leaning half draped over a root. He was thankful to the other troll, hell he owned him his life but…Carliin was still out there.

The rouge sat up wincing all the while from the various bruises and wounds he had on his body but managed to growl angrily trying to get to his feet, "She is out there alive in the jungle! In Skullsplitter territory!"

Kor'Alli sighed and forced Zen'Jithil back down in bed with a firm but gentle force, "I know but you are no good to her a dead troll. I'll go out and see if I can pick up her tracks alright? You need to recover,"

Zen'Jithil gave a weak snarl and struggled a bit but quickly gave up. It was clear he didn't even have the strength to sit up against someone's hand let alone go tromping through the jungle. He gave a sigh of defeat leaning back into the pillows, "…if you can…please find her Kor'Alli,"

The hunter nodded and flashed a grin , "If she is anything like the last time we met, she probably leaves a trail wide enough that the alliance might confuse it for the road!"

Zen'Jithil gave a weak laugh feeling his sides ache from even that, "You will probably hear her yelling about how she is going to skin me alive before you find her trail,"

The hunter chuckled, "I wouldn't doubt that. Just keep it easy until the rest of your group shows up. I'll bring back your little she demon,"

"If she doesn't attack you demanding where I am," Zen'Jithil chuckled, "She might end up carrying you and your lizard on her back to Booty Bay saying you where going to slow,"

Kor'Alli chuckled again as he headed towards the door, "Don't worry mon. I'll have her back in once piece,"

The rouge only gave a small smile as he leaned back in the bed wincing more at his wounds. He had to pray to the gods and spirits for her safe return. Kor'Alli was a fine hunter and would bring her back he just knew it…hoped for it!

He watched idly the sunlight streaming in through the window of the small room he had been placed in by the goblins being recognized as one of Calhoun's lackeys. For once it paid to be a friend of the eccentric priest it seemed. The sea birds called outside and the faint smell of sea salt gave the room a pleasant feeling one that the tired wounded rouge couldn't fight despite his worry for Carliin's safety. Eventually his eyelids grew heavier and heavier and before he could stop himself, he was fast asleep his mind filled with troubled dreams.


Tons of cliffhangers XD sorry ^^ had to be done XD We have a new character now! Whoo! I feel creative ^^

Kor'Alli belongs to darkspear Kor'Alli ^^ an amazing author and I suggest you go read her stuff!