I was talking to my friend Shelbzter a little before I wrote this and was telling her I haven't been writing any fan fictions because I had nothing to inspire me, and then an idea popped into my mind and I started writing this.

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-gi-oh in anyway.

Chapter One: What do you think of me?

I paced back and fourth in the living room, listening to the TV in the kitchen while Ryou made supper. I grew even tenser when I glanced at the clock. Usually I couldn't wait for dinner and the time couldn't go fast enough. But today…this day when I decided I would ask Ryou how he felt about me, could only go faster and faster. I guess you could say that I was afraid…afraid of his answer.

I decided that I couldn't hold off anymore. I realized the whole reason I beat my hikari until he was black and blue after he came home from hanging out with Malik was because I was jealous. I just didn't know how to tell him that…

At first, beating him shitless was just a game; a game that was so much fun to me. I used to love to see him in pain. The way he would beg me to stop cutting, punching, and screaming at him. But after Ryou became even closer to Malik through the years, I always found myself…alone…thinking about the teen Briton that I have brutally beaten through the years. The one I have scarred for life. My sweet sweet hika-


I turn around to find the albino poking his head out of the kitchen, his face mixed with fear and sadness. It hurt me even more knowing that I'm the one who caused it. I haven't beaten him for a few days, and I bet that he's just waiting for it. But I decided- no, I promised myself that I wouldn't hurt the young boy anymore.

"Dinner's ready." And with that said Ryou disappeared once again into the kitchen.

I made my way into the kitchen with the smell of a nice juicy steak and sat down across from Ryou who was nervously eating a bowl of chicken noodle soup. Dinner was like this everyday; a quiet, awkward dinner with Ryou looking nervous as hell, all because of me.

Ryou sat up and placed his empty bowl into the sink. I decided this was the time to ask him. I sat up and walked slowly over to him. He jumped when I wrapped my arms around his waist, his back resting against my chest. I could feel him tense up as I breathed into his ear.

"Bakura…" Ryou whispered. "What are you…"

"Shhh…" I then nibbled on his ear which caused him to groan in pleasure. "Ryou, may I ask you something?"

Ryou turned his head just enough so that his eyes met mine and I could tell that he looked confused. He's probably wondering, when the hell does he ask for permission to do something? But I had to take this slowly. For one, because I was nervous as fuck, and two, for Ryou's sake.

"Su-sure Bakura."

Alright…this is your chance. Now ask him, dammit!

"Ryou, what do you think of me?" I turned him around so that he would have to face me. His eyes were bulging out of their sockets and I swear I never thought a jaw could hang that low. I wanted to laugh at the image in front of me but I knew this was serious.

I started panicking when I didn't get an answer. Ryou was now looking to the side and he looked more nervous then I felt.


He jumped when he heard my voice. I guess I was too loud? No, he was probably afraid that I would hurt him again for not answering me. Like I've done so many times to the beautiful innocent teen. Wait…I just called Ryou beautiful. I must be losing it. I'm turning into a gooey romantic. This is defiantly something that the King of Thieves would not do.

"I…I…don't know…" Was Ryou's only reply.

My eye brows furrowed. "You…don't know…?" My heart dropped. He either really didn't know because he never thought about it or he just straight out hated me and didn't say anything because he didn't want me to hurt him. Either way the answer still hurt.

I took a deep breath, "Listen…if you hate my guts, don't be afraid to tell me," I grabbed his hips and pulled him closer, looking into those gorgeous brown eyes of his. "…because I won't hurt you."

I must have shocked him for a second time because his eyes were bulging out of their sockets again and when I thought his jaw couldn't hang low the last time, well…you get the picture.

I took one of my hands off his hip and stroked his cheek which made him shiver. I just wanted to pick him up right there and kiss him senseless, just to take the fear away, but I couldn't. Well I could but I decided that I didn't want to be a jackass to him anymore. I guess you could say that I was falling in love with my hikari.

"I…I need to…I need to think." And with that said Ryou ran from the kitchen, through the living room, and out the front door.

Great…you scared him off!

I am so sorry this isn't longer. I couldn't think of anymore ideas for this chapter. I want this to be a long story though and I'm hopping this will get better in the future.

Reviews make me very happy, and it saves you a trip from the shadow realm ^.^