HELLO!!!! THIS IS SAMI-CHAN!!!! This is my first fanfic story so don't be harsh.

Kanda ~ I can be as harsh as I want......

me ~ no...you can't cuz im the author and if I wanted to I could make and Allen go all the way in the first chapter cuz wat I write goes!

Kanda ~ NOOOOO!!!!!

Black Order academy, a regular high school, or so you think. This school has all its basic classes but half of this school is shrouded in mystery and only a few know about it. Those few are exorcists; well, exorcist in training . Along with classes on the basic subjects, they have classes on their innocence and how to use it. But this school isn't just for classes and learning. This school is an emotional training ground to gain people skills and control their emotions. This is where there where every exorcist has to go before they can become an official exorcist and fight off the Millennium Earl. This is where heroes and traitors alike all started from. This is where new student Allen Walker will spend his four years of hell on earth.

"Master", Allen whined . "I don't want to go to the Academy"

"Oh, really? Maybe I should ask my friend Mr. Hammer about the matter...." Cross threatened with a look in his eye that Allen knew far too well.

"Well, I mustn't be late! Bye Master!! See you in November!!" Allen quickly said and darted out the door. Cross chuckled.

"Works every time."



"Hello, I'm Allen Walker the new student. I'm here for my uniform and my schedule." The white haired boy looked at the woman behind the desk. She was a hefty woman with French nails and was loudly chewing gum.

"Walker...Walker...", the large woman mumbled and she went through her pale green filing cabinet "Here it is. Allen Walker. Here's your schedule, but I don't see your uniform order form anywhere."

"What?!?!?!" Allen was confused. He had never heard of a uniform order form. Of coarse he had never been to a real school.

"Yes, A parent or guardian receives a form for their child's uniform and must be mailed back so the order can arrive before the student first day." Now it makes sense. Cross being the careless lazy bum that he is probably threw the form out along with all of his bills(the real reason that Allen and cross are always moving from place to place).

"Well do you have a uniform I can use until my uniform comes in(or keep because Cross never sent in the form)?"

"Let me check, honey" the secretary said as she popped a bubble in her gum and disappeared to the back room. "Found One!!" she called as she came in with a GIRLS UNIFORM!!

"EEEHH?!?! I can't wear that! I'm a Boy!!!" Allen was in a somewhat panic.

"I'm sorry, hun. Its either wear the uniform or get a zero for every day that you are out of uniform., in every class."



"Well, the uniform isn't that bad. The skirts tight form really excruciates my hips and what the hell am I saying?!?!?" Allen stopped himself. "I'm not gay. What the fuck am I saying?" Before Allen could curse himself out in the mirror any longer, the empty locker room let out a R-R-RIIING!!!!! Allen looked at his watch. It was five minutes until the first class started. "AW... Crap!!!"



History 101in room 642. Allan rushed into the room just before the bell rang, only giving about 24 pairs of eyes glaring at him and about 24 student suppressing laughter. Allen shyly walked up to the closest open desk next to a red-haired boy with a black eye patch on his right eye and a coy smile on his face. He was the only kid in this class that wasn't laughing. As soon as Allen took his seat the teacher walked in. He was a short man, with dark actually very dark circles around his eyes and a rather strange hairdo that Allen was baffled that it stayed that way.

"Hello. Welcome to History class. I am Bookman. You may call me Bookman."

"Whoa! What a shocker Panda Man!!" the red-headed boy yelled as laughter filled the room. Allen was just lucky it wasn't pointed him.

"Silence!", An eraser came flying across the room, hitting the red-headed boy square in the forehead and making chalk dust come into the air. "Idiot disciple."

'wow... never heard that sentence before' Allen thought sarcastically.

"The only reason I was saying this.... Lavi.", He glared angrily at the boy. "was to welcome our new student."

All of a sudden all 48 eyes came back to Allen and his uniform and the giggles started up again. Allen wanted to crawl under a rock and stay there...forever.

"Say your name son." the man said softly and kindly. Much kinder than the way he spoke to the red head.

"M-my name is Allen, Allen Walker, sir" Allen stuttered; his face turning a beet red.

"Nice to meet you, Allen." Bookman smiled. Then, he dragged the red-headed boy to the front of the room. "This is Lavi. He's my apprentice, and he will also be your guide around the school until you are comfortable here and to make your first few days a little easier."

"N-no I-it okay. You don't Have to-"

"No, I insist! Now Heres todays assignment. I will be collecting it after class. Get to work." The class went by. Allen and Lavi got along well. Then, R-R-RING!!!! Class was over. Next up, gym



Allen Didn't have his gym clothes, so he had to sit out for gym. He watched all the students play. He saw Lavi catch the winning play in an American sport called football. He watched all student file into the locker rooms

to change. He waited.

"Yo! New kid!" Allen turned to see a kid in Allen's History class (I think his name is Tom.) and behind him were two boys that Allen had never seen before, all three of them looking, amused, at Allen's uniform. "See? I told you the new kid was a fag.", Th two boys behind Tom nodded. "Just look at what he's wearing. I think we should teach him a lesson about being different." Tom punched his fist into his hand menacingly. The three boys moved in, getting closer and closer to Allen with every step they took. As the boys moved in, a crowd of students enclosed around the boys. The crowd chanted.

"FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" Allen was petrified, horrified. He was so scared that all he could do was shut his eyes, turn himself away, and brace himself for the pain. He waited, and waited, nothing happened. Allen peeked one eye open to see what was happening and what he saw was a student.

A student with long, black hair pulled back into a low ponytail, wearing all black, and had a sword at his side. And what Allen saw was this boy beating the crap out of his attackers. Then, Allen thought.

'Who the hell is this guy?'

The three boys ran away in fear and the crowd dispersed. Then, the student turned and gave Allen a cold stare.

"What're you lookin' at?" It at this time that Allen realizes that that he's been staring at the boy with his jaw dropped the whole time. The white-haired boys cheeks turned a light shade of pink as he urned away.

"Th-thank y-you" Allen stuttered shyly.

"Don't get used to it. Moyoshi." the boy said as he walked away and disappeared out of the gym.

"You like him."

"AH! LAVE?!?! WHERE DID YOU FROM?!?! WHEN'D YOU GET HERE?!?!?"Allen squeaked completely surprised.

"Right before 'Th-th-th-th-thank you'" the Lavi chuckled, mocking the new kid. Allen's soft pink cheeks turned to a crimson red and Lavi chuckled even Louder. "It's about time Kanda got with someone."

"Kanda?" Allen asked.

"Yu Kanda. The guy who just saved your ass.. I wonder why he did that anyway. He usually keeps to himself and sticks his neck out for nobody, unless..." Lavi went into deep thought. "Unless he likes you....." by now Allen's whole face was redder than any color on the color wheel and he wanted this torture to end.

"U-uh lets change the subject, please" Allen pleaded. He felt like he was going to faint.

"OK OK. But promise me that at your wedding that ill be your maid of honor." Allen's head felt like it was going to explode. The last thing he saw was Lavi waving his hand in front of his face.

"yo Allen... you OK? ….Allen?....." then every thing went black.



"nnnnn...." Allen moaned when he came to. "W-where am I?" The white head asked as he sat up, discombobulated. All he remembered was Lavi annoying the living hell out of him and … and ….that boy. 'Who was that boy... Lavi said his name.. what was it..OH! I remember. His name was Kanda.'

"Oh! You're awake! Your friend brought you in here saying you passed out. Are you feeling OK?" Allen looked to see a nurse. She also, like Kanda had long black hair put p into pigtails. She looked about Allen's age. "I'm nurse Lee, but you can call me Linali." she said warmly. "You've also been excused from your classes for the day so when you're up to it you can go back to your dorm." Allen's eyes grew wide. He forgot to go to his dorm when he got here.

"If you don't know where your dorm is I can take you to a map of all the dorms in that area. I'll take you there.



"Wow...look at all the dorms!" Allen exclaimed as he searched for his name. "Here it is 'Walker, Allen' and... cool! I have a room mate.... what does that name say?" Allen read the name:

Yu Kanda.

*dum dum dum*
Authors notes: I'm sorry these chapters are so short, but it my first time. Ill eventually write them a little longer. Please no hate reviews, but I can always accept constructive criticism. Also, if you have ideas for this story PLEASE TELL ME!! Lastly, I apologize to all those Kanda fan girls out there for the lack of Kanda in this chapter.....