Return to Forks

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight.

A/N In this I shall be making Bella speak like how I normally speak. So yeah she's gonna be talkin like an Irish person and I thought that I could make this quite humorous with the different ways of saying things in different countries.

Chapter 1 : Noisy passengers


My name is Isabella Marie Swan but please call me Bella. I'm seventeen and haven't seen my brother or father in two years. I haven't lived with them for ten. My mum, Renee and my dad, Charlie got divorced when I was seven. My brother Emmett was nearly nine. Mum took me to Ireland to live with her family and Emmett and my dad stayed in Forks, Washington. I now live in a large town. It's larger than a normal town but not quite a city. My mother loves it. She thinks it a far cry better than the tiny village where her family lives. She didn't leave Forks, a small town to come back to an even smaller village so that's why we live in Letterkenny. Of course I visit my granny and Aunt Eibhlín nearly every day after school. My granda passed away just over four years ago and I miss him dearly. Mum took it very hard but she soon found a friend in his carer Phil. They fell in love quickly and recently got married. I didn't really like Phil so I decided it's time I went and stayed with my dad for a while. It was decided that I would finish my last two years of secondary school in America with Charlie. I then had the option to stay there and go to university or move back to Ireland and go to uni there.

"Bella pet, are you sure you want to go?" Renee asked me for about the hundreth time that day.

"A mhaim I'm positive. Nothing is going to change my mind. Do ya think I want to be stuck around you and Phil the newlyweds?"

She frowned at me then. She knew I wasn't head over heels about Phil. It's not like I haven't tried to get along with him it's just ... I don't know. Have you ever met someone that no matter how hard you try, you just cannot get along with them? Well that's me and Phil. In public, yeah, we'll act like we get along for Renee's sake but once we get home we just don't have time for each other. We aren't nasty to each other, we just don't really talk. The most we ever do is exchange pleasantries. With two people in the house that don't get along, well that could cause some problems so that's another reason why I'm sending myself to Forks.

"Well if you're sure. Let me know as soon as you get there and e-mail when you get to the house. Tell Charlie and Emmett I says hi. Alright?"

"I will mum. Stop worrying, I'll be grand. You forget Charlie's a police chief."

"Ok. Well you better go. You're flights gonna be called soon. I love you mo chroí and am gonna miss you so much." I hugged her then and had tears in my eyes.

"I'll miss you too. Love you mammy."

"Bye pet." The tears blurred my vision as I turned away rom her and I stumbled to the boarding gate.

I finally found my seat and stared out the window. Wow, I was going to miss this place so much. I looked at the many fields below. No wonder they called Ireland The Emerald Isle, the fields below connected together to form a vast green patchwork quilt.

I heard a loud female voice from behind me. "Wow, this place is awesome. We really must come here again soon Jazz. I'm so happy Esme and Carlisle let us go on this trip before school starts. Edward, Jazz, have any of you guys seen Rosalie?"

Another voice answered, this time male. I assumed it was either Edward or Jasper. From the velvety voice, I guessed that the owner was most likely very good looking. "Knowing Rose she's probably in the bathroom, checking her make-up or something. She might even be just sitting there staring at herself."

At that I heard lots of laughter coming from three people. One of them was a musical laugh. It was so infectious that I started to laugh myself. Suddenly the laughing stopped and a head peered over the top of my seat. It was the girl. She had short black spiky hair and was dressed casually but you could tell they were expensieve clothes.

"Excuse me miss but would you mind telling us what is so funny? I do believe we were having a private conversation." I snorted. Ha well next time you decide to have a private conversation, try keeping your voices down. Of course I was too much of a coward to say that. She narrowed her eyes at me.

"You know you look sort of familiar. Have we met?"

"Em naw I don't think so. I think I'd remember meeting someone like you. I mean you're gorgeous." SHIT!! Why the hell did I go and say that. She probably thinks I'm sum sorta weirdo now. She smiled at me.

"Aww wow thanks. That is so sweet of you. You know I think you're very pretty too and so familiar looking. I can't figure it out. Oh by the way, my name's Alice." Alice offered me her hand. I took it.

"Bella. It's nice to meet you."

The velvety voiced person spoke again. "Alice stop annoying the poor girl and get your ugly butt out of my face and go look for Rosalie."

Alice laughed. "Edward my butt is not ugly, in fact Bella thinks I'm gorgeous. She said so herself. Come on Bella let's go look for Rose and I'll introduce you to her."

We eventually found her right where Edward said she'd be ... in the bathrooms.

"Rose, Bella, Bella, Rose" I offered my hand and she took it. Rosalie was absolutely stunning. She had long blonde hair that goes to her waist. Really long legs and her face was that of an angel, plump red lips, high cheekbones and bright blue eyes.

"So Bella, may we ask why you're heading to Seattle?" Rose asked.

"I'm actually going to live with my brother and my dad in Forks."

At that they both screamed and jumped up and down. "No way! We live in Forks too. We were just on holiday before school starts. This is so cool. Bella we are going to be the best of friends. I just know it!" Alice pratically screamed before hugging me.

I spent the rest of the flight talking to Rosalie and Alice. They introduced me too Edward and Jasper. Jasper seemed nice but I got the impression that he was quiet, not shy ust quiet. Edward on the other hand was extremely rude. When Alice introduced me he didn't even have the courtesy to look at me. He just muttered a hello from behind his book. Alice looked surprised and said that he doesn't normally act like that.

It was time to get off the plane and from all the hustle and bustle involved I lost my new friends. When I got to baggage I still couldn't find them. I got my bag and headed to try and find Emmett but my suitcase got caught on something, before I knew what happened it had burst open. All my clothes were lying on the floor including my undewear. Oh my lord, how embarrassing. I scuttled about trying to pick everything up before everyone got a glimpse of my bras and whatnot. Someone decided to help me but thankfully they picked up larger items of clothing like coats and jumpers. After everything was packed away safely and my suitcase secured I went to thank the helpful person when I was met by the most beautiful pair of emerald eyes I'd ever seen. I stopped breathing altogether and just stared. He had bronze hair and his tight, black top clung to the his perfectly sculpted chest and the contours of his arms.

"Em hi. I'm Edward. I thought you needed some help there."

What? What did he say? I was too preoccupied by his eyes. It finally registered with me what he had said.

"Oh yeah sure. Em thanks. I'm Bella by the way."

"Oh really. Are you Alice's new friend? Sorry about before. I was being rude but I was really getting into my book and I hate being interrupted."

"Oh that's fine. I know what you mean. Well I have to go now and meet my brother. I'll probably see you at school sure."

I finally managed to turn away from him and went to find Emmett. I saw this monstrosity of a person holding a sign up for Bella Swan. No way could my brother have changed so much over two years. When I last saw him he was a scrawny sixteen year old with bad acne. He was now a tall muscly eighteen year old.

"Emmett." I screamed and ran over to him and he wrapped me up in one of his bear hugs.

"Bella it's so good to see you. I've missed you so much!"

"Emmett can't breathe."

"Oh sorry Bells. We have to wait here because I'm collecting some friends along with you. I can introduce you to my girlfriend."

Suddenly I hear a loud scream from behind me. "Bella!" All I can see is a black-haired pixie running towards me.

"Oh my lord. Emmett is you're brother. Aagh! Wow. This is so fantastic!"

Emmett bursts out into a booming laugh that makes people stop and stare, "I see you guys already met."

A/N So let me know what you think. When Renee says mo chroi it means my heart in Irish.
