Let's start with another note, won't we? Thank you for the reviews I got, I appreciate them very much!

And it looks like I'm going to insert Bell, K1 & Co., but as I said, not as half-sisters or anything, if you want to know more about that please re-read the note in chapter 1.

Does anyone want a romance in here too? If some readers want to, please do tell me so, though I might remark I'm not good with anything in the field of romance and such, I still see myself as totally untaleted in writing fanfiction, but we'll see.

Nena Firewind: I firstly thought of it as a witch-hunt thing also, and seeing the simple-minded villagers in this story it might lead to something like this. An old folk in a new time, who knows what I might be doing with this idea. anyway thax for your cmt!

Anyways, this story is still very far from any actual plot. Now it's pretty much about Hild and Urd, and the villages view on them. If anyone wants to know what age I would give Urd I'd say like 17 or something in that range.

Disclaimer: I don't own Ah! My Goddess or any of the characters (besides the unneeded staff of villagers I hired to pose as lowlifes).

Scornful Family

Chapter 2



The clouds parted, opening up some blue fields of the sky and letting the outer landscape feel the warm shine of the sun. For the time being it stopped raining, something that barely ever happened at all. It heaved up the sorrowful mood the village seemed to be, due to it's miserable location.

A lone figure walked along the dirty paths the village provided. Still the early morning was the best time to take a stroll around the village without having to avoid being starred down by uncountable pairs of eyes.

Silver-white tresses shone slightly because of the still air and the beams of sun that hit some parts of the village. Urd liked that time of the day most. Everything was silent and no hateful stares by the villagers. Clothed in mostly black garment and white sneakers, she folded her arms behind her head and breathed in the rather cool air.

As she slowly strolled down the paths of her hometown, she watched the sky, smiling ever so slightly, now it still was a clear day, but soon it would be raining again, she could feel it. The smell of rain lingering in the air she breathed.

Closing her deep purple eyes she sighed, the stress from the work she did yesterday washing over her. Always falling asleep on either couch or chair couldn't be healthy.

The silence didn't hold long, as she heard the opening of one of the wooden doors. Looking over to where she estimated the sound she saw two children running out. A small ebony haired little girl and a boy a bit taller than the girl, he also had ebony colored hair. Both were laughing as the girl tried to run away from her brother.

The siblings, probably playing a game of Tag, didn't notice Urd standing on the road they were running along. Well they didn't notice her until the girl ran into her, knocking said girl of her feet.

The boy stopped short, greeting Urd with a small smile, which she returned, he helped his sister up to her feet. The girl, thankfully uninjured, she didn't need another cause for some of the villagers to glare her down, bowed her head apologizing while doing so.

The mood still rather cheerful of both children and a pout on the girls behalf after her brother ever so kindly tipped her on the shoulder and crying "You're it!" while running away. Both vanished behind the next corner of the path, their laughter only silent background noises to Urd.

As she turned to go on ahead, a cough interrupted her and she looked sideways to see an elderly woman standing by the still half opened door. A meaningful glance adorning her face as she tried to stare Urd down. Latter, never one to give in so easily, countered with a glance of her own, making the woman freeze momentarily.

"Starring is rude", Urd said and walked off, her arms again folded behind her head. Ignoring more attempts soon to come from the still frozen woman.

'Never thought I'd see her looking at me like that again…'

The elderly woman once was kind to Urd, always sporting a smile on her face when she saw her, lately she ignored the woman altogether. What would there be to talk about? One moment the villagers like you and the other they despise you.



Hild looked out the window of the kitchen. The window giving her the ability to look out if anyone was to visit them, not that this happened often anyway. She frowned as she saw her daughter enter their lawn, with a spaced out expression. Leaving her work to open the door before Urd could knock on it, or run against it, which happened a few times.

The frown still visible on her face, as she closed the door behind Urd, who pulled off her shoes putting them down on a small carped placed under the coat hooks.

It was nothing strange for both to be awake so early, it happened once in a while.

Hild starred at her daughter, leaning on the closed door, "Why are you back so soon?"

"Didn't want to stay out too long or that woman would have tried to stare me down again", came the sarcastic reply.

"'that woman', whom do you mean?"

"The one near the village center, has to kids a boy and a girl."

Nodding her head, Hild pushed herself of the door, not elaborating any further. She new whom her dear daughter meant, she tried it a few times on her also, in vain.

"I take it you finished the exercises I gave you yesterday." A nod. "Good, I'll look them over later."



Hild never sent her daughter to school. She was home-taught as soon as she was of age, around the time they moved in this village. She could learn better in a familiar environment anyway and that way Hild could overlook her daughter's ability better that way. In a village as small as this one, school reports were unessential, so way care about wasting money on a school where Urd would only learn the not-so important things.

She smiled silently to herself, preparing herself to leave the house to buy some groceries.

Meanwhile Urd sat in her mothers' study, scribbling down note after note from a book, standing up to get another one to complete her exercise, well at least one of them. Her mother gave her a load of exercises to do, just so she wouldn't get bored.



Hild walked down the path to her house, having bought the things that were needed, a smile gracing her lips. The shop-owner was one of the few people that didn't look at them with hateful gazes, and that alone was worth it. As she walked down the path from the small shop the village owned, she ignored the stares of the other occupancies.

When she arrived at home, she was greeted with utter silence. Putting the groceries away she searched for her daughter without success. Urd was neither in her study nor in her room.

Searching in the living room was also in vain. As she passed the window, which provided the out look to the backyard, she stopped short noticing her daughter leaning against one of the trees. One knee bend up, a book lay in the grass right beside her. Urd's head bent backwards against the tree and eyes closed.

Smiling slightly at her daughter, she went for the backdoor that lead the way into the garden.

'Better get her in, it looks like it's going to rain soon.'



Chapter 2 End.

Now this chapter is, yet again, slightly longer. I apologize for any grammar and/or spelling mistakes. I will correct them if youpoint them out for me. The next chapter might come out in a few days, as I have to do something for one of my school subjects.

Please review. Constructive criticism is allowed.

