A/n: there's really no excuse guys, this chapter has been sitting on my computer for like...a year. Boy how time sure gets away from you. Procrastination is bad you guys. I honestly hadn't felt like writing any fiction as of late, not because I've have a writer's block or anything, but simply because of all the awesome going on right now in both the manga and the anime, but I thought I should at least try to finish this one since I have another Sasuke fic floating around in my head that I want to get out. Sadly this chapter isn't exactly story progressing, but feels more like a filler chapter to me. My editor is in LA for like two weeks so I haven't forced him to tweak this for me. So any typos or running sentences or mistakes you may see is from my lack of proof reading abilities. Without further ado, here's the chapter, and as always enjoy.
*Usual disclaimer applies.
There was a lot of hustle and bustle coming from Tsunade's office, and Sakura thought Shizune looked a little more harried than usual as she sped past her in the hallway, almost knocking over the pink haired girl.
"Tsunade's waiting for you Sakura," she called hurriedly over her shoulder before disappearing round the bend of the hall. Sakura nodded non-pulsed, a panicked Shizune running errands for the temperamental Fifth, was an all too common scene. She pushed the double doors of Tsunade's office and entered quickly, witnessing the clouded disappearance of several Anbu agents as she crossed the threshold into the room.
Sakura hesitated a moment before speaking, knowing and instantly disliking the troubled look on her mentor's face. She stood at reverent attention, mentally preparing herself for whatever dark news was imminent.
"I'm here Shishou." She kept her voice even in an effort to hide her anxiety and Tsunade seemed to emerge from whatever deep thoughts were running through her mind.
"Ah Sakura," the older woman gestured her closer, "I need you to do something for me."
"Of course Shishou," Sakura responded moving closer to the desk, waiting patiently for her master to continue, "What is it that you need?" She added a little reluctantly.
Tsunade began to rummage through piles of papers on her desk muttering unpleasantly to herself about never ending paperwork, while Sakura watched on.
"Ah ha! Here it is."
Tsunade held out a thin folder and waited until she took it.
"There's someone I need you to look after for me," She started as Sakura quickly skimmed the contents of the folder, "someone who may have information on the Akatsuki invasion."
Sakura could hardly hide the apprehensive surprise on her face.
There was someone nearby, someone who sounded like they were shuffling papers. Ishimaru turned away from the bright light in his face, squeezing his eyes tighter.
"Shinji close the blinds you're letting in too much sun," he mumbled, pulling the sheet higher over his head. What nice soft sheets.
The shuffling stopped.
Sheets? Weren't they outside right now? Ishimaru sat upright in bed.
"Kana!" the thought of his sister came to him first.
The woman in front of him looked startled by his outburst, and he stared at her hard before letting his eyes roam around the room. It was huge in comparison to the small rooms of their house, colourless and sterile looking, but bright with the sunlight streaming in. There were yellow ducks on the blue curtains hanging next to him, with what looked like white clouds. He thought Kana might ask him to paint them in her room once they got back home. If they ever got back home.
He looked at the woman again. She had walked over to the side of his bed and was smiling down at him. She had a kindly face, and the most vibrant green eyes he had ever seen. He didn't think he had ever seen anyone with pink hair before, but he thought it made her look very pretty. He blushed when she took his hand.
"The rest of your family is alright," she smiled and seemed to be checking his wrist for something. Her voice was soft and reassuring. "See?" She threw the curtain back beside him to show his still slumbering sister. Relief washed over him.
"She's alright?" The woman nodded in response.
"Your brother awoke a little while ago," she said softly pulling the blanket up closer around the sleeping form, "him and your mother are also fine, so don't worry, okay?"
He felt compelled to believe her and nodded slowly.
Everything about the last few days circled in his mind. "Where," he looked at the young woman for answers, "where are we?" She ran a hand over Kana's forehead, "the last thing I remember was all these men in white masks grabbing mom."
The memory of it rolled over him, and he felt weak and useless, he really hoped that no one was hurt.
The girl looked thoughtful, as though considering what to say, "well, those guys weren't bad men," she paused as though considering how to word it, "they were just doing their job, you were kind of trespassing, so to speak."
He wasn't sure he understood.
"Ishimaru you're up," he turned to his mother's voice, and sprang out of bed in relief to embrace her. Shinji stood just behind her, grinning and looking more like his old self. Ishimaru was glad; he wasn't sure how much more of that distant and haunted look he could handle.
Shinji was carrying a small brown bag full of fruit, and placed them gently onto the floor to warmly enfold his brother in a hug. They stayed like that for a moment, exchanging silent apologies through the desperate little grip and Ishimaru refused to cry in front of the pink haired girl, even though he felt like all of his fear, exhaustion and happiness of the past few days would burst from his chest.
As the moment passed and they pulled away both brothers grinning widely, Shinji's face lit up further.
"Oh! I almost forgot to tell you!" He all but exclaimed, "you won't believe where we are!"
Ishimaru was startled and looked confused at his brother, and his eyes widened at the next exclamation, "We're in a ninja village!" He took Ishimaru by the hand and pulled him to the window earnestly, "Look, see?"
Ishimaru let his brother pull him to the framed glass, glancing back at the pink haired woman who was now talking quietly with their mother. He hadn't noticed before, but she was wearing a forehead protector with a symbol that looked like a leaf. So she was a ninja! He scrunched his eyebrows in thought. She didn't really look like one though. She was too pretty he decided, and almost blushed again.
"We're in Konoha," Shinji's voice was all awe and wonder with his hands and face pressed on the window pane looking excitedly outside. Ishimaru moved to stand beside his older sibling finding himself speechless at the expanse of the city, and the people leaping effortlessly across rooftops.
"Wow." A tiny voice breathed quietly beside him and he looked down to find a wide eyed Kana tip toed at the window trying to peer outside.
Shinji looked over him at the tiny girl, and walked around to pick her up so that she could better see. The three of them stood at the window marveling at everything.
"Sakura, are they ready yet? Tsunade-sama is waiting."
The children turned at the sound of the new voice. There was another woman in the doorway, with short black hair and dark robes. Ishimaru watched the pink haired girl, Sakura, nod and then motion for them to come closer. Sakura was a pretty name, he thought absently.
"Don't worry Sen-san," Sakura put a reassuring hand on her shoulder, "Tsunade-shishou isn't really that scary." She playfully put the emphasis on the word "that" which Ishimaru felt didn't really reassure their mother very much, who gave a half smile in return.
"We're on the way now Shizune," Sakura said before the woman disappeared again.
The walk through the village toward the giant heads chiseled into the side of the mountain was in Ishimaru's opinion too short. Kana chattered on with Sakura asking all the questions that he wanted to, bouncing all over the place eagerly. Who were the people whose heads were carved in the mountain? Who was this Tsunade person and was she nice? How can ninja jump from roof to roof, weren't they afraid of falling? Cause she would be. When could they eat?
Sakura couldn't get two words out before the little girl had another query, but Shinji reached into his little bag of fruit and handed her an apple at the last question. He ruffled her head as she accepted and bit into it readily.
"Are you sure you want the children present for this meeting?" Sakura was talking to their mother now, "We can have someone give them a tour of the village instead." He perked up at that part; a tour would be the best. What did ninja do in a ninja village anyway? He wanted to see someone sparring, and maybe give him a few tips? His mother cut into his thoughts.
"No, that's alright, I'd rather have them with me," She put her hand on Shinji's head as they started up long winding stairs leading closer to the monumental carvings. "Besides they were the ones who spent most of their time with Juugo, they could tell you better than I anything you may need to know about him."
Sakura nodded solemnly, leading the way up the stairs. Ishimaru pouted, he would have rather gone on a tour of the village, than sit in a stuffy room and talk with grownups. Though he couldn't understand why they would want to talk about Juugo. Why would shinobi care what a fisherman did or didn't do? He glanced at Shinji who seemed to be having the same thoughts, but all he did was shrug in response.
The stairs weren't quite as tiring as he thought they would be and at the top they followed some winding hallways until they came to large double doors where he supposed this Tsunade person was, since Sakura approached, knocked and waited for a "come in" before entering.
The room behind the doors was large and spacious, and Ishimaru surveyed it timidly. The lady with the short black hair, Shizune if he recalled correctly, was there looking anxious standing next to a large desk with a blonde woman sitting behind it.
This woman he stopped and took note of. He assumed she was the one called Tsunade, the leader of this village, because her presence filled the whole room, and Ishimaru felt small in comparison, just looking at her fiery eyes. He unconsciously took a step back, but was unable to look away. He noted with dissatisfaction that Kana seemed unaffected, and was humming happily; clutching Sakura's hand, apparently oblivious to what was going on around her.
Ishimaru took his mother's hand instinctively, standing a little behind her protecting form, as they approached the woman. Tsunade didn't move but let her eyes run over the small family. When they were close enough Shizune spoke first.
"Sen-san this is our Hokage and leader of the village, Tsunade-sama," she gestured to the woman, "I would like for you to tell her what you told me in the hospital."
The lady Tsunade had a grim look on her face and when she spoke her voice was authoritive and firm, but not cruel.
"I was told by the team that brought you in, that you have word about an invasion."
Ishimaru tightened his hand around his mother's finger, and he felt Shinji move to stand beside him. Sakura had also shifted to the window quietly pointing out places to Kana, but he could tell her ears were listening keenly to the conversation.
"Yes, I was told to relay the information as a requested favour to the man who saved my son." Shinji cringed slightly, and muttered about not being in any danger under his breath, but no one heard besides Ishimaru, who snickered at him.
The two women exchanged looks.
"Who is the man that gave you this information?"
The dark haired woman muttered something, and pulled open a large book with pictures and quickly skimmed through it.
"We don't have anything on a Juugo."
Sakura had come back over with Kana and put her down next to her brothers.
"What about Juugo-nii-san?" Kana asked quizzically, jumping up and down to get a better look at the book. "He was always very nice to us and he even saved Shinji-nii-chan." Shinji mumbled again.
"We didn't know much about him," Sen admitted, "but he was always quite helpful with anything we needed." Tsunade looked dubious.
"Alright well then continue…"
"I don't understand it very well at all, but I memorized what he wanted me to relay." She recounted word for word what Juugo spoke to her, mentioning Akatsuki's attack on cloud and the ultimate destruction of that village, then the fact that Konoha was indeed next, because of someone they were targeting in Konoha named Kyuubi or something.
Ishimaru thought it was a funny name to have but didn't say it; the tension in the room had only seemed to thicken with every new statement from his mother. There was a long silence.
"You said you didn't know much about this man," Shizune broke the silence, "can you at least provide us with a description and any other information you can remember about him."
"Of course," Sen nodded seriously.
Tsunade stood, brushing her blonde bangs from her eyes and throwing the window behind her open.
"Did you get all of that Kakashi?" Tsunade called out with a disapproving tone, startling the children, and Sen too. The green vest, masked ninja appeared in the middle of the room in a cloud of smoke, orange book in hand.
"Aa, Tsunade-sama, it pertains to Naruto, so I thought I should listen in."
Tsunade's only response was to give him a withering look.
"We'll also need you to describe the people who attacked your village," The black haired woman continued, "anything you can think of don't leave anything out."
Sen looked down to her son, "Shinji?"
All eyes turned to him, and everyone seemed a little surprised.
"Shinji was the one in the village when it was attacked," Sen explained, "I only saw the smoke and the flames before Juugo came to warn us." Sen rested a reassuring hand on her son's shoulder. "Go ahead Shinji."
He nodded then slowly began his tale, describing the white haired man with the large sword and blue haired woman with the paper flower in her hair wearing their black billowing cloaks covered in red clouds. He told them of how they burned the village and how Juugo had rescued everyone from the store house, and the strange red haired woman he's sure he'd seen wearing one of the very self same black cloaks and how much he didn't like her.
"I told Juugo-nii-san, that he shouldn't go with her, but he told me that he needed her to help him find Sasuke-san, so not to worry-"
There was a sharp intake of breath somewhere to the right and the tension in the room seemed to grow exponentially.
The ink brush Tsunade had been twiddling snapped ominously and Shinji looked up from the retelling of his story to see the four shinobi in the room with startled faces.
"Sasuke-kun." Ishimaru heard Sakura whisper the name with reverence.
Kana took this moment to include herself in the conversation, "Sasuke-nii-san,lived and worked with Juugo-nii-san" she said it with a tone that indicated, that she thought it was obvious the adults should have known about Sasuke. "He's really nice too, but it's really hard to make him laugh," nodding with triumphant and puffing her chest out at having been able to help with information too.
Sakura gave a stifled pained half laugh at the last part, while the masked ninja moved closer.
"What was his full-name, what was the clan symbol that he wore."
The family looked confused, "We called him just Sasuke, and he didn't wear a clan insignia." Sen's face was scrunched in deep thought, "In fact I gave him and Juugo some of my husband's old clothing."
Tsunade was looking more and more mystified.
"But he was living in your village?" Sakura spoke this time.
Sen was at a loss for words, everyone seemed more interested in Sasuke now that they mentioned him rather than the impending danger.
"Well yes, for quite some time," she started hesitantly, "him and Juugo-san sold fish in the village, well Juugo did, Sasuke-san never came into town. In fact, I would have never known he existed unless Kana hadn't dragged them both over to dinner one night. He never said very much, and he always seemed to be… brooding."
Shinji spoke again, his voice defensive, "Sasuke was fighting the people in the cloaks, that's what Juugo-nii-san said to me, he was trying to protect us."
Tsunade nodded her head knowingly, "What do you think Kakashi?"
The white haired ninja was no longer reading his orange book, but regarding the children with a hawk like visage. "That sounds like our Sasuke."
Our Sasuke? Ishimaru didn't know what to think of that statement, but it made him wonder, not for the first time, about the strange, quiet, dark haired man who had appeared like a morning mist in their village.
"Is there a problem with Sasuke-san?" Sen asked, "I don't think he was involved, I just think he was trying to help defend the village."
Silence descended on the room again. Ishimaru didn't understand. What was so wrong with Sasuke-san that made the adults react this way?
Everyone seemed to exchange concerned looks. Then Tsuande, looking directly at Shinji spoke again.
"Shinji, this is very important," the boy's gaze remained fixed on his interrogator with determination, "you said that Juugo mentioned having to go find Sasuke, what did he mean by that?"
All eyes turned to Shinji, even Ishimaru turned to look at his brother and gave him an encouraging look.
"Well, they were pretty panicked," he struggled to remember all the details, leaving out his fear at the oppressive pressure he'd felt that night. "When we got to the clearing where Sasuke had been fighting, the Red haired girl kept talking about not being able to sense him anywhere."
Tsunade nodded, urging him to continue, "I didn't understand what was going on, but from the way they were both acting, and the way the field and part of the forest was wreaked when we turned up..." He paused biting his lip, "I think they thought he was dead."