Blanket Disclaimer:

Inuyasha, and the characters therein, are the property of Rumiko Takahashi. I am in no way affiliated with Takahashi, or VIZ Productions. I make no profit from this or any other fanfiction.

OC's will be stipulated as such and owners of said OC's will be mentioned.

Warnings: OOC, violence, supernatural content, cause language, nudity and sexual scenes

And a blanket thanks to all my reviewers and readers and to Teh Mew for noticing the errors (which have hopefully all been corrected) in the previous chapter, 'A Big Brother Protection'.

Also, if your looking for a good read and an excellent look into Sesshoumaru's head (a variation of it anyway as the only one who truly knows would be Takashi) go have a look at lyiints', Demons Diary, which is complete and has a total of 21 fabulous chapters.


Recap: Humans labelled things, namely demons as evil because they too had to eat and at time the easiest prey was a mortal human.

Demons where just like them, just as capable of love but very protective of themselves and their hearts because to have it broken hurt so much more than any human could comprehend. And would never believe that more often than not if a mated demon was killed their mate would avenge them and then die them selves, unable to live without their life partner.

It was too easy for a demon to die emotionally and so they often locked the emotions away.

Healers Words and a childs' tears

"Would you shut up!" InuYasha snapped glaring over at the human version of himself the man was upset because Kagome had thrown another fit and screamed at them. "But InuYasha if we don't keep her happy then- Yasha said but was cut off by Inu who growled threateningly in his throat.

"All you care about is her happiness you stupid mortal, what of our happiness? Our backs? Our comfort?" he demanded glaring at the mortal, "When has she cared about our happiness?" he asked.

"She does! She's always helping and trying as hard as she can!" Yasha shouted as he jumped to his feet, pointing down at the demon that swiftly followed suit and InuYasha sighed as the two shouted and drew attention to them. Servants pausing with wide eyes at the scene. It was kind of funny as he watched, he admitted that, but as amusing as it was it was an old and tired dance.

"They fight often," Sesshoumaru murmured as he wondered over his eyes neutral as he raked them over the two men who were so distracted by their petty fight that they hadn't noticed him.

"Does not!" Inu hissed into Yasha's face who shrieked back "Does too!" and InuYasha leaned back and sighed "Keh, yeah they do, always have," he yawned and closed his eyes, "Kind of boring when you think of it."

"Hmmm, Hakushi wishes a word with you little brother, you and your…others," the lord murmured as the two arguing started calling each other names such as stinking demon and ignorant human and jack ass.

"Keh, fine, what about?" InuYasha asked standing with irritation, they'd been at the palace nearly a three weeks, having spent nearly five days of it in bed, trying to get over the demonic poison that had almost killed them.

"He would not tell this Sesshoumaru, though asked that I and your priestess be there," Sesshoumaru said, "I sent Jaken to find her as I did not wish to deal with her myself," and InuYasha smirked. He knew of his brothers' intense dislike of the mortal; a mortal his human side wished to marry.

"You really can't stand her can you?" he asked and Sesshoumaru just looked at him, his face and eyes blank, blank to all yet InuYasha knew he was being give a 'dah' look. And he laughed, causing his other selves to look at him, Yasha instantly wary while Inu looked up at Sesshoumaru with starry eyes, and a small smile. As if Sesshoumaru was the centre of his world and that was a little too close to the truth for InuYasha's liking.

Sesshoumaru had even been the main reason he had wanted the jewel, wanted to become full demon. To prove he was worthy of their shared father, of being Sesshoumarus brother, of Sesshoumaru's love though he had begun to suspect, long before Rin had come into his brothers life, that Sessshoumaru could love no one.

"My lords, lady Kagome," Hakushi started as he watched the five, it was interesting at the divided interest in the human wench and the lord, the human loved her, the demon loved Sesshoumaru and InuYasha was torn between the two. "This Hakushi has figured out a way to put Prince InuYasha back together. Back to his true state, that of a hanyou," he said and InuYasha perked up, Sesshoumaru watching with what looked like boredom though the woman looked startled and annoyed.

"How? What do we have to do?" he asked, really wanting to be 'one' with himself again, Yasha was such an easy target that it could get them killed, as it had already done.

"You, Young Master InuYasha, and Inu and Yasha need to be in 'harmony' this one suspects that should all your hearts want, desire the same thing, then you will become one again," Hakushi said. "This one also thinks that if you all see the strengths and weaknesses as less defined things as demon and human then it will also help your…re-instatement. As you know, Lord Sesshoumaru, and this one is sure Lady Kagome can tell you, demons have weaknesses too and humans strengths, they just aren't as…bluntly obvious as their weaknesses or strengths."

"Oh…" InuYasha said and glared down at the table, that would be so much easier said than done. Yasha wanted Kagome and wouldn't give her up without a fight and Inu wanted Sesshoumaru and loathed Kagome so there was no way he would agree to be with her instead of his brother. Yeah, that's right Inu, and InuYasha lusted, loved their older brother and alpha something chronic.

"But wouldn't they all want the same things? I mean they are the same person," Kagome said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world and that everyone else in the room was stupid.

"No, technically, yes they are the one person but every person is made up of different and often conflicting desires, Lady Kagome," Hakushi told her and she frowned.

"How so?"

"Okay lets take Lord InuYasha for example, as his desires are rather blunt at the moment," Hakushi said with slight frustration, "Prince Inu, as you must have noticed, can barely stand to be in your presence and is often found in that of Lord Sesshoumarus'. He wants, his main desire is to be with his brother, and alpha as much as he can in any way he can. While Prince Yasha, is often with you, and fears Lord Sesshoumaru and what the lord may do to him. His desire is for you, and this one thinks that he wishes to have you as his mate…his wife."

"These two desires both coincide inside Prince InuYasha, and thus cause much conflict as his human part wants to stay away from the potential danger that Lord Sesshoumaru presents while his demon part wants to stay with the demon lord. The demon part wants little to nothing to do with you while the human part wants a very intimate and long lasting relationship with you."

"Oh…I didn't realise InuYasha was so…conflicted about me," she said looking over at the two and blurted out, "When they become one again, can he chose the form, the species he will be? Like say human."

"Perhaps, perhaps not, Lady Kagome, this one would not advise this…line of thought to his Prince as it could be harmful. If he did chose he would lose apart of himself and his family. If he chose to be human he would lose all his fathers blood and any connection to his sire, the same will be said for him to choose to become a full demon. He would forfeit any claim he has over his human side and could never claim to be his mothers' child, as her blood would not rush through his veins.

This one also would think it would do much damage to his soul and mind, not to mention his heart. He was born a hanyou, he was born out of love and that is more than many can say," Hakushi said as he glanced at the hanyou in question. The boys ears where dropping, his head down and he was most sure he saw and smelt tears in the boys eyes. The demon at his side looked furious at the girls' line of though, his odd eyes narrowed as small growl were emitted. The only thing stopping him from attacking being the slender hand of Sesshoumaru that was placed on his shoulder though the lords eyes were on his brothers true form.

"Enough, this can be disgusted again at a later date," Sesshoumaru said, feeling his brothers need to get out of the girls presence. "Brother, this Sesshoumaru would like you and Inu and Yasha to come with him," he said and instantly InuYasha was at his side Yasha moving over cautiously, his eyes thoughtful.

Nodding his thanks to the healer he lead the three out of the room, ignoring the girls indignant squeak and the healers smile, taking the three up to his room, the room they were sharing, for safety reasons. He'd also found that after he'd given them their own rooms InuYasha would sneak into his room and go to sleep on top of him, much as they had lain that night.

Inu had soon followed InuYasha's example and then Yasha had followed this on a strangely cold night. Winter had come early and though there were days like the one that day most were cool and left frost on the grass, though nights were cold, bitter things that required think sheets and warm clothing or three dog demons and a sheet.

They had decided that it would be easier, since they were all sleeping in there anyway to just move all the things they had and put them in the one room. Tetsusaiga now one of three swords hung on the wall, that is when InuYasha didn't have it strapped to his hip.

"What you want?" InuYasha asked gruffly, hurt by Kagome's desire for him to be human, to denounce his demon heritage and throw it away like a cheap toy. "This Sesshoumaru wanted you away from what distresses you," Sesshoumaru told him softly and InuYasha blinked dumbly, looking at his elder sibling as Inu paced the room.


"…Sesshoumaru," Yasha called from by their brothers desk, his dark eyes on the wooden table. Golden eyes turned and the lord waited in silence as the darkest one in the room traced the pattern on the table, his long, blunt nailed fingers graceful in their movements.

"Would you want us to…to become full demon like Kagome wants us full human?" the boy asked and Sesshoumaru felt his eyes soften, the boys was fearful he would not want the human part of his brother. Foolish but justified.

"No, you were born hanyou, you have lived many years hanyou and I am sure that in many years from now you will sleep the final sleep as a hanyou. Father loved your mother and truthfully this Sesshoumaru does not like the idea of you losing, cutting or wishing away part of whom and what you are. Who you come from, it would dishonour both of your parents and yourself to do so," the demon said.

A smile curved all three sets of lips and all sides of InuYasha nodded, as the hanyou said, "I'm gonna stay hanyou, I don't wanna be full anything, I like being both."

"Good, one should always feel confident in who and what they are," Sesshoumaru murmured walking out onto the balcony, it was strangely easy from him to be with his brother. He did not have much in the way of social eloquence or education in how one could relate to those around them, it was admittedly one of the few area's he could say he was weak in.

InuYasha may have had a harsher life but he at least knew how things were done in social situations, Sesshoumaru was often found he either said the wrong thing or gave people the wrong impression or made others angry with him in his younger years. He now opted for silence.

The sound of bare feet coming up behind him alerted him to one of the threes approach, as they were all want to go around barefoot, a long habit he knew he would never get his brother to brake before arms meekly surrounded his waist. A face pressing into his back as InuYashas' scent surrounded him and he relaxed into his brothers hold.

Quiet acceptance filled the silence as Sesshoumaru watched the monk and slayer wander the garden and InuYasha kept his face buried in Sesshoumaru back, the lords only hand coming up to lightly hold his. "Thank you…" InuYasha whispered as Inu and Yasha come over both resting on either side of the hanyou. Inu once again on his left, his head resting on Sesshoumaru shoulder, Yasha on his right not quiet touching the demon lord, his hip resting on the balcony rail.

"…Think nothing of it…little brother," Sesshoumaru whispered back and felt his brothers hands flex under his.