Spoiler warning: Season six spoilers, so if you haven't watched season six yet, and you don't want to be spoiled, turn away now. (Though there's not gonna be that many spoilers really, just fanfictiony goodness, hehe.)
Disclaimer: All the usual. I own nothing. Not even any characters. (Wish I did.)

We All Need To Be Saved Sometimes


Lucas POV

"Lucas..." Peyton whispered.
"Yeah?" Lucas looked over at her.
"I-I'm pregnant." she said, but she didn't look happy about it. "But," she said loudly. "It's not yours..."

Lucas stood up fast, the book that he was reading slid off his lap and fell to the floor. "Whose is it?!" he demanded.

"It doesn't matter..." she looked down.
"Peyton, it matters, okay? It matters to me."
"It's...Julian's..." she looked up slowly to see his reaction.
"For fuck's sake, Peyton!" he shouted, and she looked surprised. What did she expect?
"I'm sorry...Luke, please. I'm so sorry." she stood up with tears in her eyes.
"No." he said simply. "No. Sorry doesn't even cut it. How could you, Peyton?"
Tears escaped from her eyes as she blinked and ran down her cheeks. "Please, Luke, it just happened, we were drunk and-"

He shook his head. "No, I don't care what you were. You betrayed me. After everything we've been through." he grabbed his coat and walked over to the door. "I don't think I'm ever going to forgive you for this."
"No, please, Luke, wait!" Peyton shrilled, tears running down her face.
"Bye, Peyton." he said as he opened the door and stepped out, slamming it behind him.

A/N: Yay! I am finally writing a One Tree Hill fanfic. It is my favouritest show x)
I am a big Brucaser, so of course...I have to make this all Brucas! xD
This is just the prologue so yes, it is really really short. Shortest prologue I've written lol but I thought it summarized the story up nicely x)
This fanfic isn't going to be that long but yeah, tell me if you're interested, and I'll write another chapter x)

-They keep trying to save eachother, but in the end just being together is what saves them from themselves.
'Keepin the faith in Brucas.