Part X

She worked silently at the desk by the window, smiling to herself each time she heard Rillian laughing in the garden, knowing that the nannies were becoming breathless and exhausted from chasing him. In her hand rested a feathered quill that gracefully marked each page with lines of black ink. It was not a poem she was writing this day but rather something else she had started on. The events that had come to play had inspired the need to tell it in the form of story, for she wanted it to be remembered always by whoever was willing to treasure it.

My life it seems has always been a virtue. It was a fate laid out before me. And every day I am grateful for all that I have or have had, for I do not find one part of my life fruitless, not now.

Knocks pounded untidily against the door and she returned the quill to it's holding place.

"Who's there?" she asked, curious.


"What?" she wandered with haste to answer him and she was not at all comforted by the anxious smile upon his face, for he looked almost insane in his joy. "Caspian, I thought you were out."

"Are you not happy to see me?" he questioned, relaxing his facial muscles.

"Well yes, but I wasn't expecting you to return so soon."

"Where is Rillian?"

"In the garden with the nannies. I've been watching him from the window." she rendered him cautiously. "Caspian, what are you so happy about?"

"And since when was happiness a suspicion?" he mused. "Come," he took her hand into his, "I have a surprise for you."

"Another one already?" But answering her he did not. He only pulled her down the corridor and down the winding staircase that led into the grand library hall often peeping over his shoulder at her and reiterating an excited "come on".

The doors of the library hall were before them and pausing, Caspian took a moment to prepare her before bringing her through the closed doors.

"Now," he spoke in a whispered tone, "I found them in the woods unscathed."

"What? What did you find?" she questioned him, a curious smile plaguing her lips.

"You'll see soon enough. I'm going to let you go in and I'll go and check on Rillian. I know you'll need a moment alone with them."

Now Lucy was concerned and bewildered by him, for his smile had seized and he was serious in his tongue.

"Caspian, what in Narnia have you," But the door he pushed open and he gently rested his hand against her back, easing her to step inside. "No!" she gasped suddenly at the sight laid out before her. "My eyes must deceive me!" she bellowed as the flame of tears rolled terribly from her eyes.

"Lucy! Our Lucy!"

The handsome young men jolted from their seats, the dark haired one tossing a book aside as they did. They had been waiting desperately to be reunited with her and at last here she was.

"Edmund! Peter!" she flung forward and the three of them clashed into the other. It was a painful yet fulfilling moment and a happy sensation to be together again. "I would not wish death upon you! But now I am glad!" she grieved, held tightly in their grasps.

"Ah!" Peter cried into her auburn hair, "I am thankful to see that you are well."

"As am I!" Edmund added and Lucy smiled, tearing up even more as she did.

Long minutes rolled past them, but they seemed to be standing still in an alternate universe that wouldn't move. At last, they broke apart and the brothers watched as their little sister dried her eyes and in that moment they all laughed and cried a little more and then they stopped and listened as the other spoke.

"I suppose we got here the same way as you, Lu." Peter told her.

"As you probably reckon, Caspian told us about how he found you in the woods and how he and Miss Rumple tended to you along with Cornelius." Edmund explained.

"You met Miss Rumple?" Lucy asked.

"She brought us a fine lunch." Peter cocked his head toward the empty tray where only crumbs and empty tea cups remained on a table. Lucy giggled at this.

"Lucy, we're so glad to be here with you." Edmund grinned.

"You are?"

"Why wouldn't we be?" he asked her, furrowing his brows.

"Lu, the grief of losing you was unbearable. This was the escape we needed."

"Don't say that, Peter."

"But I will. And I am forever in Caspian's debt and everyone who has sheltered you in their love."

"And I am as well." Edmund added.

"I suppose then that he's already told you about us hasn't he?" Lucy asked.

"What do you mean us?" Edmund questioned.

"Yes, tell us Lu."

"He hasn't told you?"

"Told us what?"

"Come on Lu, no games!" Edmund chuckled.

"We're getting married!" she beamed in delight, but to her dismay her brothers were overwhelmed.

"Ma - married?" Edmund's mouth flung open.

"You mean - Caspian has asked your hand in marriage?" Peter asked, unpleased.

"Well, yes." she said simply. "Oh I wish Susan were…well, no. I do not wish her to die but…I still wish she could visit."

Peter snatched her shoulders, bringing her mindful thought back to the situation at hand.

"Lucy, what do you mean Caspian is marrying you?"

"Peter, we're in love."

"In love?" Edmund managed.

"How and when did this happen?" Peter demanded firmly.

"Well, it just…" she glanced him, "Why can you not be happy for me?"

"Lucy, why on earth should anyone be happy of this? The man is as old as I, and with a child that he did in fact mention, and now you're just going to up and marry him?"

She jerked away from his grasp, eyeing him coldly.

"I should've known you would react like this. You never could stand him."

"Wh - what? Lucy, I am only concerned for my sister. You're seventeen for crying out loud! You've never had a bloody boyfriend, and now all of a sudden you're getting married to the King of Cair Paravel?"

"Never had a boyfriend? I'll have you know Peter Pevensie that I've had plenty of boys interested in me!"

"I didn't mean it like that. All I'm saying is," he sighed, "What would our parents think?"

"Nothing! They would think nothing! They aren't here, are they?"

"Lucy, don't get upset."

"Let me finish, Peter! Caspian and I have a lot in common. He was there for me when I needed him and I was there for him. We love each other very much and I love Rillian. They need me and I them, but I do not expect either of you to understand. All of the countless girls you've run through, it's no wonder neither of you can comprehend true love! I wish Susan could just be here for a while, she would understand me!"

With that said, she stomped out of the room. Peter attempted to bring her back but she slammed the door in his face and he fell silent in his frustration, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Maybe she needs some time." Edmund suggested.

"Time? Time for what? She took no time making herself dedicated to a - a…Caspian!"

"She's doesn't look like she wants to change her mind." Edmund shrugged.

"Happy?" Peter stampeded to the close distance of his brother. "Ed, Lucy couldn't possibly be happy. She doesn't realize what she's getting into! She's still a child! And I'm not going to just stand back and let him walk away with her, forcing onto her the burden of a child that isn't her own!"

"Pete, where are you going?"

"To have a word with Caspian."

"Pete, wait up a minute!"

To Be Continued…

A/N: I apologize again for the slow updates. I just have so many stories I'm working on that it's hard to concentrate on only one at a time. Ha-ha. And for those who asked, my cat is much better now. Thanks.