I looked down and blushed bright red. Of all the great things...

"Edward, I'm so sorry.." I said sheepishly, still startled while I looked around, just to find that, in fact I was in his room. Of all the great things! I tried to stand up, but Edward's hand caught mine.

"Shh, wait. Don't go." He said softly. I sighed and sat back.

"I wonder how in the world I could end here." I tought out loud, looking by the window.

"Seems like you walked in here sometime at the night." He mused.

"Can you die from embarrassement?" I asked blushing hard, my face in my hands. I felt weight shifting in the bed and suddenly I was being carried like a toddler. Now we were sitting next to each other, so close that my whole arm touched his. He chuckled quietly before answering me soothingly.

"I doubt it. But don't worry, tons of people sleep walk and talk."

"Yeah, right. What else, some people fly asleep too?" I asked skeptically. He chuckled again, amusement in his sparkling eyes.

"It's true. Alice used to sleeptalk about fashion. Once, about two years ago, she tried to drag me to the mall. At 3 in the morning!" He told me, chuckling at the memory. I had to laugh, too. Then, I remembered something.

"Did I woke you with my talking?" I asked, still blushing.

"No, I woke up by myself, about ten minutes ago." He said shrugging, then he added smirking "But watching you sleep is very entertaining."

"Oh, god. What did I say?" I said horrified, imagining the possibilities. He chuckled.

"Nothing bad, don't worry." He answered. "Something along the lines of 'Balto, go faster!' " He finished chuckling.

"Well, what can I say? I love that movie." I said smiling. But the look in his eye made me notice that there was something else.

"Ok, spill. What else did I say asleep?" I asked, serious. His eyes sparkled and his lips twitched a bit, as to fight a smile.

"Well, you said my name." He said. But then, suddenly I saw how his face dropped and he muttered something else, all I could get was the end: mistletoe.

"What did you say?" I asked, still blushing.

"Nothing" he answered dryly. I felt my blush fading and felt how the rejection slapped me again, so early in the morning. Then I started to get up, kneeling, my back to him.

"Where are you going?" he asked when I started to get off the huge bed.

"Somewhere. I'm sorry I disturbed your sleep." I said, walking towards the doorway. I closed the door behind me as softly as I could.

With a flashlight I found in a drawer at the hall, I led my way carefully towards the kitchen. I groaned when I saw the time at the clock that was hanging over the fridge: 4 in the morning! I quietly found ingredients for a tea and started heating water in the stove. Then I putted an Elmo red mug on the counter, a chamomile tea bag inside. Then I touched my hair, imagining in the mess it would be after my fever.

I pulled up my hair in a 'turururu' (that's how abuela calls a messy bun) with a pencil I found; while my mind wandered to yesterday's events. How a day could be so long and short. How so many things could happen in such short amount of time.

I shook my head and sighed. Not always you get what you want. Soon, the tea was ready, and after I added a bit of sugar, I started sipping quietly, looking at the window. It was still snowing. I drank quietly while I watched the snowflakes fall, thinking of how fun it would be to make snowmans the next morning with Jasper and Rosalie, or to ride in trineos with Emmett, Alice and Edward. Then a velvet voice took me from my train of tought.

"Can I join you?" Edward asked from the doorway, a flashlight in his hands.

"Sure." I answered. He came and putted his flashlight on the counter, next to mine and sat on the stool that was in front of mine

"What's that?" he asked me, looking at the mug.

"Tea. Would you like a bit?" I asked.

"Yes, I'd love some." He answered quietly, a small smile on his lips. I took another sesame streel mug and handed it to him. He looked at it wary but chuckingly.

"The cookie monster?" he chuckled. I mocklingly glared at him, my hands at my hips.

"Yes, do you have something against him?" I asked "Or would you like a mug of Abelardo or Bernie?" I added, chuckling at the end. He chuckled, too.

"No, cookie monster is okay. He's my favorite." He said.

"Mine, too" I smiled, preparing his tea.

"But, Abelardo?" he asked

"It's your kitchen, not mine." I said without looking at him. He chuckled.

"I know. I was asking, who's that Abelardo?"

"You don't know who's that? The huge, oversized yellow bird of Sesame Street.." I said.

"Big bird?" He asked.

"Yep. That one. I guess that's what you get when you watch Sesame Street in spanish your whole life." I shrugged, adding sugar in his mug. Then I added. "i'm relieved you know who Big Bird is, I was starting to get afraid that you didn't have childhood." He chuckled.

"You're impossible." He stated. I stuck out my tongue while I handed him the mug.

"Thanks." He said. I nodded and started drinking from my own mug again. He did the same, but then he putted his mug on the counter and looked at me.

"I'm sorry." I also putted my mug on the counter and opened my mouth to say that I was fine, but he interrupted me.

"No, it's not fine. I'm sorry for being so rude to you earlier, it wasn't your fault. Also, I'm sorry for yesterday, I know I upsetted you."

"A bit, earlier" I admitted looking down. Then I looked up and smiled a bit. "But it's ok now."


We drank quietly the rest of the tea lit by the flashlights. Fifteen minutes later, I found myself sitting on Edward's bed, talking while we listened to his iPod. Right now we were listening to Boys Like Girls and laughing about some childhood memories.

When I was younger I used to be wild
As wild as an elephant's child
No one could hold me down
No one could keep me around
Now it's your turn, take a shot
Baby show me everything that you got
Maybe you can keep me alive
Maybe you can get in my mind
But it's only a matter of time

Before I run far away
I need to take a holiday
Maybe it's a fall from grace
I gotta find a new place
A holiday
I'll set off on a new chase
I gotta see a new face
I need to take a holiday

"I can't believe that you managed to fall just like Charlie Brown and failed hitting the ball so it hitted the coach's head instead. All at the same time." He said laughing. I shook my head, giggling at the memory.

I was eleven and had a huge crush on David Beckham and convinced my dad onto putting me in soccer classes. At the games I was almost always on the benches. At the championship I was sitting in the bench, as usual, until a girl, Lyla, was feeling dizzy and had to stop playing, so they had to send me to the game. I was doing great until a huge girl pushed me hard and I fell. They gave her a card and a penalty to me. I took a lot of impulse for kicking the ball so it would be a goal and slipped; fell on my back, hitted the ball backwards and it ended hitting the coach's head instead. It was a 'Golden Bella moment'.

I giggled again before telling him

"And I can't believe that Emmett made you wear Alice's clothes!" I tought about it for a second "Ok, wait, I can. Erase that. I can't believe that you actually fitted in Ali's clothes!" Edward's chuckles grew onto laughs, wich made me laugh harder.

"It was a dare. And believe that when we were five she was only an inch shorter!" he answered, rolling his eyes. I honestly couldn't. "And the worst thing of all is that the clothes were pink." He said the word as it was the worst word in the world. "And believe me, I hated pink back then." He said yawning and lying down at his comfortable bed.

"Go, close your eyes, I'm keeping you from your sleep." I told him, passing my hands trough his hair. It was with disarray, as usual, but silk soft against my fingertips. He closed his eyes sighing in contentment.

"No, it's ok. I'm glad that you're here." He said.

"I'm glad, too." I said, still stroking his hair, then I added. "Go to sleep." He chuckled before answering, his words slower and his eyes still closed.

"And shouldn't be me the one telling you to go to sleep?" I chuckled too and felt his breath deepen.

"Goodnight." I said softly

"Goodnight" he mumbled. Then a song came to his iPod: Clair du lune, by Debussy. I layed down, listening to the beautiful and relaxing song, while I watched Edward sleep.

At some point, Edward rolled and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer, and kept sleeping peacefully. I, while was snuggled againgst his marble chest, smelt his sweet and wonderful aroma and watched his features. Too soon, the song came to an end. I sighed and left the iPod on his nightstand. I was about to get up and leave to Ali's room, when he spoke, velvet soft.

"Bella.." I stopped and turned to look at him. He was still asleep. I felt my insides go warm once again. I moved sightly, but his grip on me tightened a little bit.

"Bella, don't go.. stay with me.." he said, still fast asleep. I smiled a bit, mostly to myself and went back to my horizontal position and closed my eyes, thinking about the snow and soon drifted to dreamland.


I woke up with a low squeal. I opened one eye, just to find a pixie jumping up and down, its little face full of exitement. One guess: Alice.

"Oh my god! I can't believe it!" she squealed. I looked at her, confused. She pointed to me, still bouncing, exited. I shook my head, rolling my eyes and patted my pillow in an attempt to continue sleeping. But something felt odd. I knew that most of the Cullens' belongings were expensive, but their pillows were supoused to be warm and hard? Or to rise and fall? Or... – I opened my eyes wide- to wrap themselves around me? I froze mid-tap and looked up. Alice was dead right. Oh. My. God!


There, his arms around me, his torso as my pillow (not that I complained), slept Edward in all his glory. He looked peaceful: his hair more tousled than usual; his features soft, relaxed and his mouth sightly open. I could have watched him all day long if it wasn't for the lights and snapping sound of a camera and another round of low squeals courtesy of Alice. I glared at her and putted a finger over my lips. She understood and stopped squealing. With her help, I lifted one of his arms carefully and placed a pillow where I was. Then I slipped out of bed as quietly as I could, and started tiptoeing out of his room, but being me, I tripped over my own feet and landed in the carpet with a low thud, earning a lot of giggles from Alice. I glared at her from the floor, wich made her laugh harder. Then, a soft voice made us stop mid-giggle and glare.

"Alice..." we both turned to look back. Edward was still asleep. "please don't drag me to the mall.." we both started to chuckle. When we could sober up again, he didn't say anything else so Ali helped me getting up and we were about to leave when he spoke very clearly.

"Bella, you look beautiful in that bikini." That caused me to create a new shade of red and to Alice to start jumping and squealing again.

I shushed her and grabbed her arm so we could finally leave. When we were at the hall, she grabbed my arm and dragged me downstairs, to the kitchen. The house was very silent and from the big windows, we could see the huge amount of snow that had fallen through the night. I was thinking about the old snowy days with mom, when Ali took a huge breath and started squealing and jumping louder and higher.

"Oh my god, Ella! See? I was right! He truly likes you! Now you only need to confess to each other and let me do your wedding and have five Eddies and Bellas!"

"Whoa Ali, slow down. Together? Married? Five kids?" I asked skeptically. Because of the many failures with my crushes, I didn't want to have my hopes up, just to find them crashed on the floor. "I think you're going a bit way too fast. And, besides, It's your brother of who we're talking about!" i added. She was shaking her head even before I finished. She spoke then, softer and much slower.

"No, I'm not. Believe me, I know what I'm talking about. I have the feeling that it will happen sooner than you think." She stated proudly. Usually those feelings of hers were right, and suddenly I wished that this one in particular would come true. Wait! Don't get your hopes up! Giving up on love, remember?! I shook my head and sighed in defeat, Alice would be impossible sometimes. Then I noticed that she was waiting me for say something.

"Um... Ali, I really don't know what to say.." I stuttered, looking down. Ali sighed and gave me something. It was a picture, the kind you would find when you googled the word 'love'. I gasped when I recognized the people in it. It was a picture of me and Edward, a bit earlier, while we were sleeping. He was hugging me while he slept, a small smile on his lips, while I was unconsciously snuggling onto his chest, sleeping peacefully. The way he was holding me made me feel hope. (AN/ the way he was holding her is very alike of the poster of the movie 'August Rush'. If you haven't seen it, do it; it's a great movie. If you haven't seen the poster neither, google it. The internet is a wonderful place ^^ )

"Wow, Alice." Was the only thing I was able to say. Alice nodded in agreement. When I saw her smug face, I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"Yeah, right, Alice. Sometimes I would like a trip in that spiky head of yours." I said

"Well.. you could find huge closets, malls and lots of multicolored porsches turbo. And colors! Tons of colors!" she squealed. Then she smiled. "I tought you would have learned by know. Never bet against Alice." I hugged my friend

"Thanks, Ali" I told her, the picture still in my hand. She noticed and giggled.

"Anytime. And you can keep it if you want to." She said pointing the photo. I smiled a bit wider.

"Yes, I'd like that." I told her putting the picture in the back pocket of my pajamas. Then both of our stomachs grumbled loudly. We giggled at that.

"i'm hungry" she said between giggles. I nodded in agreement

"Me too."

"Me three!" a voice from the doorway said. We turned to find Rosalie smiling widely. She came and hugged us both, giggling.

"Let's make breakfast!" Rosalie exclaimed.

"That's a great idea!" I said.

"And quick! I'm starving!" Alice chimed in. We went to the fridge and drawers and found them properly stocked.

"Thank god mom went shopping two days ago." Alice sighed, relieved.

"What we should make?" Rosalie asked.

"Oatmeal alla Hale!" i said smiling widely. It was an special recipe of Rose's mom.

"Toasts." Alice chimed in, jumping.

"We could make hot cocoa, your special one, Bella." Rose added. I nodded.

"It's all settled then. Ok, chop chop! I'm starving!" Alice said. We giggled, but nodded.

With that we started picking the ingredients; while Alice putted her battery radio on the counter, in our favorite station. I listened to the news while I mixed the milk with the cocoa. During the night it had fallen a little bit less than 6 feet of snow, and that the electricity would return in the next 4 hours. I grimaced when they notified that the roads would start being cleaned in the late afternoon.

"How are you feeling, Bella?" Rosalie asked me over her shoulder while she stirred the oatmeal.

"A lot better, thanks. That grandma Cullen soup is truly powerful" I said smiling.

"Yes, it is." Alice said.

"And, delicious, don't forget that" Rosalie added.

"Yet, I can't believe that Emmett can cook." I added, stirring the cocoa in the stove.

"My mom teached us all to cook when we were little. Eddie's cheeseburgers are to die for." Ali answered while she cutted the crusts out of the bread slices.

"Really? That's cool! I'll have to convince Edward to cook some for me sometime." I said.

"I'm sure he'll be happy to cook some." Alice answered truthfully, smiling.

"Talking about him, how do you feel, Bella?" Rose asked me concerned; while she stirred her own mix in the stove.

"Well..." I started, while I was taking out the utilery. " I decided to take everything easy. He doesn't like me? Alright. I have the best friend in the world! He does like me? Even better! I'm lucky enough to have the best friend in the world and he likes me!" I answered them. They both came and hugged me.

"Good choice, Ella." Alice said.

"Yes, that's my girl" Rose added.

We continued working in a comfortable silence and very soon the food was ready. When we finished washing our hands for setting up the table, a song that we loved: 'I'm not gonna teach your boyfriend how to dance...' by Black Kids came to the radio. We all squealed and started dancing and singing out loud, while we putted the glasses and plates in the tables, changing the lyrics a bit, of course.

You are the boy that I've been dreaming of

Ever since I was a little girl

You are the boy that I've been dreaming of

Ever since I was a little girl.

One! I'm bitting my tongue,

Two! She's kissing on you,

Three! Oh, why can't you see?

One, two, three, four!

The word's on the street, and it's on the news,

I'm not gonna teach her how to dance with you.

She's got two left feet and she bites my moves

I'm not gonna teach her how to

dance, dance dance!

The second I do, I know we're gonna be through

I'm not gonna teach her how to dance with you

She don't suspect a thing, I wish she'd get a clue,

I'm not gonna teach her how to

dance, dance dance!

When we finished setting up the table, and dancing, we looked at the clock. It was 10 am already! Then I turned, just to find Alice with a huge smirk on her face.

"What, Ali?" Rose asked her suspiciously.

"Let's wake up the boys!" she squealed.

We agreeded and followed her upstairs, giggling. There, she shushed us before she went towards a door that was under the stairs that led to the third floor. When she opened it, Rose and I gasped. The hidden closet held a prank paradise; everything from itchy powder to airhorns. The pixie debated herself between a megaphone and an airhorn, but shrugged and gave us an airhorn each. We did our handshakes after Ali told us to keep our cellphones with us and to put our handfrees for using them as walkie-talkies and we parted in separate ways. I could hear their silent giggles from my headphone while we tiptoed at the hall.

"This is so fun! I feel like a spy!" Alice silently squealed.

"Yes, it is. Thank god I have a camera." Rosalie said and I chuckled at that. Soon I was standing in front of Edward's bed and I could hear Emmett's snores from the phone.

"Ready?" Ali whispered

"Yes." Rose and I answered silently at the same time.

"Okay. On count of three.. one" Alice whispered.

"Two.." I said quietly, grabbing the can with both my hands.

"Three!" Rosalie said much louder and I pressed the button. It emited a deafening sound that made me jump. Edward woke up startled, so much that he fell on the floor. His face was priceless. I laughed loudly, dropping the can that fell in the tick carpet with a thud. He glared playfully at me, so I sobered a bit.

"C'mon, let me help you." I said extending my hands to him. He took them, but I noticed the sparkle in his eyes when it was too late, he pulled me to the carpet with him. I fell newt to him while he laughed quietly.

"Hey!" I protested, while I smacked playfully his arm.

"Ow! What? You were the one that woke me up..." he started to say, then he looked at the can that was lying in the floor and grimaced before continuing "with an airhorn. I believe that the pixie I have as a sister had something to do with it, right?" I nodded, smiling angelically. He laughed again.

"You're not fooling anyone with that face, you know?" he said smiling

"Maybe" I answered chuckling before I rested my head in the carpet. He laughed before doing the same.

"Maybe" he agreeded. We were in a comfortable silence. After a minute, I remembered why I woke him up.

"C'mon. Let's have breakfast." I said sitting up, while I tugged him by the hands. He obeyed and got up, his hair more tousled than usual. He offered me a hand, that I accepted.

"But don't throw me, eh?" He said, chuckling.

"Of course" I said smiling, while he pulled me up. When we were walking, close to the doorway, he smirked in a very Alice way before he lifted me up fireman style and started running downstairs.

"Edward! Let me down!" I protested. He laughed and kept running. Soon we were by the kitchen, where our friends were already eating. There, he set me on my foot. I glared at him and tried to regain my dignity by fixing my pants, pouting and blushing. My friends blinked before they started laughing. I smacked Edward's arm again and glared all my friends before I sat down and stole Jasper one toast before I started eating.


"C'mon guys! Let's go!" Emmett said with his booming voice, jumping like a five year old on christmas about four hours later. We had spent the whole morning in pajamas, playing board games and saying jokes.

"Where? Everything is covered with snow." Alice asked, standing up with a jump, almost throwing our cards. Emmett simply smirked.

"You'll see." We all dropped the UNO cards and ran upstairs behind him. We went towards his door, where he stopped. We all rushed him, so he shrugged and opened the door. The room was freezing. We looked around for the reason and found the oversized window wide open.

"Emmett!" we all scolded him at the same time. He pouted, looking like a five year old again.

"What? I wanted us all to go play in the snow. I even made a stair and fetched a sled!"

"A sled?" Edward asked skeptically.

"Yes, go look." Emmett said. We all went closer to the window, just to find that, in fact there was a rope stair hanging off the window. We all watched the panorama, the snow looking so tempting, without saying a thing. Alice was the first to break it, as usual.

"Yay! Now we can go out! Can we, can we?" She squealed, jumping, before she putted her puppy dog eyes. I nodded in agreement.

"Ok, who wants to go out, say aye!" I said, exited to go out

"AYE!" Boomed everybody. Alice giggled and dragged Rose and I towards her bedroom. Then she ran to her closet and came back two minutes later with a bundle of clothes.

"You know what to do.. or else.." she said giggling at the end, while she pushed us to the bathroom or the closet, in Rose's case. I didn't even complain about the clothes, I was too exited to protest.

As soon as I was standing by Emmett's window, warmed by a tick coat, I was hitted straight in the face with a snowball, courtesy of Jasper.I hurried as carefully as I could and smacked him back. We ran for about five minutes throwing snowballs back and forth. When we were sitting in the sled, catching our breath, I was suddenly sure that the snowy days with the Cullens would be memorable as well. We spent the rest of the day playing at the snow, making snowmans, angels, playing with the sled.. Emmett, being Emmett even tried to do an igloo. We were in the middle of an epic snowfight when Carlisle and Esme finally arrived. They were glad to find us well and even played with us for a few minutes, after Esme threw a snowball that hitted Carlisle at the back of his head. I had talked to Charlie a few hours earlier, the roads from La Push would be cleaned tomorrow morning, and Esme had told me to stay there until Charlie came back.

A few minutes later, both of Carlisle and Esme hurried insid, not before Esme asked the boys to please shovel the snow out of the doorway. We helped them, throwing ocassional snowballs, of course.

I spent the rest of the evening playing videogames with the boys; then talking with the girls and fell asleep quite late.

The next day, I was woken up by a bouncing in my bed. One guess: Alice.

"Aliice.. Go to sleep!" I whined, throwing the covers over my head,

"No, you neither. You've got to see this!" she squealed.

"Nope, talk to me in two hours." I said, my eyes still closed. She humphed and her weight was gone. I sighed in contentment and snuggled deeper in the warm bed, trying to sleep again. Then, two hands grabbed my feet from under the covers and pulled me out of bed, onto the carpet.

"A-lice!" I groaned from the floor. She giggled. I glared at her and tried to pull down her pants without success.

"Nope, that won't work. And you can't scare me easily neither. I've lived with two brothers my whole life, one of them being the prankster king, Emmett Cullen." She told me. I humphed and sat on the floor rubbing my back. Maybe I could talk to Emmett..

"True. But definitively you have creative ways to wake up people!" I told her. She smiled and giggled before she did a curtsy.

"Well, thank you!" I shook my head before asking her:

"What did you wanted to show me?"

"Put this outfit on and I'll show you." She said, pointing towards an outfit that was on her desk. I glared at her.

"No." She pouted, her lower lip quivering.

"Pleease? Pretty please?" she said. I sighed.

"Okay, but no makeup." She smiled and bounced. I took the infamous outfit and walked to the bathroom. I took a shower and brushed my teeth with the toothbrush Ali always had for me, then I got dressed. As soon as I was out of the bathroom, she pulled me to her closet.

"Alright. Close your eyes." She told me. I did what she told me and heared shuffling in the background.

"No peeking..." she said, until the shuffling ended. "Here." She said, putting something in my hands. I opened my eyes, just to find a box in my hands

"A box?" I asked

"No, silly. Open it." She giggled. I shuffled the paper that was inside, just to find the most beautiful pair of winter boots i've ever seen.

"I know they're not the same, but I saw this on the internet and couldn't resist. They arrived this morning and.." she hurried to explain.

"Ali, it's okay! I love them!" I said, hugging my friend with the box still in my hands.

"You're welcome. Go, try them on. The breakfast is ready, I'll be downstairs." She said

"Alright. Thanks." She waved once before she skipped out of the room. I sat on the floor and putted on a pair of long, stripped socks that were on the box and then putted on the boots. They fitted me perfectly. I looked at them with Ali's huge mirror. Then I went to her room and combed my hair, singing a song that came to my mind since I putted my new boots on: new shoes, by Paolo Nutini.

Woke up cold one Tuesday,
I'm looking tired and feeling quite sick,
I felt like there was something missing in my day to day life,
So I quickly opened the wardrobe,
Pulled out some jeans and a T-Shirt that seemed clean,
Topped it off with a pair of old shoes,
That were ripped around the seams,
And I thought these shoes just don't suit me.

Hey, I put some new shoes on,
And suddenly everything is right,
I said, hey, I put some new shoes on and everybody's smiling,
It's so inviting,
Oh, short on money,
But long on time,
Slowly strolling in the sweet sunshine,
And I'm running late,
And I don't need an excuse,
'cause I'm wearing my brand new shoes. (...)

I danced out the room, still singing, until I collided onto something, or someone and closed my eyes, expecting the floor, but it never came. I opened my eyes, just to find the sparkling ones of my perpetual savior.

"Your life is truly a musical, right?" He chuckled. I smiled widely.

"Oh, you have no idea." I laughed.


..:: A.N.: This is the new chapter! Sorry for the delay, I had a huge block, tons of exams and schoolwork and a classmate of mine died last week.. : (

Well, anyways, click that adorable green button and tell me what you think! Remember: more reviews, quicker updates!::..

Songs of this chapter:

Holiday- Boys Like Girls

I'm not gonna teach your boyfriend how to dance- Black Kids

New Shoes- Paolo Nutini