Be patient as you read, please. The Avatar characters don't come in until the middlish/end of this chapter.
I hit on this idea yesterday, and thought it would be interesting to write out. It's practice in first-person writing, as well. Sorry you have to trudge through me being a retard before you actually get to hear the Avatar characters talk.
Disclaimer: None of the Avatar characters belong to me, they belong to Mike and Bryan.
I'm just a normal person. I don't ask for these sorts of things to happen to me. It would have even been a normal day, if it hadn't been for the monster storm gathering above me. Class had been cancelled for the day, and I was enjoying the free time on my computer, reading a new Avatar fanfiction I'd found earlier.
I took a sip of my hot chocolate as I finished reading. I was thinking about Avatar, and looked up an episode to watch online. I had just opened the video when a blast of thunder accompanied a blinding flash of lighting and shook the air outside. The rain abruptly began pouring down. The lights flickered and went out, but my laptop stayed on because of the battery inside. Katara's introduction to the episode was silenced when the external speakers lost power. Not too worried about it, I swallowed some more hot chocolate and reached out to pull the speaker plug from the computer so that I could hear the episode.
Lightning flashed and the thunder was hot on it's tail, shaking the very concrete foundation of my apartment. I shrieked as the mug fell from my hands and fell hard on my laptop. The brown liquid splashed all over the keyboard and screen. I leaned back when it sparked briefly and then went dark. I stared in horror.
"No!" I cried, "No no no no no no, noooo!" but it didn't help. My computer was fried. "Aw, damn!" I stood up from my stool so quickly that I tripped over it and fell to the floor, flat on my back. It was a good thing I had just cleaned my room and the floor was clear. My roommate appeared at the door with a flashlight.
"What? What happened?" I stayed on the floor, figuring it was as good an alternative as standing was. I groaned.
"My computer…" I whimpered. She turned and saw the mess, and winced in sympathy.
"Oh." She said. I propped myself up and sighed.
"Yeah. I hope my warranty covers this." I said. Then a thought occurred to me. Oh, God, what if it ruins my hardrive? All my files… I groaned again and got up as my roommate found words to lament the situation.
"Well that sucks."
I sighed. "Well, whatever. I'll just send it off to be fixed."
She nodded, and turned to go. "Some storm…" She muttered.
"Tell me about it."
"Oh, hey!" She turned back to me, her brown eyes shining. "Do you have a rain jacket?"
"You're going out? In this?" I asked incredulously as I tried, pathetically, to mop up the now-cold chocolate drink that was seeping between the keys.
She shrugged. "I figure it's better than staying cooped up all day. My friend's going to pick me up soon."
I sighed and stood. Her friends were just as nuts as she was. "Yeah, yeah, here it is." I grabbed the rain jacket and handed it to her as her phone rang. She thanked me and darted towards the door.
"Lock it behind me?" She called.
"Yeah, sure!" I answered, and she was gone. I followed the path she'd taken, much more slowly, and turned the lock. When I turned, I realized the house was uncharacteristically dark. I could hardly see anything. I sighed and made my way to the kitchen, opening the drawer where I kept the lighter. I found it and turned around to light the candle behind me on the counter.
I pushed the button on top and pulled the trigger, and watched the little bit of flame flicker up…
"She's a firebender!" A young voice exclaimed from behind me. I whirled and dropped the lighter. The flame went out.
"Shush, Aang!" Said a female voice.
Aang? No way. This was unreal. I stood stock still in shock. Something that sounded like metal on cloth or leather pulled me out of my stillness. Lightning lit up my living room window and I saw the silhouettes of four people.
"No, wait! I'm not a firebender!" This was insane…
"How can we know you're telling the truth?" Asked a distinctive male voice. Sokka. Four silhouettes, I remembered. A smile touched my lips.
"Ask Toph. If she can see through this floor, she should be able to tell." I heard the rustling of fabric as they turned to her. I waited in the dark, assuming she was listening.
"It's fuzzy, but there is hard rock beneath this soft stuff. She's excited, and a little scared, but it isn't because she's lying." Relief flooded me. Good old Toph.
"So how did you make that flame without a flint or spark?" Sokka asked, putting away his boomerang. Uh oh. How was I supposed to introduce the cast of Avatar to modern inventions? This is crazy! This can't be real! This can't be happening! I ignored the rationality that was screaming inside me.
"It's a tool, Sokka. It makes a spark and ignites a little bit of the liquid inside so that you can light candles and things." I shifted nervously. "Mind if I light some candles? I'd like to be able to see the four of you."
"Please do." Katara said quickly. "I'd like to be able to see as well."
"Wait!" Sokka commanded as I reached for the lighter on the ground. "How do you know our names?"
I picked up the lighter and smiled at the little flame it produced. "At the risk of sounding suspicious, I know a lot about the four of you." I put the flame in the candle and lit the wick, and by the light of that found my small hurricane lamp and lit it as well.
"How?" Aang asked. I put the glass cover over the flame on the lamp and carried it over to them. There was a moderate amount of light now, and I could see their faces. In the real world. It was strange.
"I don't know how you guys got here, but this isn't your world. Here, the four of you and your adventures are just a story that someone told me." I looked them each in the eye, even Toph, who couldn't return it. "Here, there are no benders, no four nations, no Sozin's comet, no firelord. There is war, but it is not your war. There are elements, but no Avatar." The four stepped back in shock.
"How do we get home?" Sokka demanded. I looked at him sadly.
"I don't know."
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