A/N: Well...don't kill me. I do have great reasons for why I haven't updated in months. First of all, I got married, so that took up the bulk of my 2010 trying to plan a wedding. Now, I'm preggers! So I have been sick as a dog. I want to get back into the swing of this story, so I have to read everything over, and start my notes and research from scratch. I had this chapter finished before my madness started, so I hope you enjoy. Please review, to let me know if you like the direction the story is going, the characters and what not. I know a few people were saying that I should have this story listed as Hr/OC, but patience is a virtue! Draco will be back!

The next day, Nancy woke Hermione around the 10 in the morning, giving her enough time to bathe, eat and dress. She was nervous; she didn't know what she was going to tell Gabriele. Should she tell him the truth? Should she lie? At this point, did it matter? The marriage between Phillip and Queen Mary was a few weeks away, and there was no word yet as to when Hogwarts would be reopened.

Soon after her wonderful bath, Marie came bounding into her room with a pretty green day dress. "You simply must wear this!"

After doing some minor adjustments to the dress, Marie sat Hermione down and fixed her hair. She decided to leave it down and loose about her shoulders, letting the natural waves fall where they please. Marie picked up a piece of silk scented with vanilla essence and ran it over Hermione's entire head.

"There, he will not be able to resist you now." Marie replied, folding the silk and placing in back in its box.

Hermione sighed, "Because that is exactly what I need right now."

Marie ignored her comment and continued on, "He should be here at any moment; that is a great quality in a man."

It was Hermione's turn to completely ignore Marie, "I think I am going to skip court tonight, I am exhausted."

They were interrupted when their majordomo, Franklin, announced Gabriele was waiting in the front room for Hermione. Marie gave Hermione a conspiratorial smile and bounded from the room. By the time Hermione gave herself a once-over in the polished looking glass, Marie was deep in conversation with Gabriele which was instantly cut off the moment she walked into the room.

"You all could be a little less obvious about telling secrets you know." Hermione teased, fixing the scented leather gloves on her small hands.

Marie had the good graces to blush before excusing herself, leaving Gabriele and Hermione alone. Not wanting make her feel uneasy, he kept his demeanor friendly. What he really wanted to do was sweep her up and kiss those irresistible lips.

He offered his arm, "Are we ready?"

Hermione smiled, nodded and took his arm. Everything about him screamed Draco; it was still hard for her to wrap her mind around it. She didn't know what she would have done if his father and mother also looked like Lucias and Narcissa, they would really thoughts her daft. It was years since the war ended, and publically the Malfoys repented there muggle hating ways, but Hermione still could not stomach being around him.

They walked out the house into the front where two beautiful horses were being held by the DeMarsico's men at arms.

Gabriele approached a sweet chestnut colored mare, "This is Isis. You will never find a gentler horse." He took the reigns from the man at arms and walked her to where Hermione stood, out of earshot, "She was magically bred for ladies of nobility. They read emotions and fear very well, she is a good girl." He patted the horse's nose lovingly and helped Hermione mount her.

Immediately, Hermione felt an overwhelming calm sweep over her, and she was no longer worried about falling off and completely embarrassing herself. "She is beautiful Gabriele, does your family breed them?"

Gabriele mounted his deep brown stallion, Aramis, who was Isis's father. "Aramis was gifted to me by my father when I was old enough to ride. We have only started breeding these calmer horses with Aramis' grandfather Garin."

They left the house and rode to a large park which was meant for nobility only. It was a place see and be seen. No one walked through those gates without being given the once over by the court gossips, and today would be no different. Fans went a flutter when the young Lord Mallenfoia and Lady Granger entered the park without a proper escort! Either she was nothing but a harlot or the young Lord intended on making her his wife. The jealous mamas that rode around in their carriages parading their daughters prayed feverishly it was not the latter.

Hermione looked around the well manicured park, "This place is so beautiful, I have not had a chance to do much since I arrived here."

"Neither have I." he replied, "It has been house to barge to court and back again." They followed a path that led them away from prying ears, but kept within everyone's sight. The last thing he wanted to do was stain Hermione's reputation.

Hermione turned to look at him, "Tell me about your life in France."

He smiled and shook his head, "We have ample time to talk about me, please, tell me about your life."

She sighed, "What is it would you like to know?" This was one conversation she wished she could get out of.

"Where are you really from?" He tried to keep the eagerness from his voice.

She didn't know where to start, "I am not from this time." She started, she stole a quick glace to gauge his reaction, when she saw he looked didn't look horrified, she continued. "I am from the year 2008, transported by an ancient incantation I stumbled across. I saw everything unbuild around me, it was so terrifying. I threw myself to the floor and hoped for the best. When everything was done, I was in the forest behind Hampton Court where I luckily found Marie. After some convincing on my part, Marie took me to her home where I have been staying as a cousin to Adam."

He took in the information slowly, not wanting to believe it. This had to be some sort of jest. But there were too many signs to deny. She was so uncomfortable around horses; her gowns always look like they are at war with her body and the bold and sure way she spoke showed a lack of proper noble upbringing. Not that there was anything wrong with that, quite the opposite. These young girls were born to look pretty, be silent and make babies.

"Are you alright?" Hermione asked after a long while of silence. She should have just kept her stupid mouth shut!

"I am fine." He replied, trying to snap out of his stupor. "It is a hard concept to get my mind around."

Hermione stopped her horse, "I shouldn't have told you."

He turned around to face her, "Please, don't ever feel you ever need to hide anything from me. I am just surprised is all."

"This has been so hard for me." She started, letting out her frustrations, "I constantly have to walk on eggshells here to make sure I don't change something in the future. One little interference from me could cause havoc in my time"

"I understand now." He muttered to himself in which he thought was a low voice.

Hermione turned to look at him, "Understand what?"

"Hermione," he started, "you have to know how much I am attracted to you. It is something that I can not help. From the moment I saw you; I have been drawn to you." He stopped to make sure no one was around and was within hearing distance. "I was speaking to Marie about my plight. I asked her how I could go about winning your heart. Was there someone else? I would do anything, but now I understand."

She nodded, "I risk changing the future of your entire family."

He stopped his horse and grabbed Hermione's hand in his, "I do not care. This is not fake; this is not something that can be ignored."

She tried to pull her hand away but he held them tight, "Please, if you only knew how much this would change-" she stopped herself but it was too late.

Gabriele stared at her, "You know my family?"

She let a long breath, "No." She lied. "Somewhat. Not too well, really."

He smirked, "You are a horrendous liar."

Hermione laughed uneasily, "Your family is well known." She started, carefully thinking before speaking, "An old, pureblood family. I went to school with your great grandson, Draco. Nice guy, nice family."

He pressed his lips, "I believed up until you said 'nice guy, nice family'."

She didn't mean to laugh, but this entire situation was ridiculous, "Truthfully, your family is a huge lot of snobs. I did not get along with them till recently. But enough about that, you have to know that I plan on returning back to my own time."

"Go back?" asked confused, "Why?"

Hermione gave him a sad look, 'Gabriele, this is not my time; the DeMarsicos are not my family. I have a life to get back to."

He was floored, "How do you plan on doing that?"

She bit her lip, she didn't like hurting anyone, "As soon as Hogwarts reopens, I am going to meet with the Headmaster and try and work out a way to return."

He didn't know what to say. He could not beg her to stay, that would be unfair to her. "When will that be?"

She explained it wouldn't be for a while as the Headmaster was waiting to see what the Queen's marriage to Phillip would do to the country. These muggles were very serious about their method of worship.

He felt a small ray of hope. "You have some time before you are able to even research a way to get back to your time. In the interim just enjoy your time here."

"I shouldn't, I can't risk-" she started when he interrupted her.

"Hermione, have you ever thought that you may never get back? How lucky are to even be alive? What if that spell left you in the middle of the sea floor?" He was agitated; he selfishly didn't want her to go back.

"I honestly have not thought about it because I am determined to go home." She paused, "That is why I have been reluctant encourage your feelings."

"It could well be months before you are able to return." He spoke more to himself than to Hermione, "Then there will be a period of research before even coming up with the correct and safe way to transport yourself back."

Maybe there was a chance of convincing her that she belonged here, with him.

"I am willing to wait as long as possible, but I am going to find my way home." She said tightly. Taking a hint, he changed the subject asking about the future.

"What about now? Do you know what will happen when they marry?" Being from France this marriage was not exactly the best for his country.

Hermione looked about; there were a few people riding in carriages rudely staring but nobody within earshot. "Well, according to my Muggle history books this marriage will go off without hitch, everything will go according to plan. Mary will get pregnant twice with phantom pregnancies."

She stopped when she saw he looked confused. "Phantom pregnancies happen when a women has such a great need to be with child that her body develops all the signs of being pregnant but in reality there is no child to be born. " Hermione explained quickly.

He looked completely surprised that such a thing could happen, but he did not want to interrupt. "Unfortunately, in my time, she is known as Bloody Mary because of the many people yet to be hung, burned at the stake, and beheaded all in the name of Catholicism. I can not recall the exact time, but she will not be monarch for long." Hermione finished with her voice barely in a whisper. It was high treason, punishable by death to even think the death of the Queen.

"If it were not for the fact that we are wizards I would call you a bold faced lair. With no heir, who will take the throne of England?" Gabriele wondered idly.

Hermione smiled, "Elizabeth Tudor." She hoped that in her time here she would get to see the Lady Elizabeth. Hermione studied extensively on the Tudor era of England, they were a very interesting family.

"Of course, she will have her share of trails to go through, but to us Elizabeth's reign was known to us as England's Golden Age." They continued to talk in length about the world now and the world yet to come. She spoke of the advancement of magic and briefly about Lord Voldermort. By the time they were finished, the sun was setting, splashing the sky with colors of red, orange, yellow and purple.

The couple made their way out of the park back to the DeMarsico's home, "I really had a wonderful time."

"Not as much as I." Gabriele turned to look at her, "I want to thank you for sharing your life with me this afternoon."

Hermione blushed, "I must warn you to never speak of what I told you today. I risk changing the time where I am from by telling you about it."

He reached across her horse and held her hand, bringing it lightly to his lips, "Your secrets are safe with me."

All around them, envious eyes looked upon them with scorn. Who was this little upstart coming out of nowhere and stealing one of the most eligible bachelors in France!

Hermione looked around, "I think we should be retiring to our respective houses, the sun is beginning to set."

Gabriele nodded in agreement and guided her out the park. It was a wonderful day, and he was not quick to let it end just yet. "Hermione, would it be terribly forward of me to ask you to dine with me tonight?"

Her heart gave a little leap of joy, which she quickly suppressed, "Of course, should I invite the DeMarsicos as well?"

He shook his head in the negative and smiled, Hermione almost melted on her horse. "While riding around I came upon a very small, tidy inn with some of the best food I've tasted in all of England." He found that the meals prepared in Hampton Hall were too heavy sauced or the meats were past their prime. "I would love to share dinner with you."

Hermione bit her lip as they trotted towards the DeMarsico's house. Quite frankly, it would be the worst thing for her to do; leading him on…but a huge part of her did not want this day to end. "I do not see why we can't share a friendly meal together."

Gabriele smirked at her emphasis on the word friendly, "You are going to make this extremely difficult, aren't you?" Hermione laughed out loud, sending a shiver down his spine, "Fine then, consider me your insistent suitor!"