Disclaimer: I could lie and say this was cut from the movie, when in reality I am but a fangirl in the grand scheme of Disney things. Also, some lyrics have been shamelessly lifted from 'A Night to Remember' from the HSM3 soundtrack.


"Hey, you've been in there an hour, man!" Chad bellowed as he pounded on Ryan's bathroom door.

"Where's my shaver?" Ryan muttered to himself, ignoring the ruckus on the other side of the door.

"RYAN!" Chad was running out of patience.


"I did NOT come over here to sit on my ass and wait for a million years for you to try on your prom stuff! I thought this would take like ten minutes! Seriously, you're taking longer than Sharpay would!"

"Am not! She did this last weekend, and it took her four hours!"

"Whatever, just hurry the hell up! I have a basketball game in twenty, and—"

Chad's exasperation was cut short by the appearance of a very well dressed Ryan.

"I look like a waiter!" the boy in the hat moaned.

Chad said nothing. He was too busy gaping.



Ryan smirked. "I take that as approval?"


Ryan doffed him on the shoulder.

"Thanks for sticking around. Now go before you're late for your game."

Chad blinked.


"Whathuh? Oh yeah, the game. Yeah. Okay. I'll see you later, Ryan."

Chad wandered out of the mansion in a daze.

Back inside, Sharpay had found her brother.

"So, what should I do with my hair?"

"Whatever you did last week during your epic prom prep? That looked good."

"Unhelpful, Ryan. And nice suit."

"Thanks." He grinned.

"Did it work?"

"Did what work?"

"My masterful plan, duh."

"You mean the one where you take over the world, or the one where I make Chad Danforth question his sexuality by giving him a preview of how amazing I'll look on prom night?"

"Funny, Ryan. If I ruled the world by now, don't you think it would be less drab?"

"Well, I think it's safe to say your plan worked."

"It usually does."

Ryan rolled his eyes. As he turned to enter his room, his cell phone started to ring. He smirked at the caller I.D.

"What's up?" he asked.

"Uh…hey. It's Chad."

"I know. Caller I.D. is a wonderful thing."

"Right. So, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out later or something?"

"Sure. Give me a call."

"Will do."

Ryan couldn't stop smiling as he hung up the phone.