A/N: Hey Everyone. I'm sorry for the delay. I was having my exams (I forgot to mention it last chapter) and now I'm busy trying to finish my final year project for polytechnic (that's like collage for those who don't know). My muse has also decided to take a Christmas vacation, so I had a lot of problems writing this. *sigh* To be free again… *sobs*

On a lighter note…to all my reviewers, I can't thank you guys personally this time round , so here's a big thank you for your reviews. You guys keep me going. =D I'll continue at the bottom, so enjoy the story for now…

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. Wheeeee.

Previously in Chapter 3:

As it turns out, Sakura was right. No one could have foreseen the effects the rippled out from the first moment Sakura stepped out of the Hokage Tower. The entire episode was later to be known as the Attack of the Boobs, and it would change the shinobi world forever…

Chapter 4: And All The Guys Think I'm Pretty Fly…

Law No. 3: Every available man in Konoha will inconceivably fall for Sakura...

Hyuuga Neji was walking along the market streets of Konoha deep in thought. It had become a recent habit of his to take long walks around the shinobi village and he found it suitable for him to conduct some deep reflection on himself.

Today however, the question in mind was not on how he should improve himself in mind, body and spirit, but rather of the sudden announcement by the Hyuuga Clan leader, Hyuuga Hisashi, that Neiji needed to start looking for a bride.

Generally, most large clans support early marriages, especially since the life of a ninja was more often than not short, so marrying and producing the next generation ensured that the clan would continue to live on, even if you didn't.

In Neiji's mind, the most obvious choice was of course, Tenten. The both of them had a strong rapport extending beyond their relationship as teammates and she was pretty, cultured, capable and dependable to boot. Plus, she makes a mean cook.

The only problem was that he wasn't confident that Tenten would accept his hand. She was pretty independent, and she knew all about his clan's rules and history (neither which, he would admit, looked very good) and that might make her reconsider marrying the Hyuuga.

Sighing, he turned the corner, still pondering on how to make Tenten marry him, when he beheld the sight before him. At that moment, all thoughts of marrying Tenten flew out of his head…

Victim No. 1: Hyuuga Neiji


Chouji, Ino and Shikamaru (sans Asuma, who was away on a mission) were at the Konoha BBQ Buffet Restaurant. As usual, Chouji was busy stuffing his face with all manner of food and Ino was alternating between looking on with disgust, tempered with amusement, at Chouji's eating habits and badgering Shikamaru about Temari. Shikamaru was heartily wishing that Ino would back off. His feelings towards the sister of Gaara were not something he cared to discuss with the lively blonde.

"Eh, c'mon, Shika! Out with it already! Do you like Temari-chan or not?"

"Che! I told you already, it's none of your business! And Chouji, hands off the pork!"

Chouji reluctantly withdrew his hand from Shikamaru's plate.

"What's so hard about saying that you like her? C'mon, it's common knowledge already! Everyone knows you two have the hots for each other!"

"Troublesome," muttered Shikamaru, turning from Ino to stare at the window.

"Che!" grumbled Ino, realizing that she was not going to get any more answers out of the Nara clansman. Instead, she redirected her focus to Chouji.

"Hey, what about you, Chouji? Do you have any girl that you like?"

To Ino's great surprise, the large teammate dropped the takoyaki he was holding and bowed his head. An aura of dark dismay seemed to form around him.

"No girl would want me," he muttered darkly.

"Er…" began Ino nervously, throwing a 'Help me!' look at Shikamaru, but he was still staring out the window. "I'm sure there's someone out there who would want me. You know, maybe even a pretty girl with long hair and big eyes and-

"-And huge breasts… really huge breasts…" mumbled Chouji, staring outside the window.


"Long pink hair, big green eyes and huge breasts… that's what I like…" muttered Shikamaru absently, still staring avidly out the window.

Ino's head swiveled back and forth between the two boys.

"What the- That sounds like Sakura, if she had a figure! Hey, are you guys ok? What are you guys staring outside at?"

At that moment, Shikamaru reached out an arm, placing it on top of the blonde's head and turned it towards the window.

"Eh, Shikamaru, what are you doi…" Ino's voice trailed off as she beheld the figure Shikamaru and Chouji were staring at and promptly dropped her jaw.


Victims No. 2 & 3: Shikamaru & Chouji


Sai sat on the rooftop of his apartment, painting away on his drawing pad. Bottles of ink sat beside him, their dark contents glistening in the bright morning sun. This was one of the few rare moments of rest that the ANBU member could get and he was spending it doing the one thing he was profoundly good at.

The subjects of his drawing were down below beside the apartment building. If memory serves correctly, they were Hyuuga Hinata, Inuzuka Kiba and Aburame Shino from Team 8. The Inuzuka clansman was sitting astride his enormous pet Akamaru, with Hinata and Shino flanking on either side. Right now, Kiba and Shino seemed to be having an argument, something that the shy, reclusive Hinata was trying, and failing, to stop.

"Dammit, Shino! I still say that dogs are the best when it comes to tracking! They can detect all sorts of scents. Your male bugs can only detect the scent of the females!"

"True," conceded Shino, his voice as monotone as ever. "However, my bugs can detect the female scent from as far away as Suna. They will not get distracted by other scents. Can your dogs do that, Kiba?"

"Um… Shino-kun, Kiba-kun, can we not argue… please?" added Hinata futilely as Kiba scowled at the impassive Shino.

Sai frowned. Hmmm… such a pointless discussion… do people really like indulging in such unnecessary arguments? Maybe I should ask Sakura-chan later on…

As Sai made a mental note to himself, he noticed movement on the opposite side of the apartment. Looking down, he saw a flash of pink hair, as well as blonde and black. Ah, Sakura-chan! Excellent timing!

Just before he prepared to hop down, however, Sai noticed something was different about his pink-haired teammate. Hmm… how interesting… maybe I should go for a closer look?

Hopping down from the roof, Sai landed in a silent crouch in front of Sakura, startling her and her two companions. Before any of them could react, Team 8 rounded the corner, Kiba and Shino still bickering until the noticed the sight of their former classmate in front of them.

"Hey, Sakura-chan, how do you…." Kiba trailed off as he stared, jaw agape, blood spurting out of his nose.

"…" Shino was also staring, his expression for once stunned instead of his usual poker face.

Hinata simply gawped at her.

Sai took notice of none of them except to move closer to Sakura, bending down to poke at her chest.

"Sakura-chan, are these real?"

Victims No. 4 & 5: Kiba and Shino

Victim of another kind: Sai (who was rushed to the ICU unit suffering severe head blows)


There were only two places one could find the self-proclaimed future Hokage in the morning. As Konohamaru checked the training grounds and found it bereft of a certain yellow-haired ninja, he quickly rushed over to Ichiraku's Ramen Shop and was rewarded with the sight of his idol/rival slurping away at what seemed to be his eleventh bowl.

"Yo, Naruto-oniichan, could you teach me that new technique that you promised to?" said Konohamaru as he slipped into the seat beside Naruto.

"Yo!" greeted Naruto between mouthful of ramen. "Teach you later after I finish breakfast!"

Konohamaru eyed the bowls piled over the counter, wondering how long would it take for Naruto to finish eating his breakfast. The owner saw Konohamaru's gaze and leaned in to whisper, "He usually takes in around fifteen bowls in the morning, though I'd say he might try for twenty-five today, at the rate he's going."

"Twenty-five?! But that could take all morning! Naruto-oniichan! Come on, train me already!"

"Oi, stop pulling at my bowl! No one separates me from my ramen! Three years without it… oh, how I missed thee, ramen!" sniffed Naruto, clutching at the bowl. "Gotta make up for lost time!"

The shop bell tingled as the curtains were pulled back and Kakashi entered the shop. Upon seeing his pupil, the jounin made a bee-line for him.

"Yo, Naruto! Still eating ramen? You should add in more vegetables like I told you too."

"I hate veggies!"

"Oyaji-san, next time add more vegetables for him and make sure he eats them."

"Sure thing, sir!"

"Oi, old man! Don't listen to him!"

"And charge it to his account as well."


Naruto glared at the Team 7 leader, who ignored it and proceeded to sit down beside his former pupil and stare rather disconcertingly at him.

"Er… Kakahshi-sensei? What are you staring at me for?"

"Naruto," said Kakashi abruptly, startling the blonde ninja, "what is Sakura-chan's favourite colour?"

Naruto and Konohamaru stared at Kakashi.

"Erm… red, I think. Why the question? Erm… Kakashi-sensei?"

Kakashi wasn't listening to him. His eyes held a faraway look as he slowly got up and muttered to himself, making to leave the shop.

"Red, huh? Hmm… not bad… not a usual colour for the ceremony… but it would suit her nicely… yes… red… mmm…"

As Kakashi left the shop, Naruto and Konohamaru continued to stare after him.

"What was that about?" asked an incredulous Konohamaru.

"Beats me…" muttered Naruto, who then simply shrugged and turned back to continue his ramen marathon, but not before the bell rung again and Hyuuga Neiji entered this time. Like Kakashi, the moment Neiji spotted Naruto, he made straight for him.

"Naruto, do you know if Sakura-chan like vanilla or chocolate ice-cream?" asked Neiji, wasting no time in greetings.

"Um… I think strawberries," replied a startled Naruto. 'Why do you want to- Oi, Neiji, I'm talking to you!"

But Neiji, after receiving his answer, immediately left just as abruptly, ignoring Naruto's call behind him. Before Naruto could recover, the bell tingled again and this time, four boys entered: Chouji, Shikamaru, Shino and Kiba. Upon perceiving the blonde, Kiba growled and pointed at him accusingly.

"Naruto, you lucky son-of-a-bitch! I'm not gonna let you get the upper hand, you hear me? Just because you are in the same team and you see her more than we do! This will be a fight between us men and whoever wins will get her hand, you understand!"

"Indeed. I am not going to hold back in getting my angel," added Shino, frowning threateningly.

"Like hell you will. I will be the one to get her!" snapped Chouji.

"Hmph. I'm not gonna laze around either. I'll be the one to get her hand!" snorted Shikamaru.

Naruto was completely and utterly lost. What the hell are these temes going on about?! He turned to Konohamaru for help but the look on Konohamaru's face showed that he was quite as lost as his idol.

"Well then, it starts now! The competition to win the hand of the most lovely Haruno Sakura has just begun!" roared Kiba, pumping his fist into the air. "May the best man win!"

"Hah!" snorted the other three and all four of them disappeared from the stall in a blur.

There was bewildered silence in the ramen shop. Konohamaru was still quite lost but when he turned to face Naruto, he saw that Naruto had gotten up and there was now a rather dark look on his face.

"I don't know what the hell those temes are up to, but it seems this concerns Sakura-chan. I'm gonna find her. Sorry Konohamaru, I'll train you next time. I want to find out why everyone's asking about her."

He left in a sudden blur, the twinkling of money on the shop counter the only sound left after his departure.

"Wait, I'm coming too!" yelped Konohamaru, also leaving in a blur.

The owner, who had witnessed everything, sighed and shook his head. Ah, to be young again…


A/N: Next update isn't confirmed, though I'll try my best to be fast. Till next time, and please review! Thanks!