A/N: Okay BEFORE you start throwing rocks at me....what I really feel like doing is getting down on my knees and begging for forgiveness and giving my HUUUUGEE list of excuses for updating so dang late...but I'm sure you'd just rather read the next chapter. enjoy :)


Lily's POV:

Dearest Lily,

Aw, darling! You are so naïve. I'm a 76 year old woman and I can see through everything. EVERYTHING.

You asked me for advice right? Well I'll give you some. But you ain't gonna like it. Anyway, here it is:

You're falling for James. Plain and simple.

See, sometimes…you need to lose something to realize its true worth. And that's exactly what's happening to you.

He asked you're friend out – and you felt something. That 'something' is jealousy. And that green little feeling is something you experience when you start losing something you really want to somebody else. Namely, James Potter.

I'm sorry, hon. but that's what's true. Keep me updated on whatever you do, okay? You're a pretty girl; you'll work it out (WINK WINK). Ha-ha.

Love you,

Grandma Evans.

P.s. That Lola girl? She sounds like a slut. I don't like her.


"LIIILLLAAAAAAAAYYYY!", Somebody screamed for me from outside the dorm. Sounded like Sandy. I quickly stuffed Nan's letter in my jumper's pocket and rushed out, even though my legs felt like jelly. But I guessed whatever Sandy was shouting for at the top of her lungs must have been important, since you don't normally scream like a banshee for nothing.

It seemed like I was right.. Sandy was dressed in her Pj's, her usually ruddy face bloodless.

"Sandy, what's wrong?" I asked, shaking her shoulders to take her out of her shocked trance.

"Oh-oh my g-god, Lily." She stammered, pointing a shaking finger towards the stairs to the Great Hall.

"What?!" I asked her again, worriedly this time.

"J-James. Attacked. B-blood all ov-over his h-head!" she shrieked.

I couldn't respond for a second. When this news finally sunk in, -

"–censored. Sorry, this kind of language is not suitable for anybody under the age of 5000. Sorry for inconvenience! –"

I dashed off down the stairs, knocking Alice Brandon out of my way, as fast as I could.

The sight down the Hall almost made me faint. James was in a right old state. Cupped in Hagrid's hairy arms, his eyes were closed, head pouring blood, his face pale as death.

A single look at his deathly face made me do two things. One, I started crying. Tears flowed down my face in rivers. Second, I sprinted towards the large group of kids -including Sirius and Remus-who were around Hagrid and James, shoved them hard and smacked James' face with all the strength I could muster.

"Wake up! You can't do this to me, you idiot! WAKE UP! You can't be dead, you bloody well cant, you hear me?! YOU'RE NOT DEAD, WAKE UP!"

A moments silence, and then cocking one eyebrow, he opened his eyes. His voice sounded hoarse with pain, but he still managed to sound like a prat.

"Damn it, Lils. Way to be like, totally dramatic." And then I was hit with the charm of the typical Potter Grin.

He was faking. He had been playing dead. To annoy me. I was about to hit him again for scaring me so bad, but then another instinct overruled my annoyance.

He was fine, I realized with startlingly huge relief, he was absolutely fine. Other than those -ugh- cuts on his head (which Madam Pomfrey could fix up in a jiffy) he was completely okay!

I stared at him for another second as that weird happiness flowed through me and I started laughing along with him, just happy that he was all right.

"eh, Lily? Yeah, if yeh don' mind, c'n I take James to Ma'am Pomfrey? Jus' so-"

"yeah, yeah, sure Hagrid." I mumbled awkwardly, giving him way to pass.

I was about to go to get breakfast, too, after with Sirius, Remus, and Sandy, when I remembered something that felt like a kick in the gut.

"See, sometimes…you need to lose something to realize its true worth."

As usual, she was right. Too right, I thought with a groan.

There was no other way of explaining my reaction when I saw him just now. When I felt jealous at Lola when he asked her out. When I'm not that annoyed when he messes with me, as I pretend to be. When I melted right away the time he straightened his hair and evolved into a sexy, highly appealing, troublemaking dude.

There was just no other way of putting it.

I had fallen in love with James Potter.


A/N: soooo....did you like it ? i had about five more pages done about the mystery surrounding James' attack, but i thought Lily's big moment deserves a seperate chaper. DO REVIEW because you always know...

Reviews make James dance ;)