This is my first attempt at a Wicked Fic. I've only just seen the musical, and haven't read the book. I appreciate reviews, but I can tell from reading other fics that some of you are gonna think my Elphie is not angry or angsty enough. To you I say; Don't waste your time. I'm a straight male college student writing Wicked. WTF are you gonna say to me?

Now, having said that, I hope you all enjoy, and thank you all for sharing these wonderful characters with me.

Chapter 1

Elphaba Tiggular, born Thropp, was happy. Everything she'd ever dreamed of, and some things of which she'd dared not dream, had materialized before her very eyes here on the plains of the Vinkus. Elphaba was a wife. A mommy. A princess. All things she'd dreamt as a little girl, only to be told that it simply wasn't in the cards for someone of her particular…hue…to want such things for herself. Yet here she was. Not five years ago she'd been the scourge of the Emerald City. The object of fear and hate that all inhabitants of Oz shared. She'd even been the fuel of bedtime stories, ghastly tales Ozian mothers told naughty children, imploring them to "behave, or the Wicked Witch of the West will take you in your sleep!" Now here she was, beloved by the citizens of the Vinkus Kingdom, accepted unconditionally into an unbelievably loving family, and, for the first time in her life, fully contented through family, friends, and love.

It took a full week to find a reversal for the spell she'd cast on Fiyero, and she'd nearly killed them both accidentally on several occasions. She'd even had to consult with an old witch doctor in West Munchkinland to properly decipher the obscure incantation. But she'd done it, and returned her prince to the family he'd often spoken of and offered to introduce her to. She hadn't imagined he'd be introducing her as his beloved, not that she'd minded, and palace life had taken some getting used to. It still seemed odd to her to employ separate people to do chores she knew she could do herself, but Fiyero told her once that his great-grandfather, the first of the line in the Tiggular Dynasty, fought the great Battle of Lower Oz so that the Vinkus people would live in freedom and prosperity. And they certainly did. He'd also explained to her that the Tiggular line was protected and maintained by the citizens in gratitude for the great noble acts of his ancestors. He, in turn, would one day rule as a kind and just king, free of corruption or prejudice, putting the needs of the Vinkus above his own. And she knew in her heart that he would.

They'd been married in a small but elegant ceremony immediately after she'd returned Fiyero to his human state. That hadn't been a condition of their nuptials, but Elphaba hadn't felt right being human without Fiyero being human, too. As strange as that thought seemed now, she'd spent every waking moment those first weeks using her wonderful, terrifying abilities changing a scarecrow back into royalty.

The wedding itself was breathtaking. All of Fiyero's men wore white linen and armor and the noble women wore purple, and the sound of trumpets and drums echoed for miles. All Fiyero's family served as the wedding party, and eagerly welcomed Elphaba into their inner circle. To be honest, she felt more a part of this family than she ever had of her own. These people didn't seem to notice she was green. The High Priest of the Vinkus Order of the Unnamed God performed the ceremony himself, referring to Elphaba as "The Lady Thropp" and referring to Fiyero and her as "ones meant to find one another." When they'd kissed, a great cheer erupted from the subjects who'd gathered to watch their beloved Prince be bonded forever to the one who made him feel more whole then he could ever had imagined.

Her coronation ceremony had commenced the afternoon after they'd returned from their honeymoon. The mere thought of the ten lazy, decadent days they'd spent in the Royal Family's Holiday cottage on the secluded beaches of Torena turned Elphaba's cheeks from green to…a slightly darker shade of green. The ceremony was attended by Fiyero, his mother, the Queen, several members of Fiyero's immediate family, and Boq, who was the only other beneficiary of Elphaba's discovery of spell reversal. The grin on his rotund munchkin face was unmistakable as the Keeper of the Crowns emerged from a giant doorway with a small yet unmistakably regal gold-encrusted tiara. She'd bowed to one knee, tilted her head forward, and received her official designation as crown princess of the Vinkus.

There were other titles, official designations meaning very little but the preservation of political tradition, and even Elphaba herself couldn't remember them all. She HAD used her newly-acquired authority to designate munchkin Boq the official emissary of the Vinkus to Munchkinland, a title that named Boq the go-between and official connection for the military alliance between the Munchkin Kingdom and the Vinkus. Boq was a jovial, peace-seeking being, and took to his new post with skill and fervor.

The news of the Royal Family's first pregnancy echoed off the mountains and through the plains of the Vinkus. Word quickly spread that the oddly-shaded yet still- beautiful crown princess was carrying the next in the line of Tiggular. The prospect of motherhood terrified Elphaba, as her own memories of her mother's emotional breakdown haunted her to this very day, but women of the Court and even Nuns from the Convent on Wakando Mountain came to attend her daily, going about Elphaba's daily tasks around the castle and offering her advice on everything from feeding schedules to what the babies' name should be. Her favorite, however, was when the Sisters of the Wakando sang, in perfect harmony, the ritual songs and melodic prayers required of them daily. The "sunset prayer", the thanks to the Unnamed God for another days work and voicing of hope for another night's rest, was a particular favorite of Elphaba's, and the song's name in the ancient Vinka text, Rymon, was rapidly shooting up the list of names for the firstborn.

For all the newfound luxuries, and all the adoration she'd received from her new subjects, the best part of Elphaba's day was the evening, when Elphaba, Fiyero, and the other members of the Royal Family would retire to the North Wing, the part of the Castle Kiamo Ko partitioned specifically for the lavish living quarters of the Royal Family. A giant fire was always roaring in the massive hearth in the Great room, and an abundant, filling dinner would be served in a surprisingly intimate dining room designed for the members of the Tiggular family to eat and fellowship together.

Fiyero had two brothers and a sister. Andino, Fiyero's older brother, had given up his rightful claim to the Throne at 21 in order to begin training to ultimately become Commander of the Vinkus Legions. Military life suited Andino, and he worked diligently to train the Vinkus' large but undisciplined army into a battle-ready corps of regulars. Fiyero's younger brother, Temo, was the artisan of the family. From an early age, Temo showed an unwavering passion for music and the arts, and now oversaw the Conservatory for Ancient Art at Kiamo Ko. Temo regaled them daily with whatever ancient parable of betrayal or lost love he'd read that day at the University.

Fiyero's sister was another story. A dreadful, frumpy whelp of a thing, Cassandra had made it clear very early on that she was never going to be ok with sharing her title of princess. It galled the girl further that she shared her title with an odd-looking Munchkinlander who'd somehow duped her simpleton of a brother into not only marrying her, but fathering her child. Cassandra spent most of her days sulking in her chambers or trudging about the residential wing of the castle, muttering to herself of how much she hated this new addition to their family.

Rymon Bain Tiggular was born on the rainy third day of the ninth month of her native calendar. The Vinkus knew it as Harvestine, the first month of the crops season, so that's what she called it. Born with a full head of hair (and a decidedly normal shade of tan), Rymon quickly became the talk of all the Vinkus. A huge celebration commemorating the next in the Royal Line, complete with declarations of holiday and gifts from dignitaries and well-to-do citizens, as well as a traditional presentation of the Royal colors by Andino and the Honor Guard, marked his christening day. Fiyero, in the climax of the day's events, walked slowly out onto the highest balcony of Kiamo Ko, slowly held their baby over his head, and presented him to his future subjects. She still remembered the huge cheer that rang out amongst the loyal followers and jubilant citizens of the greater Vinkus area.

That was three years ago today. Elphaba quietly marveled to herself as she sat on her modest, yet elegant throne about how quickly time flew when one was truly happy. She watched in subdued amusement as very important people brought her infant son gifts he wouldn't possibly be able to use. Strange baubles, native symbols of every nation represented, encrusted with gold and precious stones, brought before a child who'd just as soon throw these trinkets against the wall as know what it was they were bringing him. She couldn't hide her smile any longer, and she shook her head as she stood and took her place next to her husband in the receiving line, politely greeting those who'd come to pay their political respects.

That night, as she often did, Elphaba walked out onto the obscenely large balcony adjoining the master suite and watched the village on the hillside facing their window. She'd stare into the distance as the sun disappeared behind the Wakando and watch as families began igniting fires that shot light out through the windows, lighting up the mountainside with the beautiful glow of survival. These families were no different than hers, she reasoned, just not with the accommodations she now found at her disposal. Invariably, after a few minutes of her staring out into the horizon, her beloved would join her. He'd place his hands on her hips, kiss the top of her head, and gently whisper into her ear "one more day, beautiful." Then, she'd smile, and lean back into him, gently placing her hands on top of his, and ask him how his day was. They'd talk, and then she'd walk towards the giant bay window/door that led to their bedchambers, looking back at him and letting him know without speaking that it was time for them to go to bed.

She didn't know why the Unnamed God had been so good to her. She didn't know why the most beautiful, most caring man she'd ever laid her eyes upon had chosen her for his bride. She didn't even know what tomorrow would bring. All she knew was that every night while she lay in his arms, she felt that she was in the place she'd been created to be. And that, she knew, was enough for her…….