Hate + Hate = Love

Disclaimer: I'm getting pretty tired of this.

Author's Note: Wow. Thanks for the review, guys. I wanted to list all your names here, but then I know you'd want to just get on with the story. So, by the next chapter then. Besides, I think this is a long enough chapter, at least by my standard. So, without further ado, I present to you, the continuation of previous chapters. (Drum Roll)

P/S: Wish me luck! And please do review and I'd appreciate all that you threw at me. Even flames. I'm honestly telling the truth. At least, just give me your real thoughts.


So R & R. By the way, note to self: Forgive me if I accidentally made some of the characters OOC. Well what do you expect from a 14 years old girl?

Enjoy :)

Chapter Three: How to Annoy Him?


Mrs. Sakura had enough of this childishness. But then again she herself had wanted to spy on her daughter. She looked to her right, where Ayaki Hyuuga stood, wearing a dark brown trench coat, a large hat, with dark sunglasses. What a stupid idea, she thought. Yet, she had let herself be forced to wear the same attire.

Currently, the two women were outside La Amore, where the date of two misfortune teenagers was taking place. Youichi, the youngest Hyuuga was also present. He tugged the sleeve of his mother's coat, trying to grab her attention. "Mom, I want to buy some manga. Can we go there first?" he asked, pointing to a nearby bookstore.

Mrs. Hyuuga shook her head lightly. "You-chan, can't you see I'm busy? Why don't you go there by yourself?" She peered through the glass of the posh restaurant. "Later…come by this restaurant and find us in there, kay?"

He raised an eyebrow. Usually, she wouldn't let him go anywhere without an adult by his side. Even when she perfectly knew that he was able to take care of himself. So what was so important that he was allowed to go alone this time? "Yeah, sure." He sighed. "Mom, take off that sunglasses. It's night time for crying out loud. You too, Yuka-san."

Yuka nudged Mrs. Hyuuga. "See. Even You-chan agrees with me."

"Kay, I'm going now." Youichi said, a little bit unsure. After receiving an okay from his mother, he walked about one metre before saying once again. "I'm going now." He looked back to see his mother waving him off. And after two more metre, he yelled a little. "I'm going now."

"Just go already!" Mrs. Hyuuga shouted. Youichi then ran in the other direction, afraid that the woman would throw something at him if he kept on repeating the same sentence.

"Sheesh. Kids these days. Let's go in." Ayaki said, dragging her friend alongside her. Once inside, they both chose a secluded spot, hidden behind a big potted plant. The waiter came to them but they ushered him off, saying that they are not ready to order yet.


"What's that sound? Ah…Why is everyone laughing?" They peeked from behind the plant and scanned the area. "Never mind, there they are. My little Mikan-chan. Wow. They went along better than we thought." Yuka said as she pointed to the table in the middle of the room. She smiled. Her daughter had decided to give Natsume a chance after all, and that's good news.

Mikan was smiling sweetly to Natsume and they seemed to be conversing well. "Wow, your daughter is cute. Look she even became friends with that waitress. She's so friendly…" Ayaki beamed. "Now we can order anything we want, to celebrate …Waiter…" Ayaki called out to a waiter. "Let's see…I want two Melon Sparkle Juice, two Chicken Bolognaise, three Sprinkle Delight Chocolate Sundae, three Mango Puddings, one large Aromatic Special Turkey…hmm I think that's it…What about you, Yuka? What do you want?"

The waiter and Yuka sweat dropped. "That was just for you…I thought it's for the both of us…" her words trailed off.

Mrs. Hyuuga waved a hand in front of Yuka's face then. "Hey. What are you looking at?" She followed her friend's gaze and was surprised at what she saw. "I think that will be all…" She unconsciously uttered. The waiter then left the table, leaving the two friends in privacy. "Unbelievable…Since when did he let girls clinging onto him?"

Yuka's eyes suddenly twinkled. "But look at Mikan, she's angry. She must be jealous of the girls. She wants Natsume all to herself."

"Yay. But what about Natsume?" Ayaki asked.

Yuka smiled. "Don't worry. No one can resist my Mikan-chan." She replied. "Hey, will you share your food with me?"

"No, get your own."


Ah…she's insane, Natsume Hyuuga thought as he saw Mikan and the waitress, Yuri, chatting excitedly from the corner of his eyes. She didn't even look at me anymore.

"Ah…Natsu-kun. Are you dreaming about me?" Sayuri giggled cutely; at least she thought it was cute.

"No…he must be dreaming about me." The other slut, Sana boasted.

"Don't push it." Natsume threatened, giving his deadly glare at both Ruka's cousins. He sighed as he looked at Mikan again. She was whispering something to the waitress, who nodded in return and started to walk away. Finally…

Mikan came to him and suddenly asked, "Natsume, can you spend this night only with me? I'm bored." She pouted cutely. And it's not only she who thought it was cute, Natsume couldn't help but thought likewise too.

"No…These girls are all mine…You don't mind, do you?" He smirked as he pulled Sana closer to him. Sana, in the process, squealed with delight. "Do you, honey?" He smiled 'innocently' at the brunette. "These girls need my love too." This is it. This Plan B better work…if not…, his thought was cut off by his fiancée.

Mikan shook her head. "No, not at all." Ugh…This guy is despicable…Love him…Yeah right…, she said in her mind. "As long as I get to spend my time with you, I don't mind one bit." She struggled with her words. Seriously, she needed to bite her tongue to prevent any insults coming from her mouth.

What the hell? The raven-haired lad suddenly let go of Ruka's slut of a cousin. "Okay, get lost. Now." He said in a cold voice that ran a chill down everyone's spines. "Sayuri, Sana, you other two, get lost now." And he didn't need to say more words for they already scurried off outside the restaurant. Plan B didn't work, might as well get rid of them.

"Huh. Natsume, I thought you wanted them here," Mikan asked innocently. She sat down across from him. "Hey, eat up. The foods are getting cold."

Mikan picked up her fork and smirked. Haha…This is my chance…She stabbed her bolognaise countless time and eat it all in one gulp. Soon, her mouth was covered with little cheese and sauce here and there. But instead of making her looked bad, well, it actually made her look like a hungry animal, but that's not the point, where was I…yeah…instead, it made her looked cute.

She's a lesbian, she farted, she ate like a pig, and now…Hell…she's cute. Natsume reached out to wipe her mouth with a tissue. She did look cute to him that is until…


"Gross," Natsume blurted. He tossed the tissue to her and said, "Wipe your mouth."

Mikan scratched the back of her head. "Sorry, I tend to burp and fart a lot," she replied. But inside her mind, she was saying another thing. Those acting lessons paid off. Beat that, Hyuuga. "I'll just go to the rest room…again. Be right back."

As she walked off, she couldn't help but giggled a little. His facial expression was priceless. If only Hotaru was here, she would take his photo and sell it worldwide. He is a Hyuuga after all. Hottest Bachelor of the Century. But right now, she had to focus. "I hope she didn't forget," she said as she walked into the rest room.


"Sakura-san, you're here." Mikan looked up and saw Yuri, the waitress, remember? "I've brought what you want. It's right here." In her hands was a jug full of green gooey liquid. "What do you need this for anyway?"

The brunette smiled. "It's the perfect ingredient for hatred, Yuri-chan. You'll see." She took the jug from the confused Yuri and thanked her.

"Okay, I've got work to do. See you around, Sakura-san." With that, she walked out of the rest room.

Mikan lifted the lid of the jug and phew, did it smell in there? She immediately covered her nose to at least lessen the smell. "Ugh." She placed the jug on the sink and took out her purse. The only things inside that purse were her cell phone and wallet. So, without seconds to spare, she transferred them to her skirt pockets.

The brunette almost barfed as she poured out the gooey liquid into her purse. Now that's settled the only thing left to do is…gulp… "Drink the rest." She pinched her nose and quickly gulped the excess liquid down. "Yuck. This is what smelly vegetables taste like. I swear…I'll never drink that again."


Youichi Hyuuga entered La Amore and scanned the restaurant. "Geez…I hope they have good food in here," he said.

As he made his way to his mother, whom he spotted a while ago, he bumped into a waiter. The drink that he carried got spilled on Youichi's shirt. "Ah, sorry, sir." The waiter apologized and bowed down.

"Never mind." Youichi then made his way to the rest room to clean himself up. "Hn."


"Natsume, sorry. I kind of…" her words trailed off. She didn't have any idea what to say. "Kind of…" God, I hope he doesn't insist.

"Kind of what?" The crimson-eyed lad raised a perfect eyebrow.

I knew rhetorical sentence only brings bad luck. She sighed. "I meant I had a stomach ache so suddenly back then…You'd understand, do you?"

And just like she predicted, "No, I don't know?"

She sat herself down. "Natsume, you naughty boy," she said in that sugary voice once again. "Pervert." Idiotic, stupid, arrogant, perverted playboy.

I've got to make a Plan C. "Hn."

Mikan waved a hand in front of him. "Natsume…Natsume…" He's spacing out, she thought. She came closer to him and just like she predicted…

"What the hell? You stink…"

Mikan giggled nervously. An act of course. "Sorry, I kind of like saving water, so I usually bath only once a month. I guess the perfume didn't last long, huh?"

"Once a month? Are you crazy?"

Mikan sighed dramatically and sat herself down again. "Maybe I am crazy." She unzipped her purse, unnoticed by her companion, and let the smell of rotten vegetables wanders off. "I understand if you're grossed out by me."

"Yeah, I admit, you are gross. Why don't you just call off the engagement?" Natsume said. He sounded so casual that you couldn't have noticed that his eyes were twitching and that he was seriously going to throw up.

She looked to the side. "I wanted to know you better first. Besides, I'm sure you'll call the engagement off tonight yourself, right? I'm not good enough for you."

"No, why don't you call it off if you want?" Natsume inquired. This is my chance…Argh, I'm gonna puke…

"No as in you mean I can decide for myself." She faked a relieve smile. What is it with this guy? He should have begged for freedom by now. I stink at this game…literally too.

"That's not what I mean. Argh…forget it." This girl is unbelievably hard to defeat. Shit, I'm gonna puke.

Mikan feigned a hurt look. "I'm going to the rest room…" She started to stand up and took her purse.

"Again…" They both said at the same time.

By the time she reached the rest room, she had dumped her purse into the trash can. No way was she going to keep that. And now, she just had to find another way to cancel the engagement. Sigh…Why is it so hard? She had done many things tonight that were so humiliating, she could have swore that she's going to make it in the world record for Failure Prankster or The Most Humiliating Night. She washed her face and plopped some mints into her mouth. At least, the smell would die down…eventually.

What was she supposed to do exactly? She thought as she walked out of the rest room. Her mind was crowded that she didn't realize the kid in front of her and she bumped into him. "Sorry…"she said.

"Shut up. Old hag." Yup, it's Youichi alright.

Mikan popped a vein. "Who are you calling an old hag?" She snapped at the boy.

"You. Obviously." He smirked. "What a way to say sorry."

The brunette suddenly calmed down. "Sorry, I just…my mind…you know…" I hope he doesn't insist.

"My mind?" The grey-haired kid raised an eyebrow.

Mikan sighed. "God, you're just like him. Sheesh…hey, I…how would you like to receive a gift from me?" She smiled as an idea entered her brain once again. "As in money."

"Keep talking…"


"Natsume…" Mikan fiddled with her fingers. "I have a secret. Not even my mom knows about this."

"Hn. What is it?" He grunted, not really interested. Heck, he's not interested by anything except to get the hell out of there.

"I have a son already. His name is Usagi." Mikan sniffed for a little effect.

"You have a son? Named a rabbit," Natsume raised his eyebrow. "Is this a joke?" He looked at the brunette. What the hell is wrong with this girl?

"N-no…I brought him here, tonight." Mikan stuttered. "Usa-kun, come here." And Youichi came, wearing his usual bored expression.

Youichi's eyes widened as he saw Natsume. "On-" Youichi was cut off by Mikan who clamped his mouth with her hand. She smiled nervously at her fiancé.

"Hey," she whispered harshly in Youichi's ear. "I'm doing all the talking here. You shut up. Do as I say or else…"

"But-" Youichi started to protest.

Mikan smiled again at Natsume. "Sorry, he didn't like to talk. I mean…sure he talks but-" She stopped talking as she saw Natsume popped a vein on his forehead. "Why-"

"I had enough of you, little girl. First of all, you're sickening. Tch. That can't be your son." he said.

"What? I know my own son-" but once again was cut off.

"He's my brother, dummy, emphasis on the my." He said again. Mikan looked back and forth between Natsume and Youichi, who nodded.

"I tried to tell you before, hag. Boy, are you stupid." The little kid teased her.

Natsume then rubbed his throbbing temple. "And second, he's 8 and looks like one. So, you're saying that you got pregnant when you're 9. Tch…" Mikan's jaw dropped to the ground. "And third, who would want to do IT with you anyway. Ugly hag."

If it was possible, Mikan's jaw would drop even lower into the ground.


At the end of the day, these two might think that today was a complete failure. But what they didn't realize was that they did achieve something out of all this.

Both have clearly succeeded in making their hatred between each other grow. And like they say; there is a thin line between love and hate. It's bound to be broken.

And this is only their first meeting.


Author's Note:

Hey, what about this chapter? I know it came out in a rush, but…Is it good? Bad? Too short? Too long?

Send in your reviews or constructive criticism. I know I'm not a very good writer, but I will try to please you with my story plots. And speaking of which, my stories:

Star struck:

I decided to delete this story. I love the plot and all but well…it's complicated. But I'm not deleting it permanently, I'm going to renew it and write it from scratch. I'll probably upload the story again when I finished until chapter 4 or 5 because I don't want to bore you guys just in case chapter 1-2 is pretty much the same as before. But I expect you to review each chapter if it did get published, and if you do read it. I hope you will…

Strawberry Love:

This is a new story plot I had in mind. Expect it within this week or the next. I'll give you the summary here-

Mikan in need of a summer job accepted an offer from an exclusive swimming club as a cleaner. On her first day, she found a lost watch, which actually belong to Natsume, a rich member of the club, and decided to give it to her boss the next day. Accused that she was a thief, she got fired and hold a grudge against the Hyuuga….

Well…I sucked at summaries. I'm afraid that if I typed more than that, I'll reveal the whole story. But I promised to make the new story as unique as possible…I'll tell you this though…the story involved cyber romance too and a slightly OOC Ruka, struggling to win Hotaru's heart. Do you think it's going to be a good story? Review…

P/S: And my offer is still on, if you want to include your own ideas for the humiliating things they'll do, please just review and insert the idea there. And one more thing, do you think I should get a beta-reader? Answer me……

Yours till the Niagara Falls,


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