No, the show has nothing to do with the title, I actually just thought of it, and well, got many different Ideas for this fic. I will be attempting a new couple as well, Sonic and Blaze! I didn't want to do Sonamy again, and I have stories with tailsxAmy already, so I decided to shake things up a bit. This does contain a lot of romance, so if you're not down with that, well it's plain and simple, don't read it. So here's the first chapter, hope you like. Oh and ages. Sonic-18 Blaze-18 Shadow-19 Amy-17 Tails-16 Rouge- 19 Knuckles- 19 Cream-15.

One Tree Hill

Chapter 1

(Blaze's pov)

I always loved to visit Sonic's dimension.

Every month, using a special teleportation pod that Tails built for me, I've been able to come and visit as many times as I would like. I never knew that you could even possibly build a teleportation device, let alone it working for nearly a year now. But there's Tails's for you, undoubtedly the smartest person I knew.

It was also convenient to visit often because there are times that I become sick and annoyed of being a princess and all. When I'm in their world, I can just be treated like any normal person, no special treatment for the princess. What I really wanted was to just be normal, only I was already certain that dream had already been crushed. I mean really, how many princesses do you see in your lifetime that can make fire within the palm of her hand and is a cat. I can count on it as not many.

I didn't have many friends in my dimension otherwise. Marine you can say, only I was never crazy about the raccoon to begin with. We are very different, she's all energetic and happy all the time, and I'm, well not those things. The only person that I could really call a best friend is Silver.

But in Sonic's world, I had lots of friends, him, Tails, Amy, Cream, Rouge, Cosmo, Knuckles, even Shadow was in a good mood when I came around. Sonic told me that most of the time he's a loner and never smiles. At first it was hard to believe because every time that I saw Shadow he was in a good mood.

You may be wondering why I am constantly referring to Sonic, like Sonic this and Sonic that. Well, he is a really sweet guy, from the first time that I saw him. I had gotten my leg broken fighting against this fat evil doctor person, he saw me, and he risked him own life to save me. I soon found out how much of a hero he is, and how many different girls worship him like he's the second coming of God. I soon realized that he would never notice me like that, so I never tried it.

And I knew it would be especially tough getting a date with him, and it all was cause of one person… Amy. I had never seen somebody so upsessed with anything before, especially a person. It just seemed, so, well unnatural.

Every second I looked to talk with Sonic, there was Amy. I asked him if he wanted to hang out, oh, Amy's there. Even walking with him just outside, guess who was there? Amy!

And it was easy to tell that Sonic was not crazy at all about her, I felt so bad for him. If I had a guy follow be around like that, well let's just assume they'd be well done to a crisp.

I sighed to myself as I relaxed under this willow tree above me. I had found this cozy spot where I could be alone and just collect my thoughts, it was impossible to do that at home. I was next to a shimmering lake, surrounded by trees, all but in this area. Where I was, there was this one lone hill, odd was its location, and on the top of the hill sat this single tree, as if it was the crowned king of all the other trees. It didn't have a name, so I decided to name the area One Tree Hill, for the fact that it was a single tree on a hill.

It was my favorite spot in his world, just able to relax against this tree, and sort out my mind. Nobody but me knew about it, or at least it was only me. Then Sonic began to infiltrate my thoughts yet again.

I wondered if he felt the same about me as I did of him.

(Sonic's pov)

I was looking forward to the week since Blaze was coming to visit us. She may come a lot now, but something about her presence made me happier. I'd trade her for Amy, definitely, no offense to her though.

I remember when we first met, we became instant friends, and always would stay in touch. Surprisingly to everybody, Shadow and her became good friends as well, I was glad that he met her. Since then, he's been more talkative and he doesn't just stay alone, he'll even hang with us once in a while.

I would love to go to her world one day, only be being the hero all the time, I never have the time to do that stuff.

The other thing that I liked about her is that she's one of a few girls that like me for my personality, rather than just for my looks and the fact that I had the hero image. I used to and still get tons of fangirls when I'm in Station Square, it gets really irritating. The biggest fangirl I know is Amy, by far. Everyday I get asked out on a date, and I always say no, because she just can't take in the fact that I don't love her in that way.

In fact, I began to get feelings for another friend of mine… Blaze. She was one of the normal friends that I had, that was a girl. She never went crazy over me, just treated me like a normal being.

But I really had no chance with a princess. Besides with her looks, and the fact that she was already a princess, probably meant that she already had somebody, so I was out of luck.

It has been this way since I met her. I had never had a girlfriend, I never could find the right person, until she came into my life. I was moreover sure that Blaze had to be that one person who I could finally show all my love to.

But I was afraid to talk to her about how I felt, I could never get over if she rejected me. So I just held in all my emotions, bottled them up within the confound walls of my mind, and only I knew about them. But thinking about her made me just forget all what was happening around me, she just seemed that perfect.

I sighed as I ran through the woods, dodging all the oaks as pine trees that appeared before me, I was heading to One Tree Hill, it was my favorite spot in the world. Years ago, I had found it to escape Amy, and since then it has become a spot that I visited often. Usually I used it as a place to be alone during tough times, or just because I liked to relax there.

The landscape was incredible. It was a lone single hill that had a perfect looking willow tree perched atop it. Overlooking it you could either look directly at the lake, which always had some ducks swimming around in it. And the other side was miles and miles of wooded forestland, it was a sight to see if you love nature, which I did very much. I relaxed in silence with my legs crossed staring into the ocean of trees, letting my mind drift freely, only it was drifting through thoughts of Blaze more than anything.

I hope that I could find courage to ask her out one day.

(No pov)

The hill stayed silent despite the two people who were atop it.

Well that is, till both of them let out a sigh. Then the two jumped up into a fighting stance, only to discover that they were looking right into each other's eyes.

"Oh, um sorry Sonic, I didn't even know you were here," Blaze apologized.

"Hey no need for apologizing, I was actually more surprised to see you here since I always though this was my personal spot," Sonic answered.

"Oh really, well I can say that I discovered this hill over a year ago, so who's is it now?"

Sonic just smiled at her, and said with a toned down voice, "I found this over 4 years ago you know. So ha and ha."

(Blaze's pov)

I thought this had been my special spot, until I saw him sitting on the other side.

"But did you name it?"

"I certainly did, why, what did you name it?" He questioned.

"You tell me first."

"Nope, you first," he was giving me a playful smirk.


"No, you"


"Fine, we'll both say it at the same time, okay?"

I nodded, I was even feeling nervous just being around him, which really wasn't so good considering the fact that I was hiding my feelings for him.

"Okay on the count of three… 3…2…1…,"

"One Tree Hill!"

I looked at him shocked with the fact that we chose the same name, but he started laughing.

"I can't believe we chose the same name, that's just odd."

"I know," I exclaimed, "Well I just saw the lone tree on the hill, and the name just quickly popped into my head."

He agreed, and told me that's the same way he named it.

I wanted to have this lead up to me confessing my love for him soo bad, so I decided to just tell him.

"Hey um Sonic?"

He was enjoying the sights of the lake, but turned to face me. "Yeah Blaze?"

"Would you um, like want to…"

Come on, my head was just locking my thoughts from pouring out, and I couldn't tell him.

"Want to what?"

"Want to go stop by Tails place, he made some sort of new invention that he said was a surprise, you want to come?"

He seemed perplexed to why it made me struggle to just tell him that. But he answered with a sure and the two of us started to make our way to Tails place. I desperately needed either to get over him, or to tell him. It was literally tearing me into two.

Oh the joys of being a princess.

(Sonic's pov)

I almost could hear her voice telling me she loved me. It was on the tip of her tongue, I could tell. But then she just completely changed it around.

We walked in an odd silence and just both looked straight forward, well till Blaze stopped.

"Hey, Blaze what did you stop for?"

"I think my bracelet slipped of my hand, could you help me look?"

"Okay, I guess."

I searched in one clump of bushes, and she went back towards the hill to look. I searched and then something shining into my eye made me think that it was the bracelet. Sure enough it was her gold bracelet which had a very expensive looking diamond on it. She was a princess after all.

"Hey Blaze I found it!" I called out

But I received no answer.


I walked back to find a torn piece of purple fabric lying on the pathway, with some droplets of blood on the dry ground.


Ha ha, starting with a cliffy. It's an ok start I guess, but a lot more will happen as it progresses. I hope that everybody who reads it reviews. And if you may like, read another one of my stories, I have a few others too. Now, what happened to Blaze? And will Sonic find out? Read the next ch to find out.