AUTHOR'S NOTE - This short multi chapter fic is a companion piece to an earlier one shot that I wrote, entitled My Salvation. It follows almost directly on from the events in that story, so if you have not already read it, then the following piece may be slightly confusing. The title comes from a song called Hallelujah by Jeff Buckley - I was listening to the Rufus Wainwright version of the song whilst writing the first chapter, and the lyrics "The Holy Dark is moving too / and every breath we drew was hallelujah" seemed relevant. Anyway, here is my story ... I hope you enjoy it.
The Holy Dark.
I drove through the night, feeling a growing mount of tension building in my stomach - tension so bad, I didn't know whether to scream, to cry or just simply to burst. I remembered once again a couple hours before, of sleeping deep and dreamless, jerking into full wakefulness, upon realization that someone else was in the room with me. It didn't take me long to realize just whom my late night visitor was - I'd felt his presence in the room enough times now to recognize it now.
Castiel, an angel who'd saved me once from a car wreck, and had remained by my side in more ways than just the proverbial "guardian angel sense. I didn't think the term could be applied to Castiel, but it seemed as though the angel had become as captivated by me as I had definitely become by him.
A couple of hours ago I'd been told by Castiel that Dean Winchester was in trouble - the legendary hunter I'd been requested by Castiel to help after I'd awoken from the coma induced by my car wreck. Now it looked as though my time had come to do my duty.
Castiel himself sat beside me in the car, looking serenely beautiful as always, yet still I couldn't mistake the slight tension around his eyes. I could read the angel well enough by now to know the difference. Okay, so I was reading his human body he was riding, but I could still know.
"We're going to get there in time, right?" I asked him, quietly, no recriminations in my tone, my manner at all.
Castiel's lips narrowed slightly, confirming his own ongoing tension, but still he nodded curtly.
"Yes, I'm pretty sure you'll get to him!" he said quietly.
We fell silent, neither of us speaking further, but I felt oddly comforted despite the uncertainty of the situation. If Castiel said we were going to make it, then we would. He had never done a thing to make me doubt him at all.
I found my thoughts drifting to the earlier conversation we'd shared. I remembered once again waking to Castiel sitting patiently on my bed, looking as though he had been waiting for quite a while, watching me sleep. He did not look as though he was bothered by the wait - his large blue were focussed peacefully on me, striking me once again that he really did have the patience of an angel at times - quite literally.
He then proceeded to tell me the news - that Sam and Dean Winchester had been on a hunt for vampires, that Dean was now missing and Sam couldn't find him. Bobby Singer was already on his way to Sam, but it looked as though they needed extra assistance. I wasn't the nearest hunter to their position - but I was one Castiel had previously chosen to help.
Castiel's gruff voice brought me back to the present as he said - "Jenna, you missed the turn off!"
I swore under my breath, realizing my mistake, so lost in my thoughts had I been. I turned the Mustang around at the nearest junction, before taking the right turn off - Castiel beside me, still sitting serenely, silently, a comforting presence when I needed it the most...
to be continued .....