Miranda pulled away from Peter's mouth and grinned, "Oh my gosh!! I have to tell Nova!"

Peter put a finger to Miranda's lips and shook his head, "No, Miranda. You can't tell Nova. Not yet anyway."

Miranda pouted, "Fine, you tell her, then."

Peter chuckled and shook his head, "Again Miranda, no. Plus I said I think I love her. I'm not entirely sure. I either still have a tad, itsy bitsy liking for this other girl I supposedly loved or I just don't know if I know Nova enough to love her. I just don't wanna be broken again, like the other girl did to me. You may not understand this, Miranda, but… it's just complicated to explain my emotions for these two girls right now."

Miranda pooched her lips and placed a hand on Peter's shoulder, "Peter, I kinda get what you're feeling right now, even though I've never been through this stage in life and hopefully I never will, but you just need to do what feels right. Listen to your heart, not your hormones."

Peter twisted his head over to her, "What in the world did you just say?"

Miranda giggled, "Back at home we had books, lots of books, science-fiction-y books and Nova read to me this one paragraph about the teenage body and changes. And she says she's stuck in this stage, called adolescence."

Peter's head started to hurt and was wondering what was taking Nova so long.

"Hormones are basically as I put it, a rush of feelings that a boy and a girl have whenever they really, really like each other and they get hormoney and stuff. Adolescence is kind of like teenage years. Miranda's stuck being 13 and a half."

Peter finally got a migraine, "Okay… this is way too much learning, and I haven't been to school in several years, like many, many years."

Miranda got up from her position and went under her bed and grabbed a book that on the cover said "The Way of Adolescence"

"It explains just about everything, but I've only gotten so far, but I think it'll help you. I mean, you seem to be about 12 or 13."

"I'm 14." He corrected.

"Wow! Half a year older than Nova." She smiled and set the book in his lap. "Read it. It'll help bunches. Nova's read it twice and she's really glad she did."

Peter nodded and flipped the book's pages and set the book on his bed.

Peter looked at some words and he's surprised because if Nova read this twice, then how could she not know what a thimble was?

Peter shrugged and turned to Tink in her small den and she was still admiring herself and daydreaming, for once, not caring about Peter at the moment.

When Peter returned to the small table, there was food already placed and Nova sitting next to Miranda.

Peter grinned and got butterflies to see Nova's bright smile shining towards him.

Peter sat down and winked at Miranda and Miranda returned the gesture. Nova was too busy putting food on her plate and in her bowl to notice, followed by Miranda and Peter.

Miranda was the first to finish so she skipped to her wardrobe and pulled out a blue night gown and as soon as Nova finished she helped Miranda put her night clothes on.

Peter as well finished and helped clean the large pot and plates and gave some of the scraps to Tink and fell asleep minutes later due to a full stomach.

Miranda was ready to go to sleep and called over Nova and Peter to help put her to sleep.

Nova was somewhat surprised she called over Peter, but didn't argue either when Peter kneeled beside Miranda's bed next to her.

Nova tucked in Miranda and Peter handed Miranda her stuffed bunny. Nova leaned down and thimbled Miranda atop her head, followed by Peter pressing his lips to her forehead as well, giving her a thimble.

Miranda didn't seem stirred by this sudden change of affection, but indeed smiled.

Miranda dozed off right in front of Peter and Nova's eyes.

Peter smiled at the small child and then back at Nova, his smile, just as big, "Do you want to go to bed, now?"

Nova chuckled, "If you want. It doesn't matter to me."

Peter grabbed Nova's hand and set her on his bed and got the book and showed it to her, "I was hoping you could help me read this. I forgot how to read." Peter flushed with embarrassment.

Nova smiled, "Sure. I'll help you."

Peter liked the answer and smiled as well, he opened the book to the first page.

Peter tried scanning over the words and his face went into a frown, "I can't read half of this stuff."

Nova chuckled, "Okay. I'll read it. Puberty is a period of several years in which rapid physical growth and psychological changes occur, culminating in sexual maturity. The average onset of puberty is at 10 for girls and age 12 for boys. Every person's individual timetable for puberty is influenced primarily by heredity, although environmental factors, such as diet and exercise, also exert some influence.

"Puberty begins with a surge in hormone production, which in turn, causes a number of physical changes…"

Peter stopped her, "Hold on, what is that supposed to mean?"

Nova chuckled, "That means as you get older, your body changes and you start thinking differently about girls, basically."

Peter sctratched his head, "Okay. I think I get it. Go on."

"It is also the stage of the lifespan in which a child develops secondary sex characteristics as his or her hormonal balance shifts strongly towards an adult state. For example, a deeper voice and larger adam's apple in boys, and development of breasts and more curved and prominent hips in girls."

Peter scratched his head, "Hm… I don't get what that's supposed to mean either."

Nova simply smiled, "It gives examples of how your body changes, like you getting a deeper voice and me getting wider hips and bigger breasts." She stated.

Peter pooched his lips, "Um, what are breasts? Isn't that part of a chicken?"

Nova's laughed, "No, it's my chest. See?" she said as she pointed to her chest.

Peter nodded, "Oh! They get bigger?" he said his eyes widenening.

Nova pooched her lips, "Well, since I'm staying like this forever, chances are they're not getting any bigger than this, but I'm just fine with it."

People nodded yet again, "Alright. You can go on now."

Nova nodded, "This is triggered by the pituitary gland, which secretes a surge of hormones, such as testosterone which comes to boy, or estrogen and progesterone—girls--- into the blood stream and begins the rapid maturation of the gonads: the girl's ovaries and the boy's testicles. Some boys may develop gynecomastia due to an imbalance of sex hormones, tissue responsiveness or obesity. Put simply, puberty is the time when a child's body starts changing into an adult's body."

Peter cocked his lips to the side, "I know what hormones are, but what are testicles and overies? You lost me there."

Nova seemed to blush when he asked that, "Well, um… your testicles are uh… um…" she hestitantly pointed to Peter's groin and Peter looked at Nova and he raised an eyebrow, "Oh! Ok." He blushed as well.

Nova bit her bottom lip, "And ovaries are well here. Below my tummy."

Peter nodded, "And sex? Wow… every time I say it, it makes me feel funny, but in a good way, different way." Peter smiled.

Nova gulped, "Uh… I think I should tell you another night."

"Why not now? I want to know." Peter pouted as he crawled slightly closer to Nova.

Nova about broke into a sweat from how close Peter was and how he wanted to know what sex was. She gulped, "I will tell you soon, okay?"

Peter was just about staddling Nova's lap with the same pout face, "Come on! I want to know what sex means!"

Nova fell back and placed Peter's pillow over her face, "No! Some other night!"

Peter growled, "Fine." He said as he got off of Nova and Nova sat back up, her hair slightly messy.

She put the pillow aside, "We will read more tomorrow. Good night, Peter."

Peter half smiled, "Good night." He said before he leaned over and gave Nova a thimble, but then Peter did smething that he wasn't in control of, but his hands made their way to Nova's face and he ran his hands through her whilst still thimbling her. A sounds came from both of their mouths that they have never heard of before, so they let go, their lips swollen and their cheeks flushed.

"What was that noise I made?" Peter asked.

Nova's eyes wandered around, but she shrugged, "I don't know, but I made it too. And to be honest… I liked it."

Peter nodded, "Me too."

Nova tried to make the sound again, but failed, "I can't do it."

Peter smirked, "Maybe if I do this again." Once again, Peter pressed his lips to Nova's and his hands tugged on her dirty blonde locks and he pressed his chest against hers. Nova's hands didn't hesitate either when her hands ran through Peter's hair. They both made the sound, but didn't let go of each other, but indeed kept going, and they kept making the noises. They heard Miranda stir in her sleep and that's what made them let go of each other.

Their faces her red and their lips were still swollen. Nova placed some hair behind her ear, "Well, I guess I should go to bed now." She hopped off Peter's bed, but Peter grabbed her wrist.

"Please, stay with me tonight." Peter pleaded with begging eyes. Nova smiled and grinned.

"Okay." Peter smiled at the response and flipped the blanket and snuggled under as Nova settled in after.

Peter planted a chaste thimble on Nova's lips before blowing out his candle and falling asleep.

Nova stayed awake to watch Peter fall asleep and she smiled as she traced Peter's face like he did to her, their first night together.

Her fingers floated off his skin and she snuggled into his chest before mumbling the words, "I love you…"