This is a sequel to my other story Different Then I Thought. You don't have to read that one to understand this, but there will be mentions of things that happened in the first story.
Anyways, the sequel is finally coming out. The time here is just two days after my other story ended, so the ages are basically the same. A few of the are older, however.
Raven - 17
Speedy - 18
Robin - 18
Cyborg - 19
Starfire - 17
Beast Boy - 16
Mas y Menos - 13
Aqualad - 19
Raven flopped down on the bed with her head buried in her hands. She lay in that position for a few moments before rolling over with her eyes staring at the ceiling.
She was thinking of her big date tomorrow. She had never gone on a date with anyone! The only time she had ever gone alone to dinner with a boy was when Starfire, Beast Boy, and Cyborg had gone to some carnival thing and neither Robin nor Raven felt like cooking, so they had headed over to one of their favorite restaurants.
But now she was going on a date with Speedy, one of the last boys she had ever thought she'd be dating. Also on her list of I'm-never-going-to-date-that-guy was Kid Flash because he was too hyper, Beast Boy because he was too annoying, and Cyborg because he was like her brother.
When had she and Speedy even started growing close? Raven supposed it was at Christmas time, when she had Speedy had to go get the decorations for the Tower together. They had had quite an enjoyable time.
Raven smiled as she remembered that day. They hadn't seen each other that much after Christmas, but then Titans East had come to visit and he had asked her to play video games. Raven's smile widened as she remembered the look on Beast Boy's face when she accepted.
Starfire had gone berserk when Raven told the team she was going on a date with the Scarlet Archer. She had leaped up squealing in joy and started giving Raven bone-crushing hugs. Beast Boy had fainted dead away from shock, Robin had stood up and wished her good luck with a smile on his face, while Cyborg crept out of the room silently. Raven highly suspected he had given Speedy a call and threatened to break his bones if he tried anything with Raven.
That happened only last night, the same night that Starfire had dragged Raven into one of the alien's famous 'girl talks' which Raven clearly loathed. She insisted on hearing everything that happened, and informed Raven she couldn't wait to hear what went on during the date. Earlier today, Starfire had literally forced Raven into going clothes shopping, saying all the while she had to get some new make-up and figure out how to wear her hair. The entire thing had worn Raven down. When she got back, she had left Starfire with the bags and collapsed onto her bed. Starfire had cheerfully put Raven's bags in her room, and started happily chatting with her, after dumping her own bags on Beast Boy who was fleeing from a very angry Cyborg after he crashed the robot's computer.
Raven was getting nervous, which she could barely believe. They were going to see a horror movie the next day, and she was starting to feel like she was going to throw up already!
Speedy's probably not at all nervous, Raven thought wryly as she rose into her meditating position. Figures.
When Speedy told the Titans East that he and Raven were going out, the effect was much different on them then on the Jump City Titans. Mas y Menos had looked at him for a moment, before shrugging and challenging each other to a racing contest. Aqualad's reaction was much like Robin's, but Bumblebee had burst out laughing, not believing him at first. But once Speedy's glare at focused on her, she realized he was serious. She had reddened slightly, before wishing him luck.
And contrary to what Raven thought, Speedy was getting nervous, and was also starting to get on Aqualad's nerves by asking him questions 24/7. The aquatic prince had finally blown up, in a manner that did not seem at all like Aqualad, and told the archer that Speedy had been on more dates than he had, that Speedy shouldn't be nervous, and that Speedy should get off his back.
Speedy had laughed, and stalked away, insisting that he wasn't nervous. Aqualad had rolled his eyes, and made his escape.
Luckily, it was just a movie date, Speedy assured himself. He groaned to himself as he walked out to do some archery training. Raven's probably not at all nervous, he told himself as he aimed at the first target. Figures.
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