Scott, I'll love you forever.

Chapter 22

The End

The halls of the mansion were silent but Logan could still pick up the sounds of students breathing softly in their sleep. He loved the mansion at night, after all the hustle and bustle of the day was over he could stalk alone in the darkened halls and think on the day. He was not the philosophical type that much was true but he still liked to look back on day, to order his thought so that in his sleep they would not just simply slip away as they were so prone to do. This night was no different he walked quietly down a hall he could hear Bobby coughing in his room, the poor bastard had the flu, and he heard Marie's level soft breathing, but as he passed Scott's room Logan's feet seemed glued to the floor. Scott's breath came in short gasps accompanied by an unfamiliar set of lungs grunting rhythmically.

Scott lay on his stomach his face buried in the mattress his eyes screwed up in pain. He lifted his head to gasp for air, he couldn't seem to breath enough, it hurt too much, he couldn't take it anymore. Once upon a time this sensation of pain would have been normal it would have been everyday life for Scott but something had changed for him and now he was desperate to stop himself from being hurt, "Ow," he gasped letting go of the sheets and turning as much as he could to face Richard, "Ow! Stop it! That hurts!"

Richard smirked and grabbed Scott's wrists and shoved him back into the mattress redoubling his attack. Scott struggled, "Rick, stop it! Ow! Rick!"

Reflexively Logan's hand went to the doorknob, but as his strong finger's wrapped around the cold metal of the doorknob he hesitated. He wasn't sure of himself Scott was so hard to read, he liked it rough Logan knew that but to protest so vehemently. Logan clenched and unclenched his free hand and then slowly let go of the doorknob. He stood for a moment longer lingering trying to master his urge to kick down the door, it was Scott's life after all, and he could do what he wanted with it.

Scott tugged on his wrists, "Rick-" but he was cut off as Richard moaned loudly and came. Richard's hands tightened around Scott's wrist. A short while later Richard was asleep, his arms wrapped around Scott possessively, Scott lay awake his glasses back on his face staring at the ceiling. Richard snored softly and Scott slipped himself out of his boyfriend's arms pulling on pants and a shirt then slipping out of the door and wandering the mansion.

Everything was peaceful as he made his way down the stairs, not a sole was awake and it made Scott feel a pang of sadness, he had hoped that maybe Logan would have been up, that maybe he could carve out some sort of conversation with him and, maybe, salvage, in terms of happiness, the whole rather depressing night. He made his way to the kitchen and his heart skipped a beat when Logan emerged. Logan took a quick step back and then laughed a little, "shit Slim, I was about to stab the hell out of you."

Scott laughed softly and leaned against the wall, "no you wouldn't."

Logan's eyes softened from mirth to adoration, "you're right, I wouldn't." Logan watched Scott for a moment; he didn't smell right he smelled like Richard, he moved closer planting a hand next to Scott's head, "had a rough night?"

Scott blushed and slipped under Logan's arm and walked into the kitchen opening the fridge and pulling out a soda. Logan watched him again, "don't play coy Slim I heard you and Ricky."

Scott blushed again and shook his head, "Don't call him Ricky."

Logan rolled his eyes, he crossed his arms across his chest, "maybe you should get a safety word with him."

"That is last thing I expected you to say," Scott murmured from around the neck of his soda. Logan watched his perfect lips move and he felt a tension in the pit of his stomach, he wanted Scott so bad, he wanted to be able to hold the young to kiss his temple, to run his large hands over the scars as if somehow that would make them go away.

"I was sort of expecting you to tell me that I was yours, that Richard couldn't have me. That you weren't gon'na let me go… you know not give me sex tips."

Logan shook his head and moved closer to the young man he cornered Scott against the counter and brushed his cheek, "you know I love you Slim," Logan let his hand rest next to Scott's and extended a finger to lightly touch the young man, "and you know it wouldn't be love if I pushed you around. You seem pretty happy with this Rick guy and you know I want you to be happy."

Scott rested his head on Logan's shoulder and blinked back tears, "Logan, I don't want you to say that."

Logan smiled sadly and pulled Scott to him, "I love you Scott, I'm jealous as hell of Richard, but you know you've got a good thing going with him, he's your age, you see him more, he's in one place more often than not-"

Scott chocked back a sob, "stop it Logan. Don't say that."

Logan closed his eyes and brushed his cheek against the side of Scott's head, "don't ruin what you've got Scott, if he makes you happy stay with him,"

Scott wrapped his arms around Logan's neck and looked up into his face, "Logan, I didn't realize how much I missed you till I had you again."

"Yeah but you don't have me do you Slim. You've got Richard."

"but I want you," Scott said weakly bringing his lips ever closer to Logan's.

"I want you too," Logan's voice was gruff, it was husky and he bent his neck coming within a hairs breath of Scott's lips, "but I can't have you."

"Yes you can," Scott said tears started to fall from his eyes and Logan brushed them away.

"No I can't Slim, I love you, and that's why; I'm not going to be the one to fuck this up for you," Logan pulled back and moved away from Scott. Scott let his arms fall to his sides and Logan looked away, out a window, "I should go."

Richard woke when Scott came back into the room, he looked at Scott curiously and rolled on his back holding out a hand to Scott, "come back to bed," Scott looked at his boyfriend as he opened the window, Richard smiled softly at Scott and jerked his head to call him over, "Come here. Where have you been?"

"I just went for a walk," Scott murmured letting Richard wrap him in his arms.

"You seem different, are you ok?"

"I just don't feel much like talking right now," Scott muttered closing his eyes and taking off his glasses, "I just want you to fuck me." Richard raised an eyebrow but obliged by flipping Scott on his stomach and pressing his face into the mattress.

"You want me to fuck you? You want it hard?" Scott made no answer and Richard took that as a yes. Logan sat sullenly in the backyard, he could hear Richard's grunting again, but Scott was silent, not so much as a whimper came floating down from the window. Logan clenched his jaw, he knew what Scott was playing at; he knew this was Scott's way of punishing him. Logan lay back in the soft grass and glared up at the sky.

Logan was at the counter his nose buried in the news paper when Richard and Scott came in hands entwined and smiles on their faces. Richard sat at the table and pulled Scott on to his lap. Scott glanced over at Logan whom hadn't looked up and frowned, he had thought that lashing out at Logan like this would have made him feel good. However, it made him feel cheep, it made him feel like he had a few years back, sort of dead inside. Richard ran a hand up Scott's inner thigh; Remy walked in and saw Logan's knuckles white with rage. He raised an eyebrow at Scott and ran a hand across Logan's back causing the older man to look up from the one column he had been reading over and over again. Remy winked at him and placed a kiss on his cheek.

Scott glared at Remy; Remy gazed coolly back and then pushed a cup of coffee towards Logan whom was still puzzled from the kiss. Logan took it and sipped drinking the hot liquid, awkwardly aware of Scott's eyes boring a hole in the back of his head. He set down his paper and took the cup of coffee with him as he left the room. Remy stood calculating his next move and then after winking at Scott fallowed Logan.

Logan was on the front porch his hands wrapped around the hot mug and his eye fixed on the snow, "you should keep your lips to yourself," Logan growled when Remy fallowed him onto the stoop. Remy smirked and knelt behind Logan draping his arms around his strong shoulders and kissing the back of Logan's neck. Logan growled again but made no motion to dislodge his new appendage.

"Don't be so hard hearted Logan; Remy only wants to help you be happy."

Logan lay awake in his room that night, he had tried to sleep, he had been laying there for hours, and not so much as the urge to yawn had come over him, he could have Remy; he thought to himself. He could have meaningless sex with him… but he didn't want meaningless sex. He wanted the feelings behind sex, he wanted to make love again; he craved the closeness he felt with Scott with Jean, the closeness he had been craving for so long. He felt a heaviness settling in his stomach, he felt the deep sense of loss he had felt when Jean died, the all consuming feeling of loneliness.

The last of finals were over and Scott tossed his back pack in the car the Professor had bought for him for his birthday. He parked the car at the end of the driveway and walked up to where Logan was under a car once again changing oil, "Hey Logan."

Logan rolled out from under the car and smiled at Scott, "sup Slim?"

Scott grabbed his shirt and yanked him up kissing him passionately, Logan's eyes opened wide, and when the kiss ended he blinked surprised, "what about Richard?"

Scott smirked and straddled Logan's hips planting his hands on either side of Logan's head, "We broke up a week ago, I caught him cheating on me."

Logan raised his eyebrows and ran his hands down Scott's hips, "you want me to go kick his ass?"

Scott shook his head stooping and kissing Logan once more, "He had a good reason; I was pushing him away anyway."

"Why's that?" Logan asked sitting up and leaning against the side of the car and kissing Scott softly.
"I'm in love with another man."

"Oh; what a lucky fucker."

"He is."

"He loves you too."

"Logan I've missed you."

"I missed you too Slim."

Scott intertwined their fingers together and smiled lovingly at Logan, "I love you Logan."

"Scott, stick around with me ok?"

"Ok Logan."



Author's note: Finished! Yay! Now I'm kind of sad… oh well now I can work on some other stuff of mine…. Um….. the other fic I have "Till the end of Time" is a distant future version 'sequel' to this fic, but it's a one shot so that's that. [looks around] I think I'm going to go and see what's going on in the outside world now.

Edit: Also there was an alternate ending where Scott makes a reference to having sex on the beach but it wasn't fitting in with the rest of the chapter so I cut it.