A couple of Main/Mitsuru ficts (some romantic, some not).
Persona 3 doesn't belong to me. If it did, I'd horde the game all to myself.
The Empress and the Fool
She couldn't help but wonder if anything got through the sound of his headphones.
Minato always kept them at a high volume when no one was talking to him. It was slightly hard to get his attention sometimes which, in the case of some of his classmates Mitsuru noticed, lead to them not talking to him much. But in the case of the other S.E.E.D.S members, Minato would always lower the volume, if they didn't come up behind him. The blue haired teen didn't express much emotionally, but anyone could tell he was surprised when a person snuck up on him while listening to his music (as proven by Junpei a few times).
They had been sharing the dorm for a month now, so there was no surprise to see him with his headphones on when Mitsuru arrived from school. Minato was seated in the lounge, doing some homework (English by the looks of things). Apparently the volume was low since as soon as the door snapped shut, he glanced in her direction.
"Hello." Minato's voice was quiet and polite, the usual coming from him. She nodded. "Hello, Arisato." He smiled a little and returned to his homework. The silence came to life while Mitsuru looked for her book. She had gotten to a very dramatic chapter and was looking forward to reading it, if only she could find it...."Arisato, have you seen my book?" She asked. The pen stopped its scratching noise for a moment. "You took it upstairs after we came back from Tartarus last night." "Ah, thank you."Mitsuru went upstairs and picked up the book from where she had left it on her bedside table and went back downstairs to read it.
The sound had gone up with the quiet. Mitsuru could clearly hear the lyrics to "Burn My Dread" playing. It wasn't the quiet she preferred, but like going to the Wild Duck restaurant, she decided to see if it was something new.
So now the sounds were music, a pen, and pages being turned. It was peaceful...comfortable even. And Mitsuru, while preferring classical music, couldn't help but tap her foot to the beat of the music.
And after a few minutes, the music changed to something else. A piano played in the background while a woman sung...it was a beautiful tune. It sounded like something played in a dreamlike world.
"I never thought you'd like music like that." The words slipped out, even though Mitsuru knew that he wouldn't hear her. She was apparently was wrong when Minato looked up at her. "I like some of it. This song in particular is one of my favourites." He said. "Where is it from?" Minato shrugged. "I don't know." A thoughtful look passed in his eyes. "What kind of music do you like Mitsuru-Sempai?" She folded her book shut and placed it carefully on her lap. "I like classical music. It reminds me of places far off." "Interesting choice." That response surprised her. It really wasn't like Minato to keep a conversation going, since he normally only responded to questions directed to him. But the look in his grey eyes were nothing short of interest. "What composers do you like?" "Well, I..."
They spent a long time talking about music, until Mitsuru noticed it was getting late. "I think it's time to go to bed." "True." Minato started gathering up his homework, and Mitsuru wondered if their talk had prevented him from finishing. "Were you able to finish your homework?" "Don't worry, I did." He started off for the stairs. At the foot for the stairs, he paused. "Do you have a CD player, Mitsuru-Sempai?" "I do." She replied, wondering where this was going. "If you want, I'll see if I can burn you a CD with a few songs I think you'd like." The offer was both surprising and touching. "Thank you. I would like that." Mitsuru said, smiling. "Good night, Mitsuru-Sempai." "Good night, Arisato."
I'm not sure of Mitsuru's musical tastes, but she seems like a person to like classical music.
The second song that was playing is the Velvet Room theme. It's my favourite track off the Persona 2 CD.