Chapter 1: Resurrection
By Rose Colored Mirrorshades
Disclaimer: I do not own any rights to the anime Noir nor do I make any claim to that effect. I write this fanfiction due simply to the fact that I was dissatisfied with the ending of the original Noir. I believe that there should have been more, and as such I have merely picked up where the story last left off. I will accept criticism of a constructive nature, however I shall not abide flamers and the like. Please enjoy.
Somewhere between Spain and France; 2100 Local Time
The sound of whirring helicopter blades filled the air as well as the subtle yet unmistakable whine of a jet engine preparing for departure. A bald man dressed in a black suit stood perched atop a cliffside overlooking the progress of a myriad assortment of technicians, workers, and various others who were scouring the site before him. A few moments later, two men in white coverall utility suits carrying a stretcher upon which a feminine form rested approached him from behind.
The front man called to him, "Sir," at this the man dressed in black turned around and stared at them from behind a menacing pair of mirrorshades, "Is this her sir?" as the front man said this he removed the sheet covering the face of the cadaver.
The man dressed in black nodded yes and then turned back to survey the scene. The two men clad in white loaded the body onto the waiting jetcopter behind him. As they did this the man in black removed a phone from his pocket, the screen came to life and he pressed a few buttons. A few seconds later the screen flashed the message "SATELLITE UPLINK ESTABLISHED". Upon seeing this message he dialed a number into the phone and raised it to his ear.
"They found her sir," he stated into the phone.
"Excellent," came the reply of a cold almost artificial voice on the other end.
"She is en route now and should arrive within the next few hours." said the man in black.
"What of the progress of the cleanup crew?" queried the cold voice.
"They are currently retrieving the last of the artifacts now and the charges have already been set sir." responded the man in black.
"Very well, and the other bodies?" queried the cold voice.
"Already disposed of." replied the man in black, looking at the pile of corpses being set ablaze with flamethrowers.
"Good, and lastly what of the ones known as Murielle and Kirika?" queried the cold voice.
"Unfortunately it appears as though they escaped prior to our arrival sir, as did the council." responded the man in black.
"The council matters little; we shall track them down soon enough. The rogue assassins however, shall prove difficult to find. Make certain that the local populace is eliminated as well. No loose ends." said the cold voice.
"Already done sir, 9324 and 8757 are supervising cleanup operations at the village." replied the man in black.
"Excellent, call me upon its completion." replied the cold voice.
"As you command sir." responded the man in black and with that he hung up and resumed his previous activities.
Undisclosed Location; 2300 Local Time
Nestled deep within a subterranean mountain fortress, hidden far from civilization, stood assembled the greatest medical experts in the fields of organ replacement, cybernetics, and reconstructive surgery. Many of said experts were recruited from the highest ranking universities around the world whereas some simply showed an affinity for the surgical procedures required by the organization of which they were now in the employ. The lead surgeon took his place in front of the others that were to participate in the operation that was to come.
"Alright, we only have a 12 hours before the neural tissues are useless; so our first priority is to get the vitals up and stable, that includes the synaptic responses as well." said the lead surgeon, "Well let's get started, every second we waste is one more we don't have. Everyone not involved in this phase of the operation please vacate the area."
With that, more than half of the staff left the room and cart upon which a body rested was wheeled into the room. High above in the operating theatre twelve dark figures quietly observed the events unfolding beneath them.
The sheet covering the body was quickly removed revealing it to be that of a young woman approximately eighteen to nineteen years of age with red hair. Various cathodes and electrodes were plugged into her from all directions. These were primarily life support equipment; however a few were other specialized equipment at which various experts worked.
"Initiate electrostimulous," said the lead surgeon, "Then follow up with the chemical wash."
A technician moved to one of the many carts containing equipment connected to the girl on the table and began flipping various switches. This was met with the hum of electrical devices coming to life. When the screen on the machine indicated that it had attained full power, the technician punched a sequence of numbers into the terminal. The cadaver responded to the surge of electricity with a jolt. The life support machinery briefly flared to life prior to subsiding rapidly indicating that the first attempt had failed.
"Up the amperage by ten percent," came the angered voice of the lead surgeon, "We're not losing this one as well!"
With that, the technician attending the machine turned a dial and repeated the previous procedure. This attempt met with success, marked by the fact that the cadaver was no longer a cadaver. As the life support machinery now indicated, the girl laying upon the table was now quite alive.
The technician manning the life sign monitor shouted enthusiastically, "Heart rate normal, breathing cycle normal, nervous system currently appears twenty-five percent active. Doctor I think we've done it!"
Without warning the seemingly lifeless form sprawled upon the table sprung to life and throttled the medical technician, bringing him down without the slightest difficulty. As she strangled him, two men in black suits entered the room and subdued her with tranquilizer dart guns.
"Impossible!" exclaimed the lead surgeon, "There is no possible way that she managed to regain full consciousness after that much shock! We only just revived her! Get her back on the table, and strap her down this time!"
With that, the two men in black placed the female back upon the operating table and proceeded to strap her thoroughly to it. After this task was complete, they dragged the now dead technician from the room and another took his place.
"Call for the anesthetist," said the lead surgeon, "We don't want her waking up again during the procedure."
A technician walked over to the phone affixed to the wall on the far side of the room and dialed out to another of the rooms. Within minutes, the anesthetist arrived and admistered anethstesia via a breath mask.
Now the work would truly begin...
I hope you enjoyed this first installment of Noir: The Conspiracy, my personal twist on the ending of the original Noir series. It is meant to be obvious to those who have seen Noir that the girl upon which they are operating is none other than Chloe. It does not therefore spoil my story in any way to tell you this at the conclusion of the first chapter. I do so simply to clear up any confusion prior to introducing her again.
Until next time
Rose Colored Mirrorshades