A/N: *sigh* last chapter… enjoy

Hermione's trial date arrived very slowly, being alone in a cell. By the time it got there, Hermione was aloud a five minute shower to present herself for the trial. She attended, was given veritiserum and questioned. She told them what she could and then waited alone in a chamber while they came to a decision. The Weasley's were present at the trial along with Harry. Hermione didn't have any hope she'd come out innocent. She was also angry with herself that she didn't complete the task she sent out to do and that Draco was killed during the process. All she could do was wonder where Nacrissa was.

She was called back in the court room and she sat in the chair that binded her.

"In the case of Hermione Jane Riddle, we, the Wizengamot, find her guilty and sentenced to a life sentence in Azkaban."

Hermione grinned to herself, this didn't bother her one bit. It gave her time to plan the deaths of Harry and Molly even better. She was sent back to her cell, Harry and Kingsley escorting her. She caught the sad, angry, surprised looks on the Weasley's faces and grinned evilly.

"I hope you enjoy your stay in hell!" Ron yelled as she passed. She was back in her cell in no time, port key taken from the court to Azkaban.

"I'm sorry it had to come to this," Kingsley said to Harry. "She was one of your best friends."

"Best friends don't turn on you because their heritage and appearances change. She's not the best friend I had."

They locked her in her cell and left, not saying a single word to her. The last thing she heard was, "but she's right, this was all Albus's fault." The sad voice of the Minister.

I won't be here long, she thought as two skilled Aurors stood outside her cell. And when I get out, there will be hell to pay. And that's a promise.

A/N: Yup, that's it… I really wanna know what you thought tho so please review… but I'm looking for sequel ideas so you can leave some in a review or PM me if you figure some out… I never expected this much of a response for this story so thank you, from the bottom of my heart, to all those who've read this and reviewed it especially. It means a lot to me. So, please review one last time and if you got any sequel ideas, don't hesitate to let me know! Thanks again everyone!