Title: McFly Shuffle

Summary: A collection of Smitchie (possibly Naitlyn every so often) one-shots, based on songs by the amazing band McFly.

Author's Note: Okay, so it's an obsession. Both writing for Camp Rock and listening to McFly (THEIR CONCERT WAS SO AMAZING I HAVE LOST MY VOICE AND I LOVE THEM EVEN MORE NOW AND AHHHH okay stopping now). So, on a whim, I started writing this and decided to, whenever I'm stuck for ideas with Believe In Me or am struck with an idea, write a short one-shot based on the awesome songs that they write. I have some ideas already, so I'm way excited for this. Probably more so than I should be, but I honestly don't care. Here goes. This one is based upon one of my favourites: The Heart Never Lies. You can YouTube it, or if you're willing to wait, I'll upload all of the songs that I use in this collection and you can download them from my profile. I'm open to ideas from you guys too – if you know a song and have an inkling of an idea that you'd like to see me write and expand, just lemme know. None of these will be connected, by the way. All individual stories. And I'll shut up now, so you can read.

Disclaimer: Mkay, if I owned Camp Rock, I'd be hanging out with the Jonas Brothers right about now. And if I owned McFly's songs, I'd be hanging out with them. If I owned both, it'd be a party. But I don't. So no party. Boo.

Music: The Heart Never Lies – McFly

Some people laugh, some people cry

Some people live, some people die

Some people run, right into the fire

Some people hide their every desire

But we are the lovers

If you don't believe me

Then just look into my eyes

'cause the heart never lies

They had fun times. They laughed a lot, sometimes at things that other people didn't even understand. They just laughed. Laughing for the sake of laughing was what they did. What was life without a little smiling? Who cared if people thought they were odd, or strange? Some people laugh and they have fun. If nobody ever laughed or had fun, where would the world be? Who knows? They didn't really want to find out though. Laugh. Laugh out loud.

They had sad times too. When he went away on tour and she would have to go through that goodbye phase that she hated. The days leading up to the goodbye, where there was this pressing weight – the knowledge that the hours they had left were decreasing by the second. The actual goodbye, where she'd try to absorb as much of him as possible. And the days after, until she was back in his arms. She cried. He cried (though he'd deny it to most people). Some people cried and they have bad days. But if that didn't happen, how would we ever appreciate the happier times in life?

Right now was one of those sad times. But, like always, they were making it as good as it could possibly be. They had to. Make the best out of a bad situation. That was what they were good at now.

"I'm going to miss you," she muttered into his chest as he hugged her close. Never let go, she thought to herself, as she always did. But of course, he had to let go. He always did let go, as much as he didn't want to. If he'd had his way, she would be by his side, every step of the way. But that would be selfish of him. Right now, she had a life here. She couldn't up and leave it. Maybe next year. Maybe the year after... but not right now.

He smiled softly, as he always did when these five words slipped from her lips. It was routine. He knew they were coming, he knew she would say them. But he loved that. He loved that he knew her and that he knew that when he heard those words, five very different ones would follow in a few months, when he next saw her. Like always. And, continuing with their usual routine, he replied with his own, well rehearsed, four words."I'll miss you more."

"Not possible," she whispered, still audible. "Not possible at all, Shane Grey."

Stepping back so that her face was lifted from it's burial place in his t-shirt, he put a single finger under her chin and tilted her face up towards him. God, he loved her. How he managed to go two months every year without seeing her was beyond him. How she went two months every year without deciding that she didn't want to live like that and moved on was also beyond him. "I beg to differ, Mitchie Torres. You have no idea how much I'll miss you."

"How much will you miss me?" she asked, even though she knew the answer. It was the same answer every time. But she wasn't being vain, or giving herself an ego boost. She was following the routine. Familiarity. If they followed this routine every time, they knew that they'd be following the homecoming routine that would be occurring in a few months. That was how it went.

"So much that the world will spin considerably slower until I see you again. And so much that I'll call you every night, even if it's late and I haven't slept. I'll miss you so much that my heart will literally hurt until I see you again. I'll miss you that much, Mitchie. I'll miss you more than I'd miss the sun if it burnt out tomorrow."

She smiled, weakly against the tears that were still sparkling in her eyes. "I love you."

"How much do you love me, Mitch?" Shane asked, reaching a thumb out to wipe away a tear before it spilled over the corner of her eye and down her cheek. He didn't want to see her cry.

"I love you more than anything in the entire world. I love you so much that when you're away I feel like a part of me is gone too. But I love you so much that I know that when you get back, it's like my whole world lights up and I'm more than whole. You're my favorite person in the world, Shane, and if the sun burnt out tomorrow, I'd be fine as long as you were there with me."

Leaning down, he pressed his forehead to hers. It was getting closer to that time. They always timed their goodbyes to the tee. Exact. It was as though everything in the world co-operated to ensure that the timing for Mitchie and Shane's goodbye was perfect every time. Nate and Caitlyn were locked in their final embrace for two months, Jason and Ella were standing awkwardly facing each other as they both wished that the other would make the first move and the cases were just finishing being loaded on the bus. It was time.

"If the sun burnt out tomorrow, I'd get to you."

"If the sun burnt out tomorrow, I'd get to you." She replied, emphasis on the last word. They'd find each other. Even though the sun hadn't burnt out in the last four years that they'd been saying these exact words to each other – and it most likely wouldn't – it was the familiarity thing again. If it did, they had their plan.

Shane smiled, inching his lips closer to hers, but leaving just enough space to utter his last few words. "I'll meet you halfway?"

"I'll be there," she whispered, before closing the gap in between their faces, connecting their lips. They'd shared many kisses before – of course they had – but it was amazing how different these goodbye kisses could feel. Like the first kiss. Like the last kiss. Like the most amazing kiss you could ever experience, and then adding an amazing factor of twenty onto that.

Fifteen seconds exactly passed, her brain dizzy with the intoxication of the kiss, before he pulled away. It was time. "I love you."

"Really?" Mitchie's voice shook, as it always did. She was always slightly blown away by the sincerity of his tone and how weird it was; to think that Shane Grey was in love with her.

He nodded. "You don't believe me?"

She shook her head – she did believe him. He said it enough. She knew he loved her. "I can see it in your eyes. Can you see it in mine?"

"Crystal clear, babe. Crystal clear."

He had to go. Step away. Go to the bus. And it always killed him to do it, and he always spent the first night on the bus thinking about all the things he wished he'd said in the goodbye process. Yet, the next year, he'd just say the same thing. That was how it went.

She knew he had to go too, and it was taking every inch of her to keep the tears from cascading down her face like she'd turned into the Niagara Falls. But they never said goodbye. Not outright. It was so final. So she resorted to the way she always did. "Talk to you later, Mr. Grey?"

His smile was dazzling. "Not if I talk to you first, Ms. Torres."

And with that, he was on the bus, closely followed by Nate and Jason. And then the doors were closing, and all three of the girls left behind were comforting each other; telling each other that it was going to be okay. That they'd make it through. They always did. Even if the sun burnt out, they always would.

Another year over, and we're still together

It's not always easy, but I'm here forever

We are the lovers

I know you believe me

When you look into my eyes

'cause the heart never lies

Sad times and happy times took place in those two months. Mostly sad. The ice cream parties at one of the three girls' apartment were into the double digits, the midnight phone conversations about nothing that were purely to feel closer to each other were uncountable and the number of times Mitchie Torres had thought about him was almost equal to the number of seconds that had passed. It wasn't easy, but it worked. They made it work when he was away.

But when he was back, everything was good. And today was the day that he was returning from his two month tour, back to the apartment they both shared just outside the college that Mitchie attended. Back home. And unlike the routine of the previous four years, Shane had a new plan for this one. He'd been considering it for a while, but it had become obvious from the ache that he'd experienced thanks to being away from her that sooner was always better than later. Sooner was now. What better time than the present?

Like always, she was waiting for him, in the park that was halfway between where the bus parked and their apartment. None of the others understood why she didn't come to meet them at the bus; only she and Shane shared that connection.

I'll meet you halfway?

I'll be there.

The sun was still high in the sky, in no danger of burning out any time soon. But that didn't matter. They had their plan. And they'd made it through another tour. They'd made it through another tour and were still together. Still happy. Still sitting on that same park bench, looking for the first sight of the straight black hair and the typical skinny jeans. Still dodging through the park, ignoring the gazes of awe and looking for that long brown hair and those sparkling eyes. Still seeing each other at the exact same time, as though a magnet had been suddenly turned on and their eyes were drawn to each other.

"Another year over?" She stood up, taking her steps over to where they always stood. Three steps away from the bench. About ten steps from the huge oak tree that could be seen from outside the gates of the park. Familiar.

Shane nodded, a smile breaking over his face. The type of smile that only thinking about her, or talking to her, or just being with her could bring out of him. "That's it for another year."

"Europe satisfied?" she asked, knowing that they always were.

Another nod. "They have had two months of us. They can't ask for more than that."

Mitchie grinned. She hadn't even made contact with him yet – no touch, no kiss, no hug – but she already felt as though she was back in his arms. Because she could be. There was no ocean stopping her this time. "Well... they can. But they won't get anymore. It's my turn."

It was her turn.

Shane took a breath, about to break the routine. Up until then it had been normal. The exact same conversation that they always had when they were in this position. Getting back to how they were. Shane back. But he was going to break it, just because it was time to break it. Sure, familiarity could be best – you knew what to expect and were comforted by the sameness of a situation – but sometimes, something new could be just as good. If not, better. He hoped it would be better.


That wasn't what she'd expected. She'd been waiting for him to agree and whisk them off to the cafe that they always visited, where they'd share a drink and talk about what they'd been missing. Her face clouded with confusion, her nose wrinkling and her eyebrows getting closer together. But she didn't speak. Maybe it was curiosity, to see where this was going. Maybe it was waiting for her cue.

"Mitchie... I love you. And this tour nearly killed me. The other ones were bad, but this one was terrible. I thought about you every second. Every minute of every day was consumed with thoughts of you. I don't know what had changed, but something had, and I realized that I don't know how much longer I can do this. How much longer I can go on tour, away from you for months on end and my only way of communicating with you is on the phone. Or on a computer. That doesn't mean I'm going to give it all up though," he added this last part because he knew she'd protest at this. One thing that Mitchie Torres had always been adamant about was that he could not give up his career for her. He could give it up because he wanted to, or because it was getting too much, but not because of her. Not solely because of her. "It means that I want to be sure that I can come home and have you here. As mine. Only mine. I love you more than anything in the entire world. I love you so much that when you're away I feel like a part of me is gone too. But I love you so much that I know that when you get back, it's like my whole world lights up and I'm more than whole. You're my favorite person in the world, Mitch, and if the sun burnt out tomorrow, I'd be fine as long as you were there with me. Which brings me to..."

She knew. As soon as he stole her speech, the little voice in her head screamed it at her. But being the person that she was, she didn't want to look like an idiot by guessing early and being wrong. Nor did she want to ruin the moment that she would inevitably look back on as one of the most romantic moments of her entire life. However, even though she had an idea of what was about to happen, it didn't stop her heart from thudding at 100 miles per hour in her chest or her eyes filling up as she watched Shane Grey – her boyfriend since the age of seventeen – get down on one knee in front of her, probably dirtying the knees of his grey skinny jeans. It didn't stop her gasping as he pulled a single ring from his pocket; no box, just a simple silver band with three tiny diamonds locked into it. The ring was so Mitchie. So simple, yet so beautiful.

"Mitch. Will you marry me?"

Every nerve in his body was screaming at her to say yes. Pleading her to say yes. This was what he wanted. He'd have given up everything in the world for her – if she wanted to, they could live in a cave in the Amazon rainforest and have no straighteners, no TV and no supermarkets. Obviously he kind of hoped she didn't want that, but if she did, he'd do it. In a heartbeat. She had to want to marry him. How many times had she said she loved him? Logic said that she'd say yes. Paranoia said that she'd laugh at him. Guess which one won.

Mitchie hadn't actually frozen, contrary to what it may have looked like. Her mind was racing, trying to think of some way to reply. Some way to be just as romantic – just as amazing – as what her boyfriend had just been. But she couldn't think of anything. Yes. Yes, yes, yes. But every girl who was proposed to said either 'yes' or 'no'. And since when had Mitchie Torres wanted to be like every other girl?

She fell down onto her knees so that she was on the same level as Shane; so that she could look him in the eyes without looking down on him. Her mind was telling her that it knew what she should say, but she didn't actually know what it was yet. What words would leave her lips? How odd it was, to feel reassured about what you're about to say, but not quite know what it is.

Shane stared back at her, his heart in his mouth. Why hadn't she answered yet? What was going on?

"Shane..." she said, her voice low. "Shane. If the sun burnt out tomorrow..."

Unrehearsed. Raw.

"If the sun burnt out tomorrow, I'd find a way to marry you."

And we are the lovers

I know you believe me

When you look into my eyes

'cause the heart never lies

Because the heart never lies

"If the sun burnt out tomorrow, I'd get to you."

A year had passed. So much had changed, yet in these moments it felt like no time had passed at all. They remembered the last time they uttered the words like they had been yesterday.

"If the sun burnt out tomorrow, I'd get to you."

So far, the sun was still very much burning in the sky. Not burned out yet. There was a chance though. Always a chance.

"I'll meet you halfway?"

"I'll be there."

Kiss. Raw, passionate, loving. Last kiss for a few weeks. Not as long as before, but weeks was still a while. Hours were long enough to miss someone. Weeks could be just as bad.

"I love you."

"Really?" As if she didn't know this by now.

He nodded. "You don't believe me?"

"I can see it in your eyes. Can you see it in mine?"

He didn't need to see it in her eyes. He heard it every morning. He felt it when she kissed him. It didn't need to be said. But even when it doesn't have to be said, we say it anyway. Familiarity. "Crystal clear, babe. Crystal clear."

Caitlyn and Nate were saying goodbye with their own kiss, making up their lines as they went along. This year, Jason and Ella were saying goodbye as a couple, seeing as Jason had finally admitted to being in love with her. Goodbye was all around.

But they never said goodbye. Not outright. It was so final. So she resorted to the way she always did. "Talk to you later, Mr. Grey?"

His smile was dazzling. "Not if I talk to you first, Mrs. Grey."

We know what comes next. But we also know that they'd make it through. They always did. And even if the sun burnt out, they always would.