AN: Here's the next chapter!


It had been a week since I had said goodbye to Edward. I'd had no contact with him or any of the Cullens but he had promised to come back for me and I had to trust that. Aro glanced up at me from across the table.

"You haven't touched your food my dear, are you unwell?" I shook my head and took a bite of the food in front of me. I wasn't hungry but I had to keep Aro happy. Upsetting him wouldn't do anyone any good.

"Is it to your liking?" He asked, a hint of menace in his voice. I nodded but truthfully I hadn't even tasted the food. Aro's hand slammed down onto the table making me flinch. He stood up angrily.

"Bella what more do you want? I've tried everything to please you but nothing works." What more did I want? All I wanted was Edward. He must have seen my expression because he continued. His words cold and harsh.

"The Cullens are not coming back. They left you because I forced them to and you have to move on. Your giving me no choice but to make the decision to change you sooner rather than later." I looked up in alarm.

"No. No I'm sorry. Please…don't" I stuttered. Aro sighed deeply and glanced at the clock on the wall.

"Right on time" I heard him mutter. There was a loud knock and as I looked round the heavy wooden door opened to reveal a beautiful vampire, her long wavy hair slightly damp form the rain.

"We will discuss this later Bella. I would like you to meet a visitor to Volterra." He gestured towards the woman. "This is Adele. Adele this is Bella, she's soon to become a member of the Volturi family"

She held out her pale hand to me and as I took it I felt a small piece of paper crumple between our palms. Her red eyes were watching me and she nodded her head slightly.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Bella"

"You too" I replied. She smiled and let go of my hand; I tightened my grip on the paper and slipped it into my pocket. I looked at her in confusion but she turned away.

"I'm so sorry Aro but the smell of her blood really is tempting. Do you think it would be possible if we were to go somewhere else? I don't want to be an inconvenience but I am very thirsty.."

"Of course my dear, we'll quench that thirst of yours." He gestured to the guard. "Take Bella back to her room" The guard took my arm and began leading me away.

"Goodbye Bella. I'm sure we'll see each other again soon" Adele called out to me as I was dragged down the corridor. As soon as the guard left I took the piece of paper from my pocket. I unfolded the neatly creased paper with shaking hands. I gasped as I recognised Edward's handwriting.


The woman who gave you this note, Adele, she is a friend of Carlisle. She is going to help you escape from there. Stay strong. I promise that we will be together soon. I'm so sorry for everything I have put you through. Know that I love you. Edward.

After committing the words to memory I threw the note into the fireplace watching the edges curl and turn black. I knew that the Cullens would have thought this plan through thoroughly and Alice would be monitoring the future constantly but a part of me was worried. How exactly was Adele going to sneak a human out of Volterra without getting caught? I remembered Aro's threat of changing me sooner rather than later. I shuddered and put all negative thoughts about the plan out of my mind. I was going to escape from Volterra. From the Volturi. My life depended on it.

AN: Thanks for all your reviews! Keep them coming